Healing the connection with his soulmate. By Susannah

  • 2016

When a soulmate comes into our lives, sometimes there is some karmic issue to solve with that person and sometimes he does not recognize us because he is going through a difficult situation in his current life . It may be a matter of past lives, it may be a pact or agreement that they made to meet for mutual help, or that one hurt the other and now they must heal what was left pending, and sometimes it simply is not possible to be together. Usually, situations of this type appear.

The first thing to do; It is healing the connection between them with love and light, and applying the technique of letting go. If it is a karmic issue, it will be healed with the violet flame. If it is the Divine Complement, do a healing meditation with the indigo blue ray, creating a sacred space for both of you and activating the path that unites you, so that it is like a balm that will surround you with affection, affection, tenderness and forgiveness.

Follow your heart and never look back, with security and approval . An unconditional love that allows you the freedom to be your true self, AN INNER LOVE. When you are in a soul-based relationship, a system of mutual support is created, where there is no room for judgment, if there is not even this mutual help even if it is a soulmate; This causes suffering, it is better to let it go. Together, the awareness is maintained that love and acceptance is much better than wanting to change the other. Perceived defects and insecurities begin to fall and you are able to relax and enjoy being yourself. Experiences of this kind begin by nurturing your soul through the art of inner love. Experience with a soulmate is a heart-based connection that leads to spiritual expansion and unlimited spiritual growth. With our twin we are divinely connected and aligned to feel the vibration of the One consciously and in spiritual union. Consciousness has to be expanded without the conditioning of ancestral memories.

The love you want to have in life, the love you think you deserve; It is the love that will attract. If his soulmate is able to manifest the Father's sacred love, he changes his life and experience towards a happier existence. The synergy between the two is beyond words. Imagine having the courage to follow your intuition, the resources to feed your soul, and the guide to create a crystal clear clarity on what really matters to attract the love of the soulmate. When the one is sought; A powerful part of your brain begins to search the world for people who are in alignment with their internal map of reality. It is called the reticular activation system. "You will only attract the love you think you deserve and you have the wiring to make the connection."

A deeper connection with the divine self, the higher self and the Christ self that are anchored in the heart, leads us to live with Christ consciousness and peace - the healing of our soul, of our multidimensional being, and alignment with the chakras of the Higher Self, through the golden universal light of the Creator Father, is what should be done. Heal through sacred sound, contemplation, meditation, new habits that resonate with new energy, decrees. The Divine Mother recommends us to say; break, break, many times and receive more crystalline cells. We heal at a deeper level, softening the energy blocks or crystallizations, releasing the past, and the present, and transmuting with the violet flame. We heal and transmute karmic patterns of the soul through time: past, present and future, exploring possible futures.

We achieve integrity with the recovery of the parts of the soul and the divine archetypal integration of the soul. Before you were born, your soul met with a council of wise spiritual elders to create a divine plan for your life. This plan contains the essence of your soul purpose for this life. Evaluate your current progress in completing your task, and guidance on the steps you must take now to fulfill the path of your soul.

The divine purpose of the soul is behind life's lessons; E st in your gifts and your true vocation . Who are you like Soul according to your spiritual lineage and where do you come from in the spirit world? Why were you born in your particular life circumstances? What challenges and obstacles have you chosen to face and why? Develop a relationship with your spiritual guide. Return to your soul group. Identify your closest soulmates and your primary twin flame. Rejoin with your higher self and check your life purpose. Honor the elemental of your physical body and the elementary custodians of Mother Earth. Special care is taken to release traumas and restriction patterns when working in one's own unique body language. Connect your lower bodies with that of Mother Earth and expand your capacity for intimacy. Learn to be more present in the now . Change belief systems and limiting situations. Integrate and heal your inner child. inner child. Embrace life with more kindness, attention, breadth and compassion. The knowledge and understanding of your soul purpose on Earth and the goals you intend to achieve will give you direction in life and help you complete this incarnation With renewed energy, energy to restore your lower vehicles. Receive grace at every moment.

The healing of the soul is a path of the inner path, whose main objective is the integration of the personality with the Soul and the Soul with the Spirit. The integral therapy of the soul helps them to expand their Christ consciousness, heals karmic patterns and creates conscious connections with their spiritual guides, develops love relationships between soul mates, and achieves personal goals that are in line with their purpose in life and soul contracts to fulfill their highest destiny.

The Divine Mother has asked us that we do not always have to solve our problems and challenges alone, that we give them to her, that God knows how to help us, that we call our divine friends (especially Archangel Chamuel and Mother Lkshmi to improve the connection with the soulmate).

A tune is simply the process of entering into harmony or alignment with something else. When we tune in, we are aligning with the anchor and a specific energy, so then they naturally resonate with it. Once we are in alignment with a new higher energy, we establish a deeper connection with him to be spiritual with whom we are in tune, so that we can access this divine connection more easily and more often.

“Heavenly Father, bless me to choose my life partner according to your law of the perfect union of the soul. "Yogananda

“This statement is best practiced right after meditation. They say it out loud a couple of times, and then in a lower voice, then whispering, then mentally, then unconsciously, and finally superconsciously. Work with this statement for at least six months, with deep faith. If you have established a real harmony with God through meditation and the continuous affirmation of this prayer request; there is a suitable partner, or, if he has been attracted to one who is fundamentally inharmonious, the Divine Father will bring circumstances that prevent his making a wrong choice.

We can ask for help from our cosmic parents, our spiritual teachers, guides, guardian angels, and the Council of Light that is overseen by the planetary Christ; Lord Maitreya, the Angelic Kingdom of the 13 dimension, the Ascended Masters, and Elder Brothers who are at the service of the Earth . They also use integral therapy with the Divine Self that is the highest version of ourselves in the now. We can channel the wisdom of our guides consciously. Allow the Emissaries of light to transform the true root of our limitations to increase the speed of our vibration. We feel the support of the beings of Light, while going through periods of intense internal and external change. We must ask our Primary Teacher for the highest spiritual lessons of the initiatory experiences.

Let go of what is no longer in alignment with our soul purpose and our soul path. Close the contracts of relationships that no longer resonate with our light and release them. Learn the lessons of the soul to move to the next level and keep the heart open to the love of the soulmate.

It is good to ask that while we sleep, we take the retreats - those that are closest to us. Say: “Beloved Presence, I align my triple flame with your triple flame and with the triple flame of all the beings of retreat light where you are to be taken there while I sleep. I ask for the Power, Wisdom and Love of my inner Christ. Amen . " There we can receive wisdom so that the soul accelerates its evolution and remembers its origins. With the vibrations of a true home, to connect more deeply with the essence of the soul, we connect with our own group of soulmates in the upper worlds and with the members that are incarnated.

AUTHOR: Susannah

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