What is environmental and functional karma?

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 different combinations and modalities. 2 no condition is permanent. 3 karma is learning .. 4 karma of courage or consequential . 5 awareness of our daily performance.

If it is true that Karma rests on the law of cause and effect and that in a summary way it is action n . But why does it have so many divisions?

Actually, if something is true of Karma, it tends to complexity and in this line there are not only theoretical and practical studies that highlight its different modalities ... but also its different combinations.

different combinations and modalities…

This makes sense because if we look closely there is no human being identical to another and this is the result of the large number of possibilities of combining the different modalities of Karma.

When we talk about Environmental Karma, we basically refer to the place where we will be reborn as a result of the accumulated merit in a previous life, whether edifying or non-edifying, for example, it determines the possibility of being born in a country with war or one full of peace, in one area with crime or in another with security.

As always the consequences or the flowering of karma always goes according to its nature, the positive cannot have any other consequence than the edifying and the negative the non-edifying.

no condition is permanent…

It is in this sense that if we accumulate positive merit we will be reborn as a result of environmental karma in a constructive environment or vice versa. It is also important to highlight that this condition is not permanent, that is, it is possible that in the middle of our life we ​​experience a change in detriment or to improve, all depending on the prevalence and exhaustion of our karmic seeds.

In the case of Functional Karma it determines the conditions of life in which we will be reborn in the next life, for example, if we are born in a home with respect and love or in a dysfunctional or maltreated home.

karma is learning ...

Of course, carefully analyzing the different modalities of karma allows us to be more attentive to the actions of mind, word and body that we perform, it is something that we must attend at all times to live with awareness of the learning that Karma represents, that in a profound way It is also realization.

The combinations of karma occur in an expansive way, as follows, for example we can be born as a result of environmental karma in a country with war resulting from the maturation of our environmental karma but in a diplomatic family Ethics protected from the dangers of the same result of the flourishing of functional karma.

We can also be born in a country with war in a refugee family and abused by it.

throw karma or consequential.

This is how these two modalities can be combined, however let's not forget that there are other divisions that contribute as the karma of courage or consequential that determines our mental states and the platform to be reborn either as human or animal.

It is interesting to observe some teachers with great achievements to those who ask them about a particular life condition and normally maintain a certain distance in the appreciation, because in reality, to understand where exactly one is coming from life experience we would have to know not only in detail our present life also our infinite abodes or previous lives.

If we are honest sometimes we don't even remember what we ate last week, so if we ask who can know exactly the mechanics of karma, the answer is: the Budhas.

So it is somehow better to be aware that karma exists to live ignorant of cause and effect.

awareness of our daily performance…

The best tool here is the Recapitulation that chronologically allows us to observe the flowering of our karmic seeds, will be partially but surely will have a great impact on our daily performance.

The recommendation is as always give us a space to reflect and even better to meditate on our current condition so that through this process of consciousness we can improve our present and / or subsequent lives . Just because it is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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