Fragment of the Solara Swell Report for October 2014 ~ AWAKENING IN A NEW WORLD

  • 2014

Although all of us have a deep longing to live in our True Home, some people have questioned whether they really have a physical True Home. Is the True Home merely an inner state of consciousness and not a physical place?

My impression is that during these last days of duality, it is essential that as many of us as possible live in our True Homes. The enormously increased energy of a True Home is where we can fully inhabit the New Landscape. This is extremely important at this time because True Homes are anchor points for the New Paradigm. Our True Homes are the first places where the New World is born.

Many people are facing huge decisions this month and feeling quite confused. They are looking for answers, trying to make decisions that change their lives, but do not listen to the Knowledge of their own Heart, even though that is where they will find the clarity and answers they seek.

Will we remain in our old lives and continue to pretend that we are in "normal" times? Will we move to a slightly new position, which has visible safety nets and does not take us out of our comfort zones? Or are we finally going to make the leap to our True Position and True Home with everything we have?

It is important to remember that the greatest success comes from following our Most Precious Dreams and entering our True Position. If we try to do things out of fear, insecurity or supposed obligations with what others expect of us, it will be an arduous path.

Some of us are changing residence in October and a few of us are even moving to our True Homes. What does it feel like to live in your True Home? First, there is a strong sense of comfort and familiarity. The feeling of returning home, to a deeper, more vast part of our True Self. And of being really at home on this planet, in ways we never imagined possible. There is the feeling of fully fitting into position in our RIGHT MOMENT - CORRECT PLACE.

There is an old Inca expression, "The Flowering of My Tears." What this means is that our Years of Tears have watered the earth for a very long time. We have cried and wept throughout the ages, both for the beautiful and the ugly, the sacred and the profane. We have let go so much, and finally, at this moment, the most sacred and beautiful flowers can bloom from our tears. The Flowering of our Tears represents a time of consummation that follows a long period of difficulties. These are not just normal, earthly flowers. They are sacred flowers that can only grow after we have gone through a prolonged time of struggle and transformation towards a time of rebirth to a New True Life. They are the precious flowers of our innermost core essence that will produce sacred seeds that will cultivate a New World. And that's exactly how it feels. My Years of Tears, my whole trip on this planet for countless lives, is now becoming the most exquisite flowers.

According to the Andean tradition, we are in the time of Pachakuti that symbolizes a great cosmic transformation, where the world as we know it turns to something totally new. It is also known as the Time to Return to Ourselves - our true, authentic self. It is the beginning of a new era in the fabric of time.

This is exactly what happens when we finally move to our True Home. It triggers a massive RESET of our whole being, of everything we have known. This does not happen all at once; It is a gradual process, so when we move, not everything is in perfect order. We are HERE, but we are not EVERYTHING HERE. We are not "elsewhere"; We are not living in our past or in our old lives, but we have not fully reached where we are. We have not yet fully expanded or aligned with our True Position.


October is a super intense month, but totally exciting, full of action and roots in which things are coupled in unexpected ways, bringing with it both completion and new opportunities. We are riding a super strong wave, without ornaments, of DOING WHAT YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT and we have no option to do anything else. There are also many different levels of energies and events, all at the same time, calling for our attention. During this month, we are given a strong taste of the intense and varied energies that we will experience in 2015.

© Solara . This is a small fragment of the latest Solara Swell Report. Full reports and weekly updates are available by subscription (in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) through the website

Translation: Margarita López

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