Message from the ascended master Hilarion: Every person who walks in the light is making great progress by M. Swetlisoff

  • 2016


On the sublime level, every person who walks in the Light is making great progress. You are seen and recognized by the higher realms and most of you have been put into service in ways that your Divine Essence can affect you more easily, in order to become a major part in your daily human life. There is greater attention in integrating the spirit into matter and its human forms are feeling the effects of this in ways that are powerful and life-transforming. The result is that many times they simply cannot cope with the bombardment of these energies that frequently occur during certain cycles. In these times it is important to remember that our basic and continuous advice is to go out to nature, anchor by placing your feet on the ground, breathing deeply, because this practice helps more efficiently to move stagnant energies through your systems. Drink at least 6 glasses of pure water a day and improve it before consuming it with your blessings and prayers.

As alchemists who are learning the practice of creating the realities they want to experience in their daily lives, every day is becoming an adventure within new perspectives. Now they are adopting new ways of seeing and doing the things that are helping them with this. It is perfectly acceptable in these times to take time, within the activities they provide to serve others, when they feel they need it. Their human bodies are in the process of metamorphosis that can be compared to the process of the butterfly that emerges from its chrysalis. What is happening within you is a process of combustion and consumption; Many strands of DNA are being activated after many thousands of years of being inactive within their genetic structure . It is an intensely felt experience but it is necessary to move forward.

Be at peace knowing that this process occurs for each individual at the time you chose, even before incarnating on the planet. Many adjustments have been made to this process so that each one can affect the great totality in a more global way, which is conducive to awakening a greater number of humanity in order for the Light to increase exponentially. Relax and enjoy the experience instead of worrying about it. Everything is developing in the way it should. They are being taken to participate in the activities that best facilitate this process in the context of the ascension process. The energy of Atlantis in its last days is played on the world stage during this time so that the changes in thought and attitude within the peoples of the world are recognized correctly and act accordingly.

It is safe to say that no one who is alive on this planet in these times wants a repetition of the destruction of civilization that took place in earlier times. Everything has gone too far to go back once more and it is expected that sanity, reason and memory of those times, with their sad results, will prevail in each soul as the planet and its inhabitants choose the path that They want to travel. Each soul has chosen to experience change with a greater awareness of the events that are occurring. Allow yourself to observe and ponder what is currently happening in world events and it will clarify what is now before you. Say yes to a new reality and b a new life, to a new dawn that is full of unlimited possibilities.

You can do it! It has all the power within itself to change the results of current affairs to the highest results, for the greatest good of all! These changes have and will continue to manifest in seemingly miraculous ways! You know how to transcend the patterns of old ways of doing things and injecting new forms and new results into them. You are known throughout the universe for your works! Well done!

Until next week…


Video version available here (in English):

AUTHOR: Marlene Swetlishoff


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