A trip to the Astral Plane. First part.

  • 2018

The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however, persistent.

-Albert Einstein- .

An out-of-body travel guide. Translation to Spanish. (In English in the original)

The astral plane for many is a level of heaven. Most people after the death of their physical body, or after an experience near death or an astral projection, go to a kingdom that confuses with the "sky", but it is almost always a reality that we call " Astral Plane ” . The astral plane is the realm of emotions. In VARDANKAR we refer to the astral body in the astral plane as the emotional body, because it is the vehicle through which emotions are perceived and experienced.

Some people may reach regions of the astral plane reminiscent of bright cities and dazzling fields of colorful flowers, from the movie " The Wizard of Oz ." The medium and high astral planes are so celestially beautiful, with bright colors, dazzling celestial views, overwhelming wisdom and impressive personalities of well-known gurus, demigods and saints, who are often confused with the last heaven, as mentioned before.

The reality is that within the astral plane there are many sub-planes, or what some call "regions" or "dimensions", just as the Earth has many different places and states of consciousness, from the beautiful beaches of Hawaii, to the deserts, the jungles, or war-torn countries. Similarly, the astral and causal planes (plane immediately superior to the astral), have innumerable different sub-planes, so there is a lot of confusion about them. For example, some authors, when referring to the 5th dimension or the 7th dimension, are actually talking about a sub-plane or group of sub-planes of the astral or causal planes.

Those who assume that the astral plane is the supreme sky, often get a jarring surprise, since after delighting in the beauties of angels, beings of light and any celestial landscape through which they gravitate for a few minutes or a thousand years They are often intercepted by a guide who informs them that it is time to leave the astral plane and reincarnate in a new body . The illusion of permanence in that sky of the astral plane is erased as a new clean slate is created for a new life in which the individual forgets what happened before. Although many places on the astral plane are both pleasant and educational, the astral plane is not the supreme heaven of spiritual freedom, as many suppose, but a prison for the Soul.

It may surprise some readers, but the astral plane is only at the exit doors of our Earth . It is the second plane contained in the lower worlds (lower heavens) of which the physical universe is the first plane. The lower planes or the lower heavens, like the astral plane, have duality : light and dark, good and bad. The astral plane and the other lower worlds contain different concentrations of what is called " MEST ", which means matter, energy, time and space . Each higher progressive plane contains less matter and more concentration of spirit. Therefore, the astral plane has less matter and more spirit than the physical plane, just as the causal plane has less matter than the astral plane, and so on. The knowledge that there are many more higher planes beyond the astral plane for spiritual travelers, is exciting news that motivates us to learn about them.

There are many people who travel to the sky of the astral plane or have a near-death experience and meet beautiful " beings of light " who can be spiritual guides or impressive personalities such as famous demigods or saints or even powerful entities. These diverse and powerful beings of light of the astral plane have magical powers and an impressive wisdom that dazzles and captures the attention of individuals towards the captivating spectacle of magic, and towards visions that can become extravagant. These beings of the astral plane can even tell the individual that he has found the last celestial kingdom . What many do not know, is that the astral plane, which is a lower realm, contains wisdom mixed with illusion. The individual will keep busy with fascinating distractions. But none of these distractions from the astral plane leads to God himself.

If people explore and stay long enough in the sky of the astral plane, they may encounter an incredibly large, powerful and bright being . It is a large being with attributes similar to humans and that shines with intense light. This powerful and impressive male being can tell the individual that he is God, the creator. This being of the astral plane is so powerful and luminous, that most people will believe that indeed, this lord of the lower heaven is God Himself. However, although he is a creator in the lower worlds of time and space, he is not God. But he can fool the individual on the astral plane to believe that he is. In fact, it must be remembered that there is a negative power on the astral plane, since it has both the positive and negative dualistic face. In a golden age or among positive people, it is the face of goodness, good works, charity, worldly love and lower world spirituality. In a dark time or among negative people, it is the face of darkness, cruelty, hardness and negativity. In this duality of positive and negative faces or approaches, it aims to trap the soul in the astral plane or in the lower realms.

On the other hand, HURAY (God) does not have a humanoid appearance, nor is it in the astral plane or in the lower realms of duality. We know that the Lord of the Astral Low is masculine, which reflects the light-darkness, masculine-feminine duality; therefore it is a sign that it is not HURAY (God), who remains beyond the lower heavens, in the Worlds of pure spirit .

In fact, a little known issue that is almost a secret is that there are two levels of heaven that are completely different . The lower heavens or the lower worlds, like the astral plane, are really like reincarnation prisons. (The astral plane is the first level in the lower worlds). However, on a completely different second level, far beyond the astral plane or the lower worlds, are the pure and positive worlds of God, which are so incredible, impressive, full of indescribable bright white light and sound, and a feeling of freedom such that it is beyond description.

Moving beyond the Astral Plane

We can move far beyond the Astral Projection that occurs in the astral plane, and experience the part of us that is eternal and completely free; In this series of kingdoms we have direct perception with a point of view of three hundred and sixty degrees. Far, far beyond the astral plane, in the higher worlds, the Soul experiences love, wisdom, power and freedom. We experience seeing, knowing and being. We reach pure spiritual awareness . In these worlds there is no longer matter, but pure light and sound of which the soul is a part, free from the mind and emotions that are like filters that enslave the soul and bind it to the lower realities in a semi-permanent state. dream.

Far beyond the astral plane and the three planes that surpass it, in the pure World of God, the Soul is in a state of total awareness, knowledge, omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. The light and sound in these pure positive realms is the VARDANO (divine spirit), which is the voice and expression of HURAY or God Himself.

In the astral plane there is a lot of light and sound, but it mixes with matter, energy, space and time. Light and sound are also of a lower vibrational frequency. However, matter in the astral plane is less dense and there is a greater concentration of spirit than in the physical world and, therefore, what we believe manifests much more quickly in the astral plane than in the physical one, but more slowly than in higher planes.

Beyond the astral plane, when the soul establishes direct contact with pure light and sound in the positive worlds of God, beyond time and space, in just an instant it receives much more love, wisdom, power and freedom than for countless years studying, praying, meditating or reading on Earth or in the astral plane. The purely positive worlds of God are more than surprising.

Anyone who is bold, adventurous and resourceful can learn to go beyond the astral projection or the astral plane to learn from the Tuza (Alma) body, travel and have their own personal experiences far beyond the astral plane, entering these incredible Realms of God pure and positive.

My out of body experience in the Astral Plane

On one occasion, like those who have near-death experiences, I began a spiritual exercise and made extra-bodily trips to the Astral plane. (This is different from the Astral Projection to the astral plane used by the Astral Body). I turned my consciousness away from my physical body and appeared in a beautiful sky of white light with a subtle pink glow. There are so many countless regions in this astral plane after the world, that perhaps the closest analogy would be that each region is a different country within the same globe . Each has completely different environments and you can find everything from a beautiful marine paradise to a getto of organized crime. The variety of the astral plane regions is much more diverse than on Earth and is also much larger.

As mentioned earlier, since there is less matter and more spirit in the astral plane, individuals who make an astral projection or travel outside the body in the astral plane can manifest their thoughts more easily. For example, in the astral plane it is not uncommon to see people enjoy the ability to fly through the skies.

Other regions of the astral plane contain large and more colossal buildings than those on Earth, such as museums full of fine arts or inventions, huge captivating libraries and other fascinating and wonderful places.

In the regions of the middle and lower astral plane, people often tend to bring with them the same expectations and the same problems they had on Earth to the astral plane, such as low self-esteem, sadness or bad mood. As a result, gloomy environments can also be created on the astral plane. Just as there are beautiful areas, there are also opaque, gloomy and dark areas in the astral plane.

In fact, the lower astral plane can be quite negative.

Often, certain regions of the astral plane are occupied by collective groups of souls that share realities, expectations and beliefs that they manifest by creating places where those realities live in that collective region of the astral plane.

For example, for those who have an experience near death or astral projection on the astral plane, there is a region with pearly doors and large bright angels, and then another completely different region that resembles a modern city. People tend to gravitate towards the region of the astral plane they expect and with which they resonate.

The trip outside the body of Tuza is far superior to the astral projection, which is limited only to the astral plane. One reason for this is that astral projection can be dangerous. Another reason is that the astral projection is limited to the physical, super physical and astral planes, and although it produces the illusion that the practitioner has reached a high state of consciousness, in fact, it barely scratches the surface of the astral plane.

The state of euphoria that often accompanies an experience of the astral plane, is opposite to the deep knowledge and experience of wisdom, power, freedom and divine love that is found during many experiences outside the body Tuza (Soul) that go beyond the astral plane and they reach the purely positive worlds of God.

The second part of this article can be read at hermandadblanca.org

ENGLISH-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Eva Villa, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org

SOURCE: http://www.outofbodytravelguide.com/the-astral-plane.html

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