The seven archangels and their meaning

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The seven archangels 2 1- Arc ngel Miguel 3 2- Arc ngel Rafael 4 3- Archangel Gabriel 5 4- Archangel Jofiel 6 5- Archangel Ariel 7 6- Archangel Azrael 8 7- Archangel Chamuel

The archangels have been part of human culture since ancient times . Regardless of religion or belief system, the stories of angels are part of our heritage, of human history.

The archangels are considered very powerful spiritual beings that have captured our attention for centuries. The prefix arch comes from the Greek and means "in charge of" or "boss, who rules."

Religious texts refer to the archangels as belonging to the highest celestial hierarchies

Although the exact number of archangels is unknown, many traditions and beliefs speak of seven archangels . It also discusses what those seven are, since it depends on religion or faith.

Many ancient writings say that the archangels have great skill as healers and guides, and intervene assisting in the difficult moments of people's lives.

The seven archangels

1- Archangel Michael

His name means "he who is like God." He is known as the angel of protection and the most powerful of all. He is a leader, within the celestial kingdom. He is considered the patron of justice, godliness and mercy.

He is represented as a warrior carrying a sword.

Assist those people who face fear, confusion or fear for their safety. Miguel helps to release fear and doubt.

It is also present in the changes of life.

2- Archangel Raphael

It means "God heals", is the archangel appointed for physical and emotional healing . It not only heals but helps healers in their practice.

It helps reduce addictions and cravings and is powerful for healing wounds and diseases, with instant healing many times.

It helps restore harmony and peace in the home . He is the patron of travelers, takes care of them and ensures a safe and harmonious trip

3- Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel means "God is my strength"

He is one of the angels named in the bible, both in the old and the new testament. He is depicted carrying a trumpet, like a female angel.

She is the patron of communications, the messenger of God.

It helps writers, teachers, journalists and artists to carry their message and find motivation and confidence to market their services.

It also assists when it is necessary to overcome fear and procrastination in communication and in areas related to children, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.

4- Arc ngel Jofiel

Patron of the artists, means beauty of God . It helps us maintain beauty in our lives and supports us so that we have beautiful thoughts and stay positive.

Help manifest beauty in our environment and in our hearts.

It appears when we need to calm down in life, clean the negativity and chaos. Assists in tame the ego, and organize a place or situation.

5- Arc ngel Ariel

Patron of animals and the environment, means leno or lioness of God .

Its role is to protect the land, natural resources, ecosystems, wildlife, is available to support and guide environmental activities and protect and cure the environment.

Help injured animals, and work with Rafael in those cases.

Observe the order of the physical universe including the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars

It is helpful to cover the needs of water, food and shelter.

6- Arc ngel Azrael

It means whom God helps . Although it is known as the ngel of death . It helps the souls that are in the transition to death and also helps them to adapt there beyond.

In addition, it helps family members left on earth, to take their pain forward and process the loss.

Assists counselors and spiritual teachers so that they do not absorb the sorrow and pain of their clients, and guides them so that they can help with their words and actions.

It is of great support in all transitions: relationships, careers, addictions, life changes.

7- Archangel Chamuel

It is "he who sees God." Your mission bring peace to the world. Protect the world from fear and negative energies and lower vibrations .

He is believed to attend to help find the strength and courage to face adversity.

Find the things that are lost, and also help people find their purpose in life, a love relationship, a new job, new friends who support them, and find solutions to problems.

Repair relationships and misunderstandings.

EDITOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.

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