Alternative Therapies, emotional massage

  • 2015

The human body is a powerful machine that we must keep in good condition. For this, it is necessary to have a healthy mind and heart; because when we repress negative thoughts and emotions the pain appears and our body weakens.

Today, there is a variety of alternative therapies to counteract body aches, and to revitalize our body and spirit. One of these therapies is emotional massage . This massage is a touch and energy therapy. Its purpose is to unlock and release those energies that we have trapped by stress, resentment, anger, resentment, guilt, among others. The above is due to a poorly processed emotion, which triggers a physical ailment. That ailment is precisely a message that the body sends us, when we have unresolved issues that we don't want to see.

On several occasions, we have read and understood that the body says what silences the mouth . The above is an approach to a psychological reality that today, with the speed at which time moves, we do not recognize. People today prefer to get out of the way as quickly as possible, in order to continue their busy lives. The way they prefer to do it is to go to medicine, be it chemical or in this alternative case. But what is the use of having a temporary remedy if we do not face the root of the problem? Well, the key is to face what hurts us. It is our heart that must solve the problem, not a pill or a therapy without consciousness.

The body says what silences the mouth.

In the case of going to an alternative therapy such as emotional massage, the patient must commit to being honest with himself and his body. This is because the person seeks to get rid of a pain, a nuisance, any concern that overwhelms their existence, and the way to get rid is with the truth and acceptance.

So how is an emotional massage session? Well, there are different ways to do it. Usually, the person who gives the massage knows the key points of the body where knots are stored or muscle contractures are formed, knowing in turn, the meaning of that body point. An example of this is the back area. The back is directly related to the person's past. On the other hand, the feet are related to patient safety and stability.

This tool is for communication and contact, so it is aimed at muscles, tendons, joints and bones. Depending on how affected the patient is, the number of sessions needed is determined. It can be very painful and annoying at first, however, as the body loosens emotions and the person faces their truths, the pain ceases until it disappears.

It is very important to understand that there is a body-soul connection, which in turn is the engine of life. For this reason, we must maintain this healthy and strong relationship to avoid the emotional and physical imbalances we suffer. For these imbalances it is recommended precisely this alternative therapy, to those people who suffer from anxiety, chronic stress, uncertainty, physical pain and reluctance; because an emotional massage provides the energy of the universe and detoxifies the body that we sick ourselves. It also relieves pain, releases emotional memory, clears the mind, improves self-esteem and increases defenses.

In conclusion, this alternative therapy that involves communication, touch and energy, is an emotional massage that, as the name implies, helps the person to face and connect, in the first instance, with their own truth and their emotions. Accepting and forgiving those emotions that we keep and that are what shape our body and temple, is the key to a good body-soul relationship.

AUTHOR: Daniela Navarro, editor of the great family of


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