7 homeopathic remedies to treat anxiety

  • 2015

To achieve the best results, homeopathic medicines must be prescribed by a doctor with the appropriate training that will make an accurate diagnosis. However, panic attack and anxiety patterns tend to be treated with a number of remedies.

Arsenicum Album. When anxiety is accompanied by fear of suffering many diseases. Great internal concern, the anguish leads the person to go from one place to another. It becomes cautious. Feel they watch her. She is tired of living.

Aconitum Napelus. Anxiety also manifests with fears, such as sensing the moment of death itself. Fear in closed places, thoughts about death and agony. Great sensitivity to noise and pain.

Argentum Nitricum. The anxious state is usually caused by the negative anticipation of events. You always live in a hurry to arrive on time. Feel indifference when in company. Great obstinacy The person is sad and taciturn.

Calcarea Carbonica. He feels great anxiety about the future, a hypochondria that can drive him to obsessively read books and websites about medicine. Great mental confusion, bulimia. He worries excessively about religious issues and is very sensitive to cruelty.

Natrium Muriaticum. There is a sorrow that is lived in silence, like the death of a loved one. He always has it in mind. He can't cry despite the sadness. Symptoms get worse with comfort.

Lycopodium Clavatum. Anguish in relation to health. Alterations in advance. Lack of decision, difficulty in concentration. Errors in writing (omit letters). Dictatorial. I long for power.

Phosphorus Palpitations with anguish. Hypochondriac anxiety Fear of death, storms, something serious can happen ... Indifference to loved ones and relationships. Increased sexual desire

Source : https://www.elcorreodelsol.com/

7 homeopathic remedies to treat anxiety

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