Monthly message from Archangel Mikael ~ The Meeting of Souls

  • 2012

THE MEETING OF THE SOULS Transmitted through Ronna Herman

August 2012

Beloved teachers, once again, I appreciate the opportunity to merge with your higher consciousness, to fill your Sacred Heart and your Soul with the Divine Love of our God Father and Mother. It is always our greatest desire to inspire and comfort you and guide you along the path of higher consciousness, which eventually leads to Self-Mastery (Self-Mastery). At this time we wish to inform you about what is happening during this momentous year, which we call the year of the MEETING OF THE SOULS. My intention is to reinforce the concept of telepathic communication between you, the STELLING SEED, the Cosmic Council of Light and us, those of the Legions of Light within this Sub-Universe. It is important that you perceive with your inner senses and validate from within your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart that through these messages I am truly with each one of you.

With your permission, I will connect with your Super Soul and your Higher Self, and merge a facet of my essence with yours at any level that you can adjust at this particular moment.

There have been and there will be many blessed meetings of STELLING SEED SOULS during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in an important event of great significance in Sedona, Arizona, (USA), through the “air waves” of the internet. She also organized a small but powerful event for members of her internal group of followers in the Sacramento, California, United States area. For those who came from far away from the planet to meet their soul families at these events and to participate in the teachings of wisdom that were offered, it was a moment of harmony, joy and amalgam of energies. For many, it was also a moment of exceptional transformation at the deepest and most intimate level. It was a time when many layers of negative energy dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and isolate the emotional and physical bodies from pain and suffering from the lower third and fourth dimensions. As these energies dissolved, the floodgates of the emotional body burst open and the precious gift of the Creator's Light of Fire was again allowed to lodge within the Sacred Heart, or chamber of the Soul.

It is an exceptional moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when aspects of your soul family begin to come together and use the synergistic force of the common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your soul family will be looking for you as you raise your vibrations and emit an ALMIC ECO that they recognize. When you meet a member of the inner circle of your soul family, you will undoubtedly know that there is a unique and beautiful connection of heart and soul between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of people of similar mindset, focused on the Soul.

There were representatives of the SEED SEED from all over the world who attended these events, and these blessed Beings carried with them the SEEDS of a new consciousness when they returned home. Do not get wrong; those of you who are connecting with this wonderful and subtle energy coming from the center of the heart of our God Father and Mother in your own locality or in other meetings around the world are and will be endowed with an infusion of Adamantine White Fire Particles of Light of the Creator. When you are tuned to these higher frequencies of the Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions or barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Unity of Spirit on many levels. In these momentous events everyone will communicate with the Masters and receive a blessing from the Creator's Divine Light of Fire. In fact, within the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed with a glorious ray of Divine Light Substance, and every creature on Earth will be blessed and recognized. Remember, on one level or another, everyone is on the path of evolution and transcendence; No one is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the divine gift of transformation he will accept and use.

Initiation is now a group event, not just an achievement for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to somehow help those who are behind you along the way, so that when you rise, so does all of humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination towards group consciousness. It is the Soul that seeks reunification, not personality. Progress on the path increases Soul awareness and group consciousness. During these times of incredible advance in consciousness for humanity, there are many special dispensations arranged for the ascension of humanity and the age of enlightenment that is approaching. However, each Soul must do its part, taking the necessary steps to achieve the mastery of itself in order to connect with these gifts of transformation not available until now.

A great multitude of STELLING SEED SOULS have integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional consciousness by accessing the new teachings of cosmic wisdom. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your inner Self as you tune in and harmonize your chakra system, which essentially consists of seven individual centers of memory within the physical body. However, some of you still have doubts and are reluctant to share your understandings with others, because they fear they will make a fool of themselves or believe they will be ridiculed if they try to convey the new concepts and the superior truths that are being revealed to them. There is a universal law that states that not only must they be examples of your new enlightened state, but they must convey the wisdom and understanding they have gained in order to advance to the next higher frequency level.

You should not try to change the mentality of those behind you on the path, but teach by your example, telling your truth at your level of understanding and telling them that there are many ways back to the Creator's Unity. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but don't get caught in your drama, in your little pain stories; Stay cheerful and excited, so that they begin to wonder what makes you so different. In fact, you will notice, and one day you will pay attention, for you will have sown the seeds of change in your auric field and your hearts. These seeds will not be denied - one day they will germinate, sprout and bloom into a divine discontent, which will propel them into the PATH OF THE DISCIPLE.

You are students on the path of initiation, you are practitioners of spiritual mastery and co-creation, and you are teachers with a message to share. They are also preparing for greater alignment with the many aspects of your Higher Self-Soul.

Beloved, we understand that there are some of you who feel that you are not making much progress, and that you are experiencing very few or none of the ascension symptoms that have been described in detail, such as the rise of the Kundalini Fire, positive changes in life or more spiritual awareness. Please do not be discouraged. Those who are STAR SEED GUIDES have been in the ASCENSION PATH for many lives. If this were not so, they could not generate the subtle teachings of wisdom to guide humanity towards the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths. We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to skip the initial phases of LIGHTING in order to reach those who are the leaders of the path. You are not being left behind. The process of each Soul is unique. Do not judge according to the standards or achievements of others. Stay focused on the heart and focused on the Soul and you will progress in time and in the way that is best for you.

We give you an order to follow: focus on what springs within you as the most important issue of your lives. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to achieve what you want with all your strength - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - until it is accomplished. If in doubt, begin with little, until they become skilled in the use of your latent co-creation skills. Set aside your doubts and do not listen to the criticisms or admonitions of others. Follow your own inner guidance; They will not be led astray, beloved ones.

We have asked our messenger to share her most recent experience with all of you. By doing this, she is transmitting to them a form of secret thinking so far and very old of the higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of the higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the process. of ascent. The magnificent ANGEL BEINGS OF WHITE FIRE have been waiting patiently to reestablish their connection with humanity. It is certainly a wonderful time for all mankind, because regardless of where they are in the PATH of the ascension, the currents of the great Light of the Creator that radiates from these great Beings will affect all beings humans who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of the Divine Light.

Dear hearts, be of great courage and resolution, for you are the Lights that guide humanity. The great frequencies of Light and the codes of the ascent must flow through you and into the world.

They are honored for your dedication and determination and are deeply loved.


Broadcast through Ronna Herman *

* As the transmitter of this article, I, Ronna Herman, claim universal copyright in the name of the Mikael Arc. Publication on web sites is allowed as long as it does not alter, extract or add information and includes my author's credit and my e-mail addresses and web site. It can be published in newspapers, magazines or other print media with the permission of:

Ronna Herman / Star * Quest 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, Nevada 89502

Original title: The Gathering of Souls

Translation, editing and publication: ~ OjS ~

Image Elfos in the meadow (1850) Nils Blomm

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