Ancient Civilizations - Elohim, the God of the Hebrews

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Origin of the word Elohim. 2 Elohim in the ancient civilizations of Hebrews meant God 3 Ancient Civilizations The Mysticism of the Hebrews. 4 Is it the same to say Hebrew as Israel? 5 The Judaists still await the arrival of a month

Origin of the word Elohim.

Elohim in the ancient civilizations of Hebrews meant God, this word is used many times to name the Creator. According to the theologians of Christianity the word Elohim is the plural of the word God, that is to say it refers to gods, which is an antagonism, since the Christian religion is based on the belief of a Only God All Powerful. According to this translation, it is about explaining that God is one , but at the same time there are several, the Holy Trinity (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ) . In various parts of the Bible, the Hebrews translate the word Elohim as an adjective , which means powerful . It is considered that the translation of only one God is correct and that when one speaks or makes a reference in the ancient writings to Elohim as a plural, the adjective will be `` powerful ''.

Ancient Civilizations - Elohim, God of the Hebrews.

God occupies the main place of theology and all the mysticism of ancient monotheistic civilizations, Elohim is infinite and no human being can understand it, God is above all thought and understanding, God is spirit, eternal infinite, God wants to benefit his creatures . In the written above the traditional principles of Judaism are based.

Elohim in the ancient civilizations of Hebrews meant God

Ancient Civilizations - The Mysticism of the Hebrews.

The Hebrews have the characteristic of their religion that they were monotheists, that is, they worshiped only one God, which is difficult to explain since in ancient civilizations, the worship of different gods (polytheism) was the custom of most the towns of the region. Religion is a custom or culture of an active nature and changes its rules according to time. The Hebrew people were polytheistic, but their worship and practices were determined to accept the existence of one God . The formation in monotheism was carried out by the prophets, they promoted the union of the Hebrew people giving them strength to maintain the mission that God imposed on them, by making them the chosen people of Israel.

Is it the same to say Hebrew as Israeli?

Today yes . A branch of the people of the Hebrews (sons of Heber) took the name of Israel (Children of Israel, which means : chosen by Him ), they were only a Hebrew tribe. With the intervention of several prophets a communication is established between the people and the divinity, becoming an alliance in which God will protect them in exchange for the people being faithful to their mandates.

Elohim is the name of God in Ancient Civilizations.

The Judaists still await the arrival of a messiah

One of Abraham's first mandates was the circumcision of all men, the law was formulated by concepts of morality and religion. Even with this the people of Israel often turned away from the divine law and God fulfilling the covenant sent the prophets , who were men with great mystical powers . An example was the prophet Jonah, who was swallowed by a large fish and then left him completely unharmed, another is that of the prophet Elijah, which was seen by many when he rose to heaven in a cart of fire and thus, there was many sent throughout the centuries who were leading this people of Israel before called the Hebrews, until the arrival of Jesus Christ, son of God and Christianity was formed. Which feel that the son of God has already come and provided them with a higher spiritual realm after death, through the resurrection.

The Judaists separated from the new Christian branch and still await the arrival of a messiah who comes to renew an alliance with the elect. This break begins when the Judaists decided that their messiah would be a warrior that will lead them to conquer all their enemies.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of the

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