Bach Flowers: Wild Rose (Wild Rose or Rosehip)

  • 2018

In this new entry, we return to the world of alternative therapies. Specifically, we will discover what the treatment with the Wild Rose floral remedy consists of . Translated as wild rose or rosehip, it is one of Bach's many flowers. But this, in particular, what kind of conditions does it treat? That is something we will discover shortly. Please, continue with us and accompany us to a world of health and well-being.

What is Wild Rosa, the Bach flower known as wild rose or rosehip

Wild Rose is Bach's flower for apathy and indifference, which helps restore enthusiasm, ambitions and interest in life.

This flower is especially suitable for apathetic beings, who have no motivation whatsoever, who consider that problems and complications are normal in life and have stopped struggling to perform as people.

This condition is very common in the elderly or in people who have suffered a long illness. Suffering has taken away all their energies and they no longer feel motivated to change anything to improve their situation.

The negative state of Wild Rose

The negative state of the Wild Rose flower is a lack of will to change things . These individuals have resigned themselves to the state of their life that they no longer even complain about and do not seem to be miserable.

They are people who do not feel downcast, however they have lost their enthusiasm and do not experience happiness or sadness. They may seem emotionally numb, but they feel excluded.

Those in this state observe how life passes without being participants in it . They lack the energy to face situations, they have resigned themselves, they don't complain and they accept everything without struggling to change what they don't like. In addition, they are always sad and usually alone, especially in places where they are outside their circle.

In this way, Wild Rose can resign itself to anything, even to abuse . They do not have the strength or interest to get out of extreme situations and problems of daily life that they could solve. Their idea is that it is “what they have had to live” and they cannot leave that vicious circle.

This condition is characteristic in the elderly who do not see the possibility of being cured of a disease or of improving their lives on a personal level. They are sad, dull elders, who speak very quietly and behave with apathy towards everything around them.

Benefits of the Bach Wild Rose Flower

Wild Rose is one of the Bach Flowers belonging to group 3 “disinterest” . The corrected aspect after the shot is the new desire to live. This flower helps to recover the enthusiasm and joy of living.

The person in a positive state Wild Rose will acquire a sense of purpose in her life and set aside apathy. It will make that resigned person want to improve his life again in the aspects he needs.

The change occurs so that the individual begins to have initiative to make the changes that must be made, will feel motivated and cheerful, appreciating the fact of being alive.

In this way , selflessness and indifference will be transformed into the joy of living, the desire to fight will return, apathy will disappear to a greater or lesser extent, which will allow progress in all areas of life so that the person, by their own means, improve your life in all aspects.

Seen in The Journey of the Hero, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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