What is cell analysis and reinformation?

  • 2018

We know in this article that here we are dealing with a new alternative therapy, in this case, known as cell analysis and reinformation . Pay attention to know its secrets and benefits.

What is cell analysis and reinformation?

Cellular analysis and reinformation is the task that is required to achieve a person's energy rebalancing . This therapy is performed using a set of detection elements (filters) and sequential corrections based on all forms of conventional medicine are applied.

How cell analysis and reinformation works

A session of Cell Analysis and Reinformation usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. The patient remains comfortably lying down and the information is obtained by means of the pulse and the detection (by means of filters that have an extremely narrow energy transmitter band) applied especially in the ear pavilion .

The energy treatment is done by using tuning forks . Generally, and to obtain conclusive results, three periodic sessions, regularly spaced, in a total of three months will be required.

When is cell analysis and reinformation necessary?

Obviously, conventional medicine is constantly surpassed and has recently made progress in knowledge. And fortunately, it can save lives that in the past were in impossible and unimaginable conditions of healing.

But it is also true that sometimes patients enjoy good health clinically speaking but "do not feel well . "

The symptoms of certain organic disorders such as headaches, feelings of distress, vertigo, joint pain, anxiety, panic attacks and other ailments remain.

Traditional medicine does not detect disease in these cases and does not consider it necessary to administer any medication or perform any type of treatment, however, the problem persists.

The deep search for the causes

Throughout our existence we go through different stages and live situations that not all people assimilate in the same way .

The loss of a loved one, an accident, a surgical intervention or a moral aggression can leave our lives markedly significant. These types of situations will directly affect our own future and sooner or later they will manifest as a bodily ailment.

What has happened is that these events, even if they occurred in the distant past, have caused the person to break the synchronization and harmony between their organs or their specific functions.

Cellular Analysis and Reinformation detects the successive advances of this degrading process and energetically balances pathological or mismatched memories .

The therapist, using clear and concise language, makes the patient understand what is happening to him in his organism and thus allows him to do his own reconstruction task in order to stop the origins of the discomfort.

Pathological memory

When you react inappropriately to a particular event, it is because you do not have, at that time, the information necessary to face it and accept it .

Pathological memory is then the record of the traumatic events we have experienced and how we behave in front of them.

If a certain situation occurs again that, consciously or unconsciously, resonates with that memory, we will react following the same repetitive pattern, which will affect us and cause discomfort.

It is the pathological memory, installed in the cells of our body, that deflects the correction messages and responds automatically generating dysfunctions or even injuries that show that the problem has not yet been definitively resolved.

This is why this alternative therapy is so useful and beneficial. It solves really serious and complex problems to find.

Seen in Astral Videncia, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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