Living with a glass child by Bruno Nieri

  • 2016

Very simple, living with a crystal child is as easy as connecting with your inner child, it is living with them a wonderful experience.

Play with them, listen to them, let them be. They are free and with an incredible sixth sense. They are very spiritual and peaceful, but at the same time restless.

Try to increase their sensitivity, if they are of age to understand, invite them to meditate with you and you will see surprises .

Make him know the angels since they can see them and contact them.

An interesting topic to discuss and debate as future professionals tomorrow, do you believe in the existence of crystal children? Well then I publish an article made by the web of indigo children in Chile. They were mentioned by Steve and Barbara Rother in the year 1996 and from 2000 they began to provide information on the characteristics of these children, who according to the observations would be complementing through example, love and harmony, the work initiated by Indigos break old structures and systems.

The definition given by Steve Rother (2000): " They are human beings whose purpose is to achieve peace, by sowing seeds that allow a humanity capable of living more harmoniously and peacefully."

They are called internationally CRYSTAL, because their level of consciousness is the vibration of Unconditional (Christic) Love and the color of their aura is not in the color spectrum that the human eye can see, so it looks transparent as the crystal (coloroctarine) .Children children have some characteristics in common, being the most prominent; the harmony that they have and generate in their environment, the love for everything and for everyone, due to their great emotional sensitivity, they can get to know what they feel and often even what other people think, they are not very sociable without being shy and rare They attract attention once.

Some of them can be diagnosed as autistic since they are highly emotionally and psychologically vulnerable children in violent or poorly balanced environments, which often creates a difficulty in communicating with their direct environment and prefer to lock themselves up. It is difficult for them to establish links with the people they surround and tend to spend a lot of time alone. Crystal children are the bearers of the balance necessary to transcend polarity and propel their environment towards the consciousness of unity and are therefore recognized by harmonizing energy. Their capacity to love is outside the limits of human understanding and is precisely what which makes them appear weak in the face of fear, their greatest enemy, these children do not know fear, since this is the lack of love, they do not know how to react to this feeling.

The Crystal boy and his attributes

1.- At the physical level:

-Language: They tend to express themselves verbally later than 3 or 4 years later. Crystal children should be helped to learn to share in groups, because of their tendency to isolation, which can lead to depression.

-Audition: They are sensitive to shrill noises. They enjoy the harmonizing music with all their being.

Smell-Taste : They tend to natural flavors and are sensitive to odors that contain many chemicals and toxins (perfumes, chlorine, etc.)

-Touch: Sometimes it is difficult for them to establish skin contact with people because of their high sensitivity, however they are highly kinesthetic.

-Diet: They prefer a natural and water-rich diet, junk foods cause allergies and many times they will not consume meat because of their great love for animals.

2.- On an emotional level:

Passion is the word that characterizes them. They go through life, love, justice, truth. They defend in a gentle way what they are passionate about They are peacemakers and harmonizers by nature. They lead by example. They avoid confrontations, because they affect them emotionally.

3.- At the psychological level:

They are not able to defend themselves from psychological violence and less from physical violence, since they do not understand it. Psychic abilities for them are natural, many times they don't even know that their parents don't have them. It is important to enhance these skills in children. They have an amazing natural ability to heal.

Tips to enjoy being with a Crystal

Give them a lot of love and unconditional support. Do not talk to them as if they were young children, respect their growth process. Treat them with respect and understanding. Respect your introverted personality and don't press them to do things that make you feel obligated (say hello, etc.). Accompany it and keep it in its melancholy moments for no apparent reason.

Boost your artistic skills, it will help your internal balance. Receive the unconditional love that a crystal child delivers. Respect their eating tastes, they tend to be vegetarians. Water is a therapy of relaxation and harmonization for them, enjoy bath time together. For the educators, the crystal children today have a lot to contribute within the classroom, they are those children who always try to reach a fair and harmonious agreement among all their classmates. Many times they are qualified as weak or silly by their peers, since they achieve Easily express what they feel.

The educators have undoubtedly noticed that these children act differently, which represents a challenge in the world of education.

They require that the educational system take note of the high violence that exists in schools today, the strong over the weak, the crystals, will never attack another and if they will allow them to be attacked, because they teach by example, trying to create a Different atmosphere in the classrooms, they will try to develop positive attitudes in students and teachers, and probably not being able to be understood or make changes, their reaction will be to close to the world around them, not talking or not reacting to orders or sanctions of teachers, assuming a state of indifference or simply diverting your attention from space.

Create a new land?

It is the purpose of the evolution of our consciousness and these new children will make us discover our unity ...

Regardless of whether the concepts of indigo children and crystal are accepted, we know that today's children are very different from previous generations. These children seem wiser, like new technologies and dominate them perfectly, have a strong self-esteem, will and reject authoritarian systems ... they usually have problems at school and are diagnosed with attention deficit indigos and autistic crystals.

What have these children come to earth?

They have come to change our consciousness ... Human beings have forgotten that we are a family and that this planet is our home, we kill each other and we degrade the planet in the name of development. But they are already here ...

The Indigo children They come to tear apart the old systems so that something new and better is created, they are the pioneers who come to shock our conscience.

The Crystal children. They come to teach us the way of love and peace. Crystal has the same root as Christ, they are aware of their connection to the divine source, they are very sensitive to the environment, emotions and feelings of others, they come to teach us tolerance for our fellow men and our planet. Religions and philosophies have taught these truths for centuries, but we have not been able to learn, we understand concepts as mental ideas, but we do not live them in our daily life and they do, so they force us with their own presence to make us aware It is our role to help them understand the nature of life on earth, we must keep in mind that they are different from us, that is, what worked for us will not work for them.

As parents of an indigo they will be challenged at every moment, as parents of a crystal they will have to deal with a very strong will and frequent power struggles, only the ability to handle these matters will facilitate their child's relationship, understanding and development.

The pride of the parents demands that the child respond to certain expectations or fulfill certain roles, but the indigo and crystal children have their defined being and their own feeling of who they are and it is very clear to them and sometimes this may be in opposition to the desires and needs of parents, there must be unconditional acceptance, love, mutual respect and tolerance in the home of these children. We are just learning from indigo and crystal children and we are already talking about rainbow children that would be a mixture of the previous two, some of their characteristics would be ... they are smarter, brighter and wiser, they are impetuous, they concentrate on what They do and are honest in relation to their feelings. They have a strong will, a strong sense of their own self-esteem and refuse to be dominated by authoritarian systems in either school or family. In conclusion they are beings that come to revolutionize the world.


Understanding the reason for these children and the reason for their talents was the central theme of the conference given by the psychologist Anacelis Castro (57). This professional has been dedicated to studying everything related to these special beings for twenty years who, in her opinion, come to promote the evolution of the human race and its openness towards the spiritual.

Is there a common feature for these three types of children?

Yes. All three do not like to talk about what they feel, so it is quite difficult to understand and help them. Another is that they need a guide to fully exploit their talents and fulfill the mission they arrived with.

What is the best way to help them?

First you have to know the characteristics of Indigo children, the Crystal and the Rainbows. This is essential to understand the special behavior that these beings have and not to diagnose emotional or psychological disorders.

Who should commit to this help?

Parents and teachers fundamentally, since they are their first contacts. Parents should, above all, arm themselves with patience, because depending on the type of child their child will require certain help. An indigo child is a leader by nature, authoritarian and a little superb, with intelligence and mental speed that is very difficult to follow. Does not accept impositions without an acceptable reason. On the other hand, the Crystal is as if it brought from birth a wealth of information that it does not get to understand, and then it seeks in reading or in another activity help to corroborate what it feels and happens to it. He is a child who usually encloses himself, retracts and has serious problems communicating with the outside. This is what most worries daddies, who think they have some kind of problem. In fact, he is an extremely sensitive being and very afraid of aggression. But the one that presents the least conflict is the Rainbow child, which has the virtue of balancing energy. He is the one who always puts cold water cloths in any distressing situation, even if he is barely three years old. With this procedure they seek to capture the attention of their loved ones, since affection for them is the main thing.

What is the best way to help them?

It depends on what type of child it is. The first thing is to try to understand what happens to them and, fundamentally, to assume that their behavior does not respond to abnormalities but to evolution. A practical help is to let them have extracurricular activities that help them exploit their intellect and meet their emotional needs. In the case of the indigo, it is essential that they do sports so that they have a wear of energy and lower the levels of hyperactivity. Of course it must be a sport in which they feel content. In the case of Crystals, artistic activities are linked to the human, another feature of these small ones . It is always good that they are group activities, so that they begin to understand the group conscience and interact with the outside world. So, for example, you don't have to hire a teacher to teach them piano at home, but send them to an academy where there are children of similar age and needs.

Are parents and teachers aware of the issue?

A lot. I have been coming to San Juan for fourteen years to give lectures on the subject, and each time I have more public. The interesting and positive thing is that, both parents and teachers, they are beginning to see this as something extraordinary and not as an existential problem . If there is something truly comforting, it is to share life with an Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow child.

The Rainbow Children are now arriving on earth, they are beings that have no karma, since they had not been on the earthly plane before . They are children with spiritual gifts, highly sensitive, intuitive and psychic. They are the children of the Crystal Children. They are characterized by having the energy of the Rainbow, which is a healing par excellence. Unlike Indigo Children and Crystals, they help and relate to anyone regardless of their character since they can help them heal and grow, sharing their unconditional and pure love through the energy of the Rainbow

They are sensitive and incredibly intuitive children.

A "Rainbow Child" is a child born with infinite wisdom and ability to change the world around him.

Since the beginning of time the world has waited for the arrival of these beings.

A " Rainbow Child " is different from an " Indigo Child ."

The “ Indigo Children ” have been born to introduce the new energy and although they do have incredible intuition and are capable of manifesting anything, they can be influenced by the negativity that surrounds them.

On the other hand, a “ Rainbow Child ” changes the energy that surrounds him, thus achieving the highest needs of a small being.

A " Rainbow Child " has an incredible knowledge of the just and the wrong and energetically knows how to transform this energy.

The " Indigo Children " are now becoming "Rainbow Children, " and with practice and using intuition, adults can also become "Rainbow Children."

The "Rainbow Children" are extremely loving, adaptable human beings, with memories of other places and times, memories of the abilities in their possessed and bring with them an infinite love and patience.

AUTHOR: Bruno Nieri


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