Prayer Workshop ~ This is how it works - Kryon

  • 2015
Prayer Workshop

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

We have said these words for more than two decades, and each time they are new, because those who sit in front of me make up a unique group of human beings. More than unique; The purpose of your being here, in this room, today, is unique and specific. It has been called a workshop, a time when they react with each other, react to energy, ask the important questions. An eclectic group of human beings who have one thing in common: they are ancient souls and want to know more about themselves.

We have all seen what questions were asked today and what topics were discussed in the workshop. Dear ones, I want to start with this: there is a paradigm shift in what you expect from God. I don't know how to clarify this for you, so let's start like this: How would you define who is speaking right now? Do you realize that in this message there is a multidimensional aspect? The pipeline is not linear; It is not something that happens this way every day of your life; something is happening here that is beyond what your vision allows you to see in 3rd. There is an environment in the room at this time, which we have described, named and identified, defined. In this room.

It's hard for you to see this, feel it, understand it, even believe it! Not all of you believe it!

But it is here. The veil that separates us also begins to change its paradigm. There used to be a uniform veil that would separate, we would say, the energy of the Creative Source from your knowledge of that energy. He was so thick and complete in all these decades and for centuries, that you felt alone. When humans began to realize that there is a God and a Creative Source and that there is a connection, all kinds of conjectures were made about how to make that connection: how do you get to God, how do you talk to God? From there came the doctrines. This is done, that is done, this is done another; all linear. They have to go here, they have to go there, it was good! Do you know what was good? That humanity was beginning to see that there was something else. He was beginning to climb a ladder to God. Whether it was accurate or not, it doesn't matter; It was the awareness of the intention to make the connection! Do you know what causes that in us? If you were separated from your children at this time, by a veil that would not allow you to recognize them, and they would begin to coordinate and say:

“We know that our parents are out there somewhere; let's see where they are, how to talk to them! ”Would it matter to you what they would do? Do not! The fact that they knew you are there would comfort their hearts, right? True? Even if the telephone line did not work, the mere fact that they dialed their number would already make them feel good: “They are trying! They know we are here! Not everything is lost, they know we are here! ” That was the beginning.

In this new energy, the veil paradigm has begun to change; It is not linear, it is not for everyone.

It is not one for everyone. There is simply no great wall. Instead, the wall bears your name. And there are some who are going to cross this veil better than others, because they will understand it. It is unique for every human; the veil will open for many and remain the same for others. And they may say, Well, that's not fair, really! No? Oh, yes it is! Because now the change is responsibility. The human who begins to make the connection through compassion, understanding, love, through neutrality of opinion and bias, will go through it. fully. He is going to feel the connection with the Spirit, and he is going to take our hand, and he will be the New Age shaman, and he will be connected. And others will ask: How do you do it? And he could tell her. It is no longer a uniform veil.

I want to tell you right now what the big issue is, with all love; I want you to relax in the arms of the Spirit at this moment, I want you to feel this, the environment is here, there is no more than benevolence and love and compassion; this is not a teaching session; It is a love session! Because what they are going through is a better connection, the recalibration of their body and mind; the confusion is because the recalibration continues; They are doing more than just dialing the number: they are connected! And he won't have a busy signal, did you hear me?

The connection will not necessarily be as expected, but it is there! Every human being knows specialists; in their society, in their culture, with the level of sophistication they have, they are accustomed to specialists. You hire them all the time. When you want to understand your communication device or your phone, how to connect your television, or whatever, call a specialist! And the specialist installs, informs, works with you, because you don't know everything.

You already have that paradigm. However, when they want to connect with the Spirit, they don't have that paradigm. Instead, they are linear: what can I do, how do I do it? What is next now, what is the best method? What method is not the best? They are on their own, right? Or is it not?

This is what I want you to know: the fact that you are willing to connect and ask how is to invoke a specialist who is your Higher Self, and he knows how to connect. What I want to tell you is: finish with the details of the c mo and put that aside! Can you do this? There is no c mo .

When they are on the threshold of the Creator's glory and have God inside, the connection is there! End with linearity. Stop those questions of I am not doing well or I am doing it wrong or I am trying this or I am trying that and stop interfering ! Because we want to enter. It could not be clearer. They will have to change their attitude. Are you aware that we are there all day? Do you realize that God walks with you? Every day! At all times! Everywhere! How would you walk with your children if you could.

Every day, everywhere, for the love they have for them, they would like to be by their side. They would like to see them make mistakes, but they would want to be with them. Mom, you can identify with this, right? I expect that women in the room identify with this, the first ones, and fast! (laughs) Because you are the ones who establish kindness, joy, the celebration of being with your children. And that is what we have. Only you are not our children; They are family, in a totally different way. Totally different!

Our hand is extended to you in a way that you could not believe; and when they intend to make the connection, it begins to be established, despite the flow of their very linear questions of "how" and " I am doing well " (laughs). Yes, they are doing well! with sitting in the chair with me now. Can you feel this with me? This is not a man speaking, have you noticed?

I speak to you from the other side of the veil as a family member, with so much love, so much benevolence, saying We are with you, now ! And in the connection process you have, which is really unique and individual, we are the specialists. Cell by cell, working with you daily so that the frequency of your consciousness and your body starts working better with us. You have a good friend in God! What do you think about this? The days when you had to study it are over. The new energy for the old soul has to do with meeting, not with the "should" or "would" or "how." Many of you feel this and are not sure what it is! The questions that are asked, frustrating! " I can't understand this " maybe, or "when is this going to happen, " maybe. Or "what will be the best way" maybe. These are all questions of the old energy, because you are there. They win when they are prepared, do you understand? And when they are prepared, they will enjoy it! (Serie). Do not get impatient! How impatient have your children been?

Much! In everything! Much. Well it's the same. The human being wants to unite with the Spirit; the old soul feels it in each cell: "I want more, I want more!" Well, there is more. And it begins to infuse you in a confluence of energy with your soul, which suits you as you need it, as you decide, without doing anything other than connecting with your intention.

"What does that mean, Kryon?" It means that if you want it, then you get it. Can it be clearer? (Serie). With your actions today, sitting in that chair, asking questions, wanting to know more, taking notes, feeling the celebration, enjoying love, everything that creates a symbiotic relationship with the Higher Self in you ; You are receiving it! When they leave, I want them to go home knowing they are different from how they arrived! They have a little more. Do not leave frustrated, do not leave thinking that it was only a workshop, because they will limit themselves again.

I want to tell you what happened here. They came closer! Can you feel it? They are more closer! And this does not disappear when they leave! When they wake up tomorrow or the next day, I want them to feel it; They came closer! They are closer to what they came for: understanding, a sense of peace every day, connection with the family, benevolent results. It may not be fast enough, but they are connected. It is time when it is time. It should be good enough for you, because you are there as part of the planet's recalibration engine. That is who you are! What you do today affects the planet, affects the cosmos, affects all things.

I close with this: the greatest energy in the cosmos is love. It is a big word; you cannot define it; It is more than just grace and compassion or benevolence. It is a way of being. That is the connection. Worry, doubt, frustration and fear are like covers that get in the way. If in their development they are going to break down walls, this is how it is done. It is time to change worry, frustration and fear . It is time to erase them, with purpose, with intention. And see the connection. That is when the ancient soul will fly very high. And life will change. You came here today for a healing: I just told you how to get it.

Everything is in the consciousness that you are developing in each cell of your body, which will cooperate with you and with your decision. Whatever is happening in your body, located, what you think it is and where it is, is controllable with your consciousness today, and with what you decide and what you think. Because your cells are listening if you have made the connection with the family today. The balance is yours, that is what the body wants.

Maliha, in your meditation you mentioned the source of love. What is your source? It's the other side of the veil, it's the family, it's the connection, that's the Source . Go for it; is waiting; is here.

Can you feel us The environment presses on you and looks at you right now saying: “Be one with us, do not depart from us! Change the paradigm of humanism today and relax in the arms of God ! ”

And so it is.


Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

by Lee Carroll

This is how prayer works - Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner gets excited because I show him the future! The difficulty is always the same: you want it to be now. Ancient soul, there is no hurry, because you will be here to see it; Your appearance may be a little different, but you'll be here to see it. And what I mean by this is that the lineage and the akash of those in this room will be part of the future. No matter how old they are at this point in time, no matter what you think you are part of at the moment, I would like to tell you that the ancient soul will continue. And this transition to the new energy on the planet is temporary. They will begin to see the results; There is an accelerated track system that will echo what you want.

Consciousness has energy. Energy is seen and measured and is part of the accelerated track system. A system placed to return to you from the grids what you are trying to create as ancient souls. We told you before: an old soul carries more weight of its energy of consciousness than a new one. Akash has, absolutely, what I would call stripes (laughs); What I mean is that they become a weight, an authority on the consciousness of the planet because of their experience. You weigh more than a rookie weighs; deeper than any other. A group of ancient souls in prayer is unbeatable - almost. And I want to talk about that.

I would love to explain the physics that you have not yet discovered, which will help you understand some things that are enigmas. I might give it a try. But before doing so, I want to tell you this: Dear ones, you are ancient souls . In this room you can feel it. What you think and do creates the schedule of peace on Earth. Some will have the opportunity to take the high road when all they have done is be forced to take the bass. I may be speaking cryptically, but I speak to those in the room. There were opportunities that you did not expect, in areas you did not plan that would be there, and the decision you will make to help the planet will increase with each one, because you see things differently.

In all of you there is a process of awakening, and you could feel it. And one of the attributes of this awakening process that I want you to look for is joy. The Creative Source is benevolent ; He likes to laugh; there is no greater healing emotion on the planet than laughter and celebration. I want you to look for that; I want you to look for him in his ceremonies; I want them to change what they do at the ceremony; The idea of ​​coming together and looking at the floor and closing your eyes and pretending you are grieving, because you are in contact with the Spirit, is old energy. Are you understanding this? How about a celebration where they tell jokes? (laughs) How about a celebration where, to start something, tickle each other's feet? Something to create a celebration of joy and laughter upon entering a meditative state would greatly amplify it.

The old energy says they have to be depressed (laughs). At least it seems so . They look down on their circle of meditation, nobody says anything, everyone is silent, everyone is depressed. (laughs from the public). What else are you supposed to think? Do they laugh during their meditations? No! Does that disturb the energy? Oh yes, the teacher will say ah, yes! Do not disturb the energy with laughter! (laughs) Why do not you try, and see what happens to the energy? They could get healing, right there, at that time.

That is what I want to tell you right now; Some of you needed to hear this, because you are busy creating ceremonies! Others in the room will have to take options soon, what I would call choosing the high or low path. The same as before, the same as before, or something they know is better but it is a little harder and more risky. Well, we tell you that there is a hand ready to take yours in the risk department, when it comes to light. Are you getting this?

In spirituality there are enigmas, but they are not really. I will open the door just a little tonight, a little, trying to explain something that my partner has already given them before.

When we say that Physics is consciousness and that consciousness is Physical, we are talking about energy. What do you think of when they hear you say: Did you feel the energy of prayer? Did you feel the energy of meditation? They are only words that pass through your ears, metaphysical and esoteric, and isn't it cute? Do they find substance? How are you going to discover the energy? Is it something they feel, is it something they measure? Let's talk about energy, very, very simply.

A long time ago, basic science realized that energy cannot be destroyed; It can be changed. And in certain situations where energy meets energy, then there will be another energy, but a new energy is not being created, but simply is being created. Transforming. In some places in the Universe, energy comes from another place! It seems that it was being created, but it's not like that! It is just moving.

Then one could say that the energy is absolute. There are those who will say that there is no more energy in the Universe today than at the moment they call Big Bang . In passing we will say that there is no such thing.

There was a beginning, and there was an energetic beginning, but it was not an explosion nor was it a bang; It was a quantum event of an intersection of something we have called dimensional membranes. We do not expect you to understand this, nor do we want you to try it, it is not necessary. But energy is something that you should be able to feel, measure, work with it, compute and predict.

Right now on the planet you work very well with certain kinds of energy; they understand them, they can calculate them, they can measure them; they can predict them, they use them in their machines. That is energy. They create energy to power their home. That is energy. But as far as consciousness is concerned, they don't think alike. So tonight, right now, I want you to think it the same way.

Is it possible that there is a system, a multidimensional system in which what you create with your thoughts, is as palatable as an electric current? We say palatable, to say that it is digestible for the logic of your consciousness. In that sense we say "palatable", as if it were food that they can eat and enjoy, that becomes theirs; Is it " palatable " to think that your consciousness can be measured? Would it be possible to have a consciousness meter? Measure what they think, not on any scale they have on the planet at this time; Nothing similar to what they have. I speak of a quantum measuring device. One way they can see that energy they create when they concentrate their mind. If they had it at this time, everything would change.

If they had a group of light workers and concentrated on raining. Now, don't do that, because it's going to rain anyway. (laughs) But just as an essay, would Gaia make a difference? I want you to follow this, because there is Physics involved. The Earth has a consciousness that is in tune with humanity, and we have already taught this before. Gaia begins to raise her consciousness, giving them back what they started to give her, which is not war or hate. Gaia starts to change. The crystal grid begins to change giving them memories of good things instead of dramas. We told you this: all that surrounds you is supporting you and begins to move. So, let's say you pray for it to rain, and you need it. Together they create an energy that is quantum, that is, that works with quantum particles. The definition of quantum is a particle that is multidimensional, it is called quantum. We are using the word in general to refer to many multidimensional things.

And what happens? All the energy they are creating is integrated into the planet. Will it produce rain? I ask you a question: for thousands of years, the natives did dances for the rain. I want to ask you: were you doing something? Or were they stupid? Was it simple mythology with which they celebrated the god of heaven? Were they desperate because they lost the harvest? Or did it work? (Serie). I would tell you this, dear ones: they tipped the curve of chance in regard to the weather, and created rain; literally, he was leaving another place to fall into place, and it was raining! And they did it again and again, sometimes with results, sometimes without results, but with more success than failure, and that's why it has lasted for thousands of years! And that's why they kept doing it; Maybe you think it's silly. Do you know what it is? Consciousness above Physics. They knew him, because it worked. Gaia is now more receptive to this kind of thing than ever before. More than ever ! A group like this can change the weather, if appropriate; and there are many things that Gaia considers in this: if she does not strip another place; If it's time This planet is benevolent to you.

Tree-hugger: I want you to resonate with this; What do you feel when you're out there with the devas?

Can you feel them when they show you, when they want you to see who they are? That awareness of Gaia has attributes that are constantly giving you something back, and you call her Mother Nature, isn't it interesting that you think she is a woman? It is not interesting? All the good things, born of the planet, of the feminine energy, just like here. One question: let's apply it to humans. You now have a group of light workers . Everyone is praying for one thing: the healing of a human being in a hospital bed. Here this is complicated. Have you done that before? The answer is that many have done it, for a relative or friend who is in trouble and they send him energy, they will see him healed. I would like to explain right now what happens with that energy, in the simplest way I can. And, my partner, I want you to go slowly because this is new.

I want you to understand the benevolence of this, the appropriateness, the beauty of this. And why it doesn't always work. They have done it so many times, that they know that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Prayer is aware ; Meditation has consciousness and those consciousnesses are energy. Just as they can measure electricity with an ammeter, there are other meters that can measure consciousness, and it is quantitative. They actually have measurement attributes that have not yet been invented. It is energy. And here you are, gathered. It is an interesting attribute of consciousness, which is multidimensional but does not follow the rules of linearity.

That is, when two or more come together, it is amplified in a rare curve, not exponential but similar, it is part of the math they still do not know. It is a base 12 equation, and is a measurement of consciousness. You concentrate, see the healing, and there comes the energy. It developed from you, you sent it. They did not create it; It has come from an engine that has to do with the Central Source and comes through you and is sent to the individual, so that you did not create it from nothing. Dear ones, when you are meditating, when you are praying, you are in contact with the Spirit; They can feel it. They are bringing from what the Spirit is and they are pushing it directly towards the one they want to heal. Everything is fine; They are doing well. The Creative Source has seen them and has granted that transmission of energy directly from the pine tree, directly from their consciousness, the triad of their brain, focusing on the one in bed. So far we are doing well.

Now, I told them that energy cannot be destroyed, that it has to go somewhere. If I told them how the mechanics of this are, they would not understand it, and even my partner has difficulty with the image I am showing him. The first thing that happens is that energy impacts what we would call a potential manifestation membrane. It is ready to act, but it has to cross that membrane. That special membrane is attached to the Physics of the consciousness of the one who must heal, the one in bed. He has to believe! He has to believe. Oh, I didn't say you have to love him; Of course he wants it. You can even verbalize it: “ Bring it ! I need her! I want healing ! ”

But inside there is something that says: "But I don't think I get it." Because he hasn't compromised; he has not opened his pineal, he has not connected with the Source; Source is missing: there has to be a circuit! Energy impacts the membrane, and sees that consciousness is not compatible. It does not obey the rules of Physics . And the energy of the prayer then dissipates through the membrane and goes - somewhere else.

That is all I can tell you. That's the scenario 1. Are you surprised ? The one who is sick must be part of the circuit. Do you understand this? And then there are those that are part of the circuit. I will tell you: those who are more part of the circuit are in a trance, they cannot object with their intellect. And they receive it, right away. I will tell you that the animals are ready to heal, they receive it immediately. They cannot object, because they are fully open. The membrane of your consciousness is ready and you will accept it because there is no intellectual objection or an akash that gets in the way.

Sometimes the human is partly prepared, and a part of it can happen. This is complicated; This has to do with physics, with formulas, with energies. Are you disappointed that we can "quantify" the sentence? I want to give you something to think about: God is the Master Physicist ; this is not a riddle; its beautiful!

However; when they discover this, they will be able to understand it much better by being able to measure it; You can show it to the one in bed, give you instructions on how to open the membrane, enable the passage, make things happen that never happened there, just because you are not aware of the numbers!

Oh, but you can send energy! They do a good job with that. Dear ones, never stop doing it! Something begins to happen on this planet with people in trouble. They begin to believe, they begin to understand, they begin to open what I would call that membrane of consciousness, compliance, what I would call the protocol they are sending would meet the requirements of the receiver, and they will understand on the physical level, and the Chemistry will change inside and there will be a healing.

Do not be perplexed with this message. I want them to be enhanced with the beauty of this. The beauty of this . I just gave you a snapshot of the future. I just explained prayer, meditation. And the natives of this planet know him. The monks in India know him. Those who studied the ascension process thousands of years ago knew him. You lost it; It's time to get it back.

Dear ones, it has to do with belief; it has to do with assuming what is spiritual within you and changing yourself. Reach a point where they leave their stalemate of low self-esteem and enter to celebrate their life every day. How many of you have the courage to do it? Wake up ! Put your feet on the floor and say: “ Thank you, God, for my life ; It's making a difference on the planet. This, or something better for me on this day! I'm ready!"

And he will tell you: We are listening, and his body too.

I am Kryon, in love with humanity.

And so it is.


Degrading and translation: M. Cristina C ffaro


by Lee Carroll

This is how prayer works Kryon

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