The New Earth Surge - Adventures in the New Consciousness by Celia Fenn

  • 2011

April 24, 2011: Easter 2011… the Old and the New and this time of Transition …… So, here we are again in that Sacred time in the Christian World that is known as Easter. It is the time of death and ascension of Yeshua the Christ that is celebrated in the Western World. It is a complex celebration, with overlays of previous celebrations of the Goddess of fertility and life (Astarté / Easter [NT: "Easter" in English] and images of eggs and rabbits), and to this celebration the energy was added and images of the renewal of the Divine Masculine through the resurrection and ascension of Yeshua.

In recent years, since we have already begun our journey from the old to the New Reality of Higher Consciousness, we have also begun to see Yeshua's pattern of life as a template for our own Ascension journey, both personally and like planet. Therefore, it should be ... right now ... we should be feeling that sense of celebration. Perhaps, on some level we are feeling it, but the Earth is going through a Transition and Rebirth so difficult that many of us are feeling more as if the earth is changing under our feet and a tsunami of difficult feelings and emotions threatens to drag us.

We are in that intermediate zone where the Old is disappearing and the New is still emerging very slowly. In the aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and subsequent problems with Nuclear reactors and the threat of large-scale radioactive contamination, many people are feeling as if their sense of security and trust had been taken from them. In turn, others are feeling lost, angry, hurt and defensive. In fact, it seems that as a planetary culture we are going through the “stages” of denial, anger and acceptance to see that the world we knew is gone forever.

I think what I have noticed most recently is how the spiritual landscape is changing and transforming. The prolonged economic problems have caused the impulse to focus on growth and personal wealth to decrease, as many people understand the reality of the situation for the first time. Environmental disasters have also awakened many of us to the way our planet is being degraded and destroyed by greed and daily exploitation. Yes ... we are really awake now ...

In the last two months, two important spiritual leaders have left the Planet. When a Leader or a "Great Soul" leaves the Planet, the frequencies of love he or she held go with them, creating a "rearrangement" of the frequencies on the Planet. This is a natural part of the Change and Evolution process, but at the moment, it is especially significant.

José Argüelles left the Planet in early March. Many of you may not know much about José Argüelles, but he was worthy of honor. It was he who called the people to meet for the first Harmonic Convergence Celebration in 1987. This was the beginning of the Planetary Ascension Process, and Joseph was the instrument used by the Spirit to activate the great transformation that continues in the present. Joseph was an artist and a teacher and a visionary. I know there will be those who will continue their work, but their energy will be missed. I am sure that Joseph was a “Great Soul” and that his work was an important factor in the Evolution of the Planet.

Then today, the Indian Spiritual Master known as Satya Sai Baba left the Planet. He was known to millions throughout the Earth for his teachings on Love and Service. His followers and devotees took their service to the Planet very seriously, and Sai Baba established hospitals and schools that served the community in India. His departure from the Planet will undoubtedly be felt by many on Earth.

Of course, in this New Age of Light that we are introducing, the responsibility lies with each of us to be bearers and anchors of this Spiritual Light of Love and Service for ourselves and for our communities. We are here to be "the Light of the World, " as the great Master of the Christ Light, Yeshua, taught us. And, indeed, with the departure of these two Luminaries, we are given even more responsibility to sustain the Light of Transformation, Love and Service.

It seems to me, then, that this Easter has to do with a renewal of our commitment to Be the Light and sustain the Light for others in the growing chaos and confusion that has come with the acceleration of our Evolution as we move towards 2012 alignments that will lead us to the Reality of the New Earth of the Fifth Dimension.

So what does it mean to be a Light to the World? We each have our own definition, I suppose, and our own vision. For me, it seems that more than ever before, it means entering into the energy of Love and Compassion. It seems that we have become a culture where everyone takes care of their own interests and focuses only on what they need and want for themselves. This takes the form not only of ostensible greed, but also the passive lack of will to consider the situation of others who might be in difficult circumstances. The rather simplistic belief is that they "created that" themselves, or that they agreed with that in their "contract, " so it is not something that concerns those of us who were smart enough not to create it or We have a better contract.

No one comes to Earth to suffer or be a victim, we all come with our gifts and talents to explore what we can be. Yes, when we fall into the eddies and currents of human life we ​​can become "victims" of circumstances, often beyond our control. That is why all Spiritual traditions urge us to have compassion and love, in fact, to "love our neighbor as ourselves, " in Yeshua's words.

Now, before someone rushes to tell me that one has to love oneself before one can love others, let me say that Yeshua did not say that we must spend years healing ourselves and creating wealth before we can love our “ neighbor, ”was simply something we can do. And at this moment, it seems to be even more urgent that we reconnect with the ability to love and be compassionate. Compassion is, after all, an important part of the Divine Feminine energy that is coming to the Planet at this time.

I was thinking about these issues when I found a book called "Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life" in a bookstore. It intrigued me, so I picked it up and started leafing through it. I found a "Letter of Compassion" that raised the issue very clearly with the following words: The principle of Compassion lies at the Heart of every religious, ethical and spiritual tradition, always calling us to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves. Compassion drives us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow men, and dethrone ourselves from the center of the world and put another there, and honor the inviolable holiness of every human being, treating everyone, without exception, with absolute justice, fairness and respect. It is also necessary, both in public and private life, to constantly and empathically refrain from inflicting pain. Acting or speaking violently out of spite, chauvinism or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny someone's basic rights, and incite hatred denigrating others, even our enemies, is a denial of our common humanity ...

Yes, that's right… our common humanity and our shared destiny in the Land of the Fifth Dimension simply being Who We Are and expressing that through Love and Compassion, and Serving Others through Love and Compassion. Can it be easier?

What better way to celebrate Easter, the Ascension, the entrance of the Planet into the Fifth Dimension of Light? Than to renew our commitment to Love and Service to Humanity on Earth. This is always the way of those Great Souls and Masters who are a Light to the World!

Interview with Jos Arg elles, where he talks about his life and his mission on Earth (in English).

Sai Baba sings the Gayatri mantra.

You can download the pipes and bitches of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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