The formation of chakras and subtle bodies in children

  • 2011

Children are born with a very strong and safe mental and astral body. This enables them to make wonderful excursions in the different planes of existence and be aware of them, little by little these bodies weaken or are altered. Thus, when we grow up, dreams and mental trips or reveries are not as intense or as important to us. For a newborn, there is hardly any difference between what he dreams and reality, and he lives the dream so clearly that he could not at all believe that "it is only a dream", he recognizes a pure, real experience.

Until a person acquires consciousness, he does not realize again that this dream, that other reality, really exists and is part of something much larger that can be understood from the mind of the awake or conscious self.

The astral body, likewise, is born clean, serene and calm. Little by little he is living experiences in the different high and low astral planes, he has contact with people who unconsciously are living in the astral bass, this causes children to recreate their first nightmares or fears. In a natural way, they "get scared" before certain people or places, because they understand that the vibration is not adequate, they feel either the etheric density or the astral low. The sensitivity in the astral plane is very high in children up to 11 years, from this age, unless a trauma or intense fear has been experienced with something regarding the astral plane, the person stops perceiving in the astral.

It is very normal for children to capture the astral high in the forests, in the life of plants, flowers, wind, rain. They realize that there is something else, something hidden, something magical. But they also capture astral bass beings, entities, or people with many fears or pending charges.

The astral body is formed before birth, and is one of the most important bodies throughout the person's life.

7th chakra

From 3-4 months, it is normal for a child to start opening the chakras, this growth will reach 12 years. The newly born newborns already have the 7th chakra, that of the crown, open, from it they will begin to open the 6th. The first projection of this chakra is ahead.

6th front chakra

At 3 months approx. The child begins to see possibilities, to create realities, this causes the 6th chakra to be gradually formed. When the first months the vision that the baby has is monotonous, boring, or always stocked with childish and unrealistic images, or the same, when a baby is treated by gesturing too much or with many pantomimes, the vision of reality that acquires the creature is too unbalanced, unreal. And when the years pass, their plans and future projects are usually stained with that unreality, immaturity. He has become accustomed to 4 or 5 very clear visions, the hanging of the crib, the picture of the wall, the face of the parents ... it is a too partial and limited vision of reality. When this person is an adult, it is very difficult for him to expand his vision and usually rejects everything new. When this same person begins a rupture of these acquired patterns, through detachments or different experiences in life, they suffer as if life loses meaning, when nothing else really happens but their vision is expanding, and they begin to make sure there is something beyond what they have always been able to see.

Some babies and children, because of their life mission that they have to carry in the future, during the first 2 years have very close contact with angels. Therefore, although children are not seeing more than a wall, really what they are "seeing" and recreating inside as real, they are multiple colored lights that speak and wrap him, which are the angels that accompany him in his path of light.

From 2-3 years, these lights are hidden, because the person does not have to keep the memory, but his mind is already open, the work has already been done. Of course, in those people whose memory is preserved from very early moments, the colored lights are hidden before the year.

6 posterior chakra

After this, the opening of the posterior chakra 6 develops according to the exploratory activity of the child. The creative vision is on the rise, and now the child wants to catch, grab, throw, discover, explore. That later chakra will give the thrust so that all this can be done. Depending on the child, you have the possibility to achieve your goals, to climb higher, open drawers, get wet with water whenever you want, discover the colors, stains, flavors according to n do this on the day, the chakra will expand.

In cases of very severe educations, where the baby from 4 to 8 months, sometimes until the age of age, has hardly any possibility of movement or action, then that chakra does not grow properly. If in the following years the child becomes accustomed to the `` you can not, you have to ask permission for everything, not being able to do what he instinctively knows what to do, that chakra It will not form and it will take a long time to open. The willpower of the child is limited.

In an adult that means the inability to start projects, they lack the energy, they almost always think they need other people and they don't realize that they are capable. They just need to stop asking for permission, take risks, free themselves from the chains of the `` you can't ''.

5 front chakra

From the year the 5 chakra is formed. Naturally, first the front chakra is formed, through this chakra the children express themselves. It is very important this growth and this stage. It represents the moment in which the child transforms his internal vision of reality into something tangible that serves as a starting point towards a communication with the outside. The child begins to share, and this moment is very important, because it is when he discovers that what he has inside is different from the inside of others, but at the same time as valuable. It doesn't matter if he tells lies, if he shouts, if he doesn't want to speak with words, but with gestures or looks. The important thing is the need for expression, to manifest that inner self, for it is the way in which he himself has to understand himself.

We live in a society that does not allow a free expression, in which it is not appropriate to say or do certain things. We live in a belief system that denies everything that arises from the Creative Self. But for the child there is no difference between the Creative Self and the material reality, he lives it the same, he lives it as an incredible, emotional, intense experience. To deny him the right to have that imaginary reality exist is to deny him part of his life. When a child at this age is repeatedly asked to shut up, the child is being coerced to shut up throughout his life. It is not necessary to use words to ask a child for silence, sometimes simply with that thought of disapproval, or disappointment at what he has to say, it is enough.

In adult society the vast majority of people have this very hurt chakra. Communication is unreal, it is based on superficialities, it is not sincere, it is not loving. When a child, who is essentially spontaneous and loving, is forced to be restrained and cold, he is being forced into this communication system in which we are adults. Quickly, when the child learns to speak, he only accepts saying “no, ” “get away, ” and communicating from the mind coldly, with a coldness that scares even his parents. The child understands that this is the natural way of communicating, through the demand, of manipulation, of coldness.

Correct this is simple. Through music, games, sharing with other children. But above all it must be corrected in society, in adults, in the family. We are all, who create a communication system.

5th posterior chakra

After this, before 3 years, the 5th posterior chakra is formed. This chakra is related to what the child "hears" from the world around him. It is curious to note that this chakra is the only one that is forced open. Whether the child wants it or not, he has to open a window to the real world, to others. In cases where children discover that there is nothing interesting outside, they directly twist this chakra as soon as they are born, and they no longer listen, directly “slips” everything they say. In these cases you have to reconnect with people through the heart to start a new communication, based on sincerity, love, and respect.

Once the chakra is formed, an intense stage of family and school communication begins. At this time, which can be up to 5 years, sometimes 6, the chakra is still sensitive, in formation, and is very sensitive to verbal aggressions, lies, prejudices, insults, etc. Even those who tend to talk with irritation can seriously hurt this chakra. In childhood this wound will not be seen, but in the future it can cause the cervicals to not have enough strength, or tend to accumulate tension and pain. Almost always this pain is due to a person who in these years behaved towards the boy or girl with irritation, or feeding lies. Lies energetically are everything that is not real or what is not expressed from the heart.

4th front chakra

The next chakra that a child opens, at 6-7 years old, is the heart chakra. His complete training in most children will not take place until 12-13 years.

When a child learns to live from the heart, in harmony with everything that exists and in a peaceful environment, then yes this 6 or 7 year old chakra ends up forming in all its splendor, but in today's society, It is very difficult to find people who can live in an environment that allows them to grow from the heart in a safe, unlimited and unobstructed way.

Therefore, in a growth and education that teaches to live from the heart, this chakra can be easily formed, but in general our life experience is directed to a development from the mind, which greatly hinders this inner growth preventing formation. of this chakra, in these cases it does not finish forming until the first crushes, and later even in adulthood.

When there are attacks, traumas, even some scare of death, this chakra can form a problem that will easily manifest itself in the lungs.

4th posterior chakra

From behind this chakra quickly opens, with the illusion of the child to join a planetary whole, to that great human network that forms the social fabric. From the age of 6-7 the child is aware that he is a different one from his parents, his brothers and his companions. But at the same time, he feels a great responsibility and need to be part of everyone. Understand the world as an indivisible whole, feel the unity in itself. This is the true faith, the true feeling of communion, naturally born in us when we are children and we see that great social fabric and we feel it as something wonderful that we want to be part of.

For this chakra to acquire a certain form and not only be light in all directions, it is necessary for the child to understand that there is a spiritual Unity, beyond a social network or a social fabric.

As soon as there is a trigger that starts from this social network and attacks the child internally, this chakra is broken and damaged. It is the case that a partner, or a brother, feeds hatred or envy towards the child. Although the child is not aware of this envy, he does feel it energetically, because it happens that he feels separation, and that separation begins to form the sense of individuality that we all have.

Thus, when we reach adolescence, as we have all suffered from envy, jealousy, hatred, resentment, we all reach that age with this broken or broken chakra. At that time it will hardly be noticed, but after a few years the first back pains will be born here, and later our strong belief that apart from the world we are better. An insane and completely unreal belief.

Emotional body

From 6 to 8 years is the time when the child forms his emotional body. This body can be seen as a succession of colored clouds that make up the different emotions that the person lives. A weak body is usually narrow, with very little protection and external emotions immediately affect the person. A strong and well-formed body is seen with harmonious colors, clouds of a size of 20-30cm, which does not allow external emotions to affect the person. All this is summed up in the capacity of temperance, of inner balance. Of course this can be worked throughout life, but childhood plays a very important role so that this work is already done.

Who energetically creates the emotional body of a child is the male figure, be it father, uncle, brother or teacher. A child lacking a male figure will need more work to achieve this temperance. The female figure is the one that shapes the emotional body, who defines it. A lack of a female figure, or a figure that is too emotionally unstable, will lead to a very inconsistent emotional body, sometimes too rigid.

3rd front chakra

As this body is formed, the solar plexus chakra develops.

The first formation of the chakra to allow life through emotions occurs when the creature is only 6 months, later, as the formation of the emotional body progresses, this chakra grows allowing to live and expand the human experience.

In a normal child of a western society, this chakra will be formed over 7 or 8 years. This training involves tantrums, anger or different ways of living emotions and understanding them.

The whole way of living these emotions depends largely on the parents and the adult people that the child has nearby, because these people do have the emotional body formed and do live a wide range of emotions that allow them to savor and differentiate the life of different ways.

At this time is when the "physical pain" of a fall disappears and becomes "emotional pain."

When, for example, a child from learning to walk is taught that a fall has a lot of emotional pain, it will cost a lot to calm him when he has a small wound, since the pain will be mental and acute and the tears will be heartbreaking. However, when a child is taught that the only pain is physical and that the emotion is somewhat parallel and different from the fall, then he hardly suffers pain in the falls, he stands up decisively and continues the game as if nothing had happened. In the 7 or 8 years this differentiation between emotional pain and physical pain is so important, that a good differentiation will allow the person to get up before any obstacle in life, which allows the development of leadership tools.

3rd posterior chakra

This chakra grows parallel to the front chakra and should normally be open at 7 years in full. It is the chakra that will allow the child to balance his energy delivered and received from around.

A person with a healthy chakra is a surrendered person but who also knows how to receive from the environment, knows how to live in balance with life and does not deny to those around him that exchange in life.

Here we learn to experience life in harmony with others, we learn the true feeling of community and life in brotherhood.

The formation of this chakra, unlike others, is almost completely by imitation of social behavior.

On very rare occasions this chakra is crooked or badly formed, but it can be blocked or closed in cases in which the child is oriented to grow in selfishness. The blockage of this chakra is easily seen in bone growth and development, in the balance of the person, orientation, attention span and above all is visible in the character. It should also be noted that this blockage, in most cases, occurs as a response to the blockage that already exists in one of the parents. It is not normal to observe children with a strongly selfish tendency if their parents do not present that quality.

2nd front chakra

At approximately 11 years of girls and 13 years of boys, this chakra is formed by completely altering people's lives. This chakra begins puberty and its formation is basically by imitation and dependent on the outside world. Here the self-esteem of the person and sexuality is defined, but not sexuality as a sexual act or intercourse, but as an experience of contact with oneself and with other people, hugs, kisses, affections ... all of this is sexuality and all of this is related to The same energy.

Its formation by imitation causes that any trauma related to sexuality or self-esteem is inherited from parents to children, usually the character in the same relationships is also inherited. The same experiences in this aspect lived by parents, grandparents, great grandparents even depending on the emotional impact of the experience, are inherited and suffered by the offspring. Therefore, for example, a grandmother who has suffered a violation and has not healed her, will leave her in inheritance to her daughter who will keep a scar or similar wound in the same place of the chakra and who can deliver it in inheritance to her daughters in case of not healing him.

In general, this training by imitation passes from feminine energy to feminine energy, so daughters tend to imitate their mothers and sons to their parents, in case of homosexuality, at 11 years old children can perfectly imitate mothers and girls to parents.

At this age one must also take special care with the development of self-esteem for the formation of this chakra, as a problem of self-esteem at this age can be a trigger for similar problems in adulthood.

2nd posterior chakra

As the person begins to channel the strong energy that causes the chemical and physical changes of puberty, there is a need to control this energy in the body with the formation of this chakra. It is about the energy called Qi.

An adequate formation allows the person to live as many years as he wishes and with health, but a formation that wastes energy in passions or limits this natural flow of energy, has the opposite effect.

From 12 years of age, the conscious movement in children must be promoted so that this activity and movement are directed to adulthood. I don't talk about sport but about activity.

Learning to breathe, exercise body awareness, either with slow motion movements or with bioenergetic exercises or bathing with warm water, are secrets that will allow you to learn little by little to direct and control the vital energy.

In cases where this energy is not properly channeled it becomes passions, often sexual, and anger and tantrums that can continue throughout life in an uncontrolled way. In these cases, nothing has to do with the education received, but with the way to channel the energy itself, direct it or understand it.

Root Chakra

Finally we can observe the formation of the 1st chakra or root chakra. This energy cone represents the consciousness of reality and the current presence of the person in his own life.

Forming it properly depends not only on a moment in childhood but on a lifetime with the intention and the will necessary to face the day to day.

Those people who do not receive adequate contact with reality or have not had a pleasant environment, tend to flee not wanting to "put their feet on the ground" but this opening is necessary to channel the energy that will allow life to live.

As long as a person has the closed root chakra, it can be said that he is not living life, but that he lives an unreality, an illusion that he himself is forming from what he believes real or what he does not. A person can open this chakra already at age 4 if he has received timely contact and hugs and there is no rejection towards life, however, in our current society, it is normal not to open this chakra until adulthood.

Once the chakra is opened, the celestial energy can be anchored to the earth, which allows the full growth of the person and the development of his higher consciousness.

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