New teachings- Master Saint Germain

  • 2012

April 16th

Let's talk a little about the New Age and the teachings of the New Age.

As I told you yesterday, the man is mostly able to accept that everything is in him and be responsible for himself. He is no longer the child he needs to be taught, but he is the mature man who must begin to learn from himself.

In this era we are not going to talk about sacrifice, pain, repression, renunciation. Now let's talk about Love, Light, Power.

You must understand that everything is in you but that it is you who must unleash the process of internal creation.

It is impossible to want to create externally, whatever you want to create: health, peace, money, and so on. without first having achieved internal creation. That is, the creative process begins within the being.

Being aware of the Power of God, man must launch that creative power in himself. He must create in him peace, harmony, tranquility, joy ... He must enhance, through his love, the Light of God that is in him and receive the knowledge of the truth from his own being.

When man has been able to create in him peace, harmony, joy, no matter what external or internal circumstances prevail, when he consciously enhances the Light that is in his own physical being, and through it he becomes able to receive and Delivering Divine Love to everything created will be able to fully recognize and accept your I Am Presence, join it and, recognizing it in itself, you can begin to create externally.

This is the process to follow, and not the reverse.

Thank you for accepting the service freely.

I wrap you all in my peace and in the divine certainty that I Am.

April 17th

Fill yourself with the peace that you are and the peace that is in you, and listen.

The truth of God is the truth that each child recognizes and accepts in him. The Energy of Life, God, is pure, perfect, colorless. It possesses in itself all the infinite possibilities of the Being. It is creative in itself and when created it is expressed, and through its creation it is realized.

It is expressed and realized as what your creation, freely, desires. If a child of God chooses to express it as Light, as Love, as Power, the Energy of life will be expressed as Light, as Love, as Power.

If, on the contrary, the son of God wishes to express it as hate, as pain, as shadow, as limitation, this divine energy will be expressed like him. Do you understand my words? Let my truth penetrate you, if you wish.

Everything is done as the son of God desires, because he is co-creator with the Father and in him is the possibility of everything and in that everything is the creation of his own truth.

Choose for yourself, if you wish, peace and joy. And peace and joy will be in you, because that will have been your will.

The responsibility of the son of God is total. Accept it in yourself, even if you shy away from it and you remain responsible for yourself. Put yourself in the hands of your Presence and accept it in yourself.

“Open your heart and mind to the Light and Love that I Am in you and express to me in creation as you wish.

From the Love and Power that I Am, I radiate the Love and Light of the Father over all his children. ”

April 23rd

He who undertakes the path of God enters into him through peace and remains in it. Because the path is marked by peace and only through peace, voluntarily generated, can man advance through it.

The path that leads to the truth of one's own being is sown with the gifts of God. It is sown with joy, with Love, it is illuminated with the Light of God that clarifies everything, that illuminates and eradicates all shadows and allows the walker to see clearly and recognize his own truth.

The path that leads to God is not sown with pain, or with sacrifice, or with renunciation, because it leads to truth and truth is that God is everything and is in everything created, and the being who freely seeks the Truthfully, recognize the possibility of everything and choose what you want.

But to reach this reality in which you can own your own life you must forget fear, fear, doubt and accept that the Light of the truth of your own being guides you.

There is no truth other than the truth of man, which he accepts and recognizes and, through this acceptance and recognition, realizes.

Fill yourself with the joy of this truth and recognize in yourself what you want and with the certainty of your own being, realize it.

Begin to know in your way the gifts of the Father, his Love, his joy, his Light, his Power. Accept them in you, if that is your will, because if it is your will, it is also your will.

Accept my ray of Love, strength and Power and through it receive the energy that we send you so that the certainty of truth is generated in you.

April 24

Fill yourself with peace and listen, if you wish, my words.

Have you ever wondered what life is? You answer that life is God. And I ask you, and what is God? God is the Energy of life, you answer me.

Well, you have closed a circle, but you have not clarified anything. You have not penetrated the essence of life, or the essence of God. We will penetrate a little more.

Life is Energy and we call that Energy God. But what is its own essence? I do not mean here the scientific verification of energy, nor its quantum evaluation; I mean its intimate and indestructible essence. Energy, which is life, which is God, is conformed in its inner essence by Light, Love and Power.

Light, as we know, is knowledge, total and infinite wisdom.

Love is the capacity for union, the understanding of everything, making it one.

Power is the possibility of everything, the creative and infinite possibility of everything.

The essence of life, Energy, when individualized has these same essential attributes: Love, Light and Power.

Love and Light you know and work. But do you know Power well?

Normally you recognize Power as alien to you, as an attribute of God that does not concern you. Well, through that Power, which you do not think concerns you, you are continually creating. You believe in your life and in your environment, you believe in the planet, you believe in the universe.

You have to recognize and accept that the essence of life, the vital Energy, God, is your own being and that its attributes are your attributes. That is why his Power is your Power. You create, without knowing it, through your thoughts, your feelings, your words.

In its inner essence, Energy is Light, Love and Power, so your children can, either by ignorance or by rebellion, transform, through Power, Light into shadow and Love into pain.

Recognize, if you wish, this Power and begin to create in you what you long for, through your divine conscience, the total union with your Presence I Am, God in you, yourself.

Through my Power I wrap you in my Love and in my Light.

I bless you all.

From the book NEW TEACHINGS, Ed. TheNext Step

Merry Human Life Society

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