Log of the Earth - September 18, 2009 - Maintain Your Balance and Don't Fear: The Effects of Clearing the Atlantean Negative Codes

September 18, 2009: Maintain Your Balance and Don't Fear: The Effects of Clearing the Atlantean Negative Codes. No doubt there are some very strange energies out there in the collective consciousness right now. The old Atlantean codes are emerging at high speed. We are in a phase of massive healing and balance as a Collective, as we part with our old Atlantean programs and fears. I use the word "programs" on purpose, because what we see emerging is a mixture of manipulation and distortion of the media, superimposed on reality, used to create fear in the general population. And I see many Lightworkers falling into all that, so I write this today.

When I wrote a paragraph about Jane Burgermeister's interview, it was because of the concern that any mass vaccination program would basically be detrimental to the health and well-being of the population. Previous experiences with the Swine Flu vaccine were not good, and it is well known that vaccines have a negative effect on children. My concern is regarding the right to make decisions about health. People should have the right to accept vaccination if they wish, or refuse it if they wish. I have no doubt that the idea of ​​mass immunization is to make money for large corporations, since money no longer comes from the financial sector. Thus, instead of the fear of economic survival, we are now afraid of health survival, or a combination of both.

I do not believe, as stated, that there is a plot to eliminate a large number of people and that we will all be labeled or sent to concentration camps. There are too many of us to make that a viable option. I am also from South Africa, and we learned a long time ago that if we don't like what the government is trying to do, then we have ways to make this known very clearly. As a nation, we are not afraid of this kind of thing, especially since we know that even the army is made up of people who have family and friends in the communities. However, in the North there seems to be a culture of fear about authority and what it can do to you that is even assumed by the Lightworkers.

I have seen several of the videos published by people who urge us to be afraid, and I have observed several things. The people involved always claim to be "Christian, " although the woman I just saw claimed to be making the video for something she read in the Bible, but could not remember what it was, because her bible was "in the other room." She also displayed visual material from a so-called "tracking device" that was to be used to track people by satellite, which was actually an infra-red device used for nighttime vehicle tracking. It is these kinds of mistakes that make everything visible as a distortion and an attempt to influence public sentiment and opinion through fear.

So for what? Well, there is no doubt that there are all kinds of things in the US which are dark and doubtful, like the events of 11 / Sep for example. But the rumors and scary stories that are being drawn cause stress and anxiety that is not justified. So the question is why? And I realized that in recent years, these kinds of stories were used against the Bush administration and were largely politically motivated, to the point where calls for anarchy and political judgment were made. Now, the so-called "Christians" are gathering to use this same energy against the Obama administration, and again I see this as a political motivation.

Therefore, my observation would be that there are authentic issues here, such as the right to make decisions about our health and what enters our bodies. But this is being manipulated and distorted by those who seek to take political advantage of the people who are being driven by their fears. And these fears come from the Atlantean past. It is time for us to clear them and empower ourselves. It is time for us to recover the right to choose our own forms of health care, and free ourselves from the manipulation of pharmaceutical corporations. But let's see what the real issues are here, and don't get carried away to create fear and panic that will be manipulated for political purposes by master manipulators. The Master Manipulators do not really care about the "sides", their only interest is to create fear and anxiety that can be manipulated for their own benefit.

Manipulators always like to create this fear by bringing into play the "victim" energy that is the result of the Atlantean negative codes. Humans fall into the power of a helpless victim very quickly if they let themselves be led to dual thought ... us against them. In this case, this is being established as a matter of good and bad, in which the parts seem to be clear. But ... if they are "taking sides" with fear, then they know that this comes from somewhere that is not clear. As we advance to Oneness and Unity Consciousness, we recognize that we are all One, and that the movements of energy within the collective are also part of us. Understanding this is being responsible for how we use our energy and the choices we make, and what we say. If what we say produces fear, or is used to produce fear, then we have a responsibility to ensure that the energy of Balance and Unity is maintained. That is what it means to be a Lightworker, to make sure that Light and Harmony and balance are maintained even within ourselves. Because what we perceive "out there" is but a reflection of what is inside us. And we are finally releasing fear and duality as we begin to see how we have been manipulated by those who understand the deep psychology of fear in humans after Atlantis ntida, and try to exploit it for your own benefit.

If we can finally erase the Atlantean negative codes from our DNA and the fears and anxieties that go with them, those who try to control through massive fear programs are not going to succeed, and we will start to see the true manifestation of the Golden Age on Earth.

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200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Margarita López

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