The energy field of the earth is talking to us and we have to pay attention

  • 2017
In the universe everything moves in a perfect dance.

North Korea is known for being a country that handles nuclear weapons . Recently they have carried out tests with some missiles that have threatened the safety of their citizens and their surrounding countries and according to the different prophets, they have estimated that a war will not be generated as has been claimed from in other countries.

Another of the assumptions that has been made is that of the conflict between Eastern Europe and Russia with the United States as they can generate a second cold war. However, this is not going to take place either since Russia only seeks to obtain peace in addition to great economic stability and persevere the environment along the way.

Although the nuclear tests carried out by North Korea seem dangerous, it does not represent a threat according to what the different professionals have estimated. This is because the leaders are very cautious with the nuclear warheads they maintain and handle, and it is also not the first time they perform these tests, so they have enough experience in the field to avoid all accidents .

A negative criticism has been generated about this and some aggressiveness because recently one of the teams generated the explosion of a missile, seconds after it was launched, so that the media and the public in general have put a negative eye on the country.

The energy field of the earth is talking to us and we have to pay attention

The energy field of the Earth is talking and tells us that there are many people dissatisfied with what is happening in North Korea, so different protests are being made against the dictator's government and fighting against terrorism is taking place. But not everything is bad, because the energy of the earth indicates that there are many communication channels that will eliminate all hostility between different enemies.

In addition, there are many people praying around the world for this situation, so that with sympathy and compassion they will generate a positive energy field that will be transmitted throughout the planet Earth and that will naturally cause the people who suffer death threats and other problems that are not trapped, since karma will fall on enemies.

Firmness and light will cause the destiny of the Earth to be where abundance and harmony reign. These people who are against all this evil that has fallen on Earth and that are constantly praying and transmitting their positive energy so that everything changes, are the so-called protesters. The protests of these protesters are those that have caused vibrations that make the threat of those who want to do evil be reduced and even eliminated.

It seems quite strange, but apparently the work of those who are the victims may be the best allies to end the evils of the enemies, who will act in favor of justice and equity . Basically, when the light of those who manifest themselves against those who are enemies, turns these enemies into their object, then the vibrations increase.

But when protesters have different goals or ideologies then migrations go down. That is why at the time of demonstrating against something, the people who participate must be fully connected and have the same common idea .

Try to eliminate negative vibrations from your life

Even when people do not have ideas in common but have a specific objective, it is much simpler to produce low vibrations but in abundance and it is that the vibrations occur at any time, well be these positive vibrations or negative For example, couples who are angry at each other, produce low vibrations and although they are not breaking the relationship, they simply do not allow him to ascend to the person.

Basically when one person or several use anger in many situations, then this becomes the predominant emotion . When this happens in a relationship of a couple or friends, then the anger begins to penetrate the structure of the relationship and creates very low vibrations that begin to build a barrier between consciousness and light .

Of course there are ways that this relationship is maintained and that is when the people involved in the relationship have a higher interest or are united by karma, then their souls have complemented each other. Of course, there is a time when the universe grows rapidly and that is why souls are unable to unite in a karmic way, so anger becomes the main factor of separation. Even though these people were destined not to.

But anger is not all bad, because many times it can strengthen people's relationships, since this is because it is an opportunity for learning and personal growth . Of course, the best way to prevent anger from becoming the main enemy of a relationship is for people to find the best way to solve the problem and avoid years by maintaining the feeling of anger

If the light does not rise then the relationship between people cannot ascend

It will also be the feeling of dissatisfaction that can result in your soul making a change in your mind so that it begins to function improperly. Of course, we must make changes in us so that anger does not affect us. It is not about making spontaneous or simply momentary changes, but about real changes within us that lead us to reflection and meditation, about what things generate anger in our life and how we can change them or live with them.

Of course, anger is only one of the many feelings that generate low vibrations of energy, which are what prevent us from moving forward and making our light rise. That is why it is important that you evaluate all those feelings, what you think are affecting you and your interpersonal relationships. This is of utmost importance because you will be able to change everything that is causing you negative or low vibrations.

Prayers are another excellent way to get rid of anger, since with them you can get rid of negative vibrations . The moment you start working with your anger, you start to create a light barrier that increases your spirit and your vibrations. That is why the union of the positive vibrations of many people with the same objective causes the light to fall and start to increase energy which makes the plan of evil that these enemies have disappear.

Another thing that you should take into account is that anger is normal in people's lives, so if you feel anger at some point you should not worry since this is completely normal, but if it is of the utmost importance that you start Work on making it disappear .

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