10 things you should know about Parkinson's disease

  • 2013

What is it? The pkinkinson is a disorder that affects nerve cells, or neurons in an area of ​​the brain that controls muscle movements. In those who suffer from it, the producing neurons a chemical called dopamine, which is responsible for coordinating movements, die or do not work properly.

It is written The Parkinson surname is written with an initial capital letter if it is preceded by disease (Parkinson's disease) and with a lowercase when it goes alone, used as a common name (suffers from p kinkin)

At what age? Although Parkinson's disease mainly affects people of advanced age - approximately 2% of those over 65 years - it is not uncommon to find patients under 40 years of age who begin to manifest themselves. Disease symptoms: one in ten cases of Parkinson's is early onset.

A mystery. The origin of the pkinkinson is unknown by 85%, according to the Spanish society of Neurology. 10% of the tired are considered of genetic origin and the remaining 5% have suggested that it could have an environmental toxic origin.

The symptoms Tremor, awkwardness, loss of balance, slowness and experiencing blockages - both physical and expressive - are usually the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. But also sexual dysfunction or sleep disturbances. In addition, up to 15% of patients in treatment may develop impulse control disorders: hypersexuality, gambling, addiction to shopping, tendency to eat compulsively

Better with coffee. A recent study from McGill University in Canada revealed that. The results were published in the journal Neurology, coffee reduces motor problems in patients with pkinkinsons. The key to this effect seems to be in the so-called adenosine A2A receptor antagonists, which coffee is able to block, which gives it a certain neuroprotective role.

Diagnostic Until recently there were no methods to diagnose pkinkinson beyond its symptoms. But scientists from the American Academy of Neurology recently demonstrated that there is a test that could allow the infallible diagnosis of the disease: biopsy one of its salivary glands. In diseased subjects, these glands contain abnormal proteins.

Unpredictable course. The evolution of symptoms in Parkinson's disease can take 20 years or more. However, in some people the disease progresses more rapidly, and there is no way to predict it.

A treatment. Levodopa, which has been used for more than 40 years, remains the most effective treatment for the disease. Also called L-dopa, it is used by the body to make dopamine and refill the decreasing brain supply.

Vitamin K2 . In Parkinson's patients, mitochondrial activity and electron transport are disrupted, and mitochondria do not produce enough energy for cells. This involves the death of many neurons in the brain. In recent years, scientists have been able to identify several genetic defects (mutations) that lead to this reduced mitochondrial activity. Luckily, American scientists have found a way to remedy it: administering vitamin K2 improves electron transport in mitochondria and energy production.

One of the ways to prevent it or reduce the risks of suffering it.

Exercise can help prevent Parkinson's disease

New research suggests that exercise has even more advantages than previously thought.

A new study with more than 100, 000 people found that men who exercised regularly and vigorously as adults already had a lower risk of developing Parkinson's compared to men who did not.

Men who were more physically active reduced their risk by 50 percent compared to men who were the least active.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that causes muscle tremors and stiffness. and although there is currently no cure, you can find ways to prevent or reduce your risk.

Source: Muyinteresante.es

Source: http://www.allaboutparkinsons.com

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