El Refugio "and" Salt ", by Julio Andres Pagano


When internal storms break out, you have to keep trusting.

As if it were a powerful lightning, in the middle of a dark and dark night, this message will flash clarity and provide peace of mind, no matter how strong the frame of confusion. These words cross your path for love, bring the perfume of your deepest feeling. Again you stand at the edge of an abyss and have made your wisest decision. You just need to be encouraged to take the step. Do not worry. Do it. Open your wings and jump.

It is no accident that you intuit it, death is near. Your old world is coming to an end. You reached a point of no return, where it seems that someone made an appointment with confusion, misunderstanding and doubt. What's going on? Weren't you looking for harmony, peace and balance? Could you have been so wrong? Calm. You are on the right track, only that the road is over. Now begins a new phase, where you will fly with an open heart.

Do not expect to see others jump to confirm that the flight is possible. Being part of the same essence, the movements are synchronized. When jumping, others jump with us; but enough so that one stays to stop the rest. Trust. In the precise moment in which your feet leave the ground, your eyes will witness infinity of beautiful wings crossing the horizon. Internally you know that it is time to cheer up more.

We incarnate to help wake up, generating structures, roads, spaces, networks and bridges where the crystalline energy runs. Without our flight the change is delayed. We are living portals. We channel subtle frequencies that enliven the development of consciousness. In our internal agenda there are words like religion, balance, polish, serve, cement, coordinate, heal, sow and love. We came together to co-create, vibrating in the light.

In different parts of the world there are thousands and thousands of pilgrim souls that are at the edge of the abyss, waiting for your decision. Do not delay seeking consensus among those around you. They ignore your function, however they travel in your halo. You don't need to convince anyone, just be consistent with your feelings and put yourself back into action. Cheer up Remember that I am by your side. Listen to your heart. Open your wings and jump.

The Shelter

While watching how the wind helped fly the petals of a rose, something happened. I remembered that before coming to Earth, we outlined creative ways to alleviate our task. During the planning, between laughter and emotions a question of yours surprised me: Where would you take me if you saw me tired, confused or sad? . Do you know what we did? Together we create a beautiful place full of love. We call it The Shelter .
Give me your hand. We look away from the suffocating earthly delirium and grant ourselves the internal license to fly into that magical area, which has the frequency of our purest state. You will feel a tender and intoxicating feeling of well-being, for a familiar light now clings to us, welcoming us. This is the unique crystalline space that we gave life to realign, heal and not forget. Here shines the impeccable energy of the Home
We predict that at this height of the path each step would be exhausting, hence we were looking for viable alternatives to oxygenate to continue. Do you see those pictures? They have taken shape, based on our intention, with the purpose of remembering, but as soon as we turn our eyes away it will disappear. I will tell you what our angel tells us; He guards this immaculate grotto, preserving his immortal healing purity.
With the genuine goodness of the beings who only love, it manifests the meaning of what we are witnessing: the open heart is the confirmation of the chosen path, the stars remind us of our cosmic nature and the world without divisions recalls our faithful commitment to unify through love. There are other images, but let's pause. Let's enjoy, for a moment, the subtle vibration that surrounds us.
I watched. The figure that has a point, where countless lines converge, is there to show that all roads lead to the same place. Those waves, on the other hand, highlight the importance of flowing. They are very simple prints because we wanted to remember that we would have to be able to express the complex in a simple way. The angel warns, softly, that today is enough. Let's focus on our inner light.
We are revitalized with the finest essences of faith and perseverance. The pain goes away. The wounds heal. An exquisite harmony is born. The Shelter symbolizes our enduring soul agreement to support us in the toughest moments. Entering this zone of peace, our ancient memory is activated and the wings charge a very special brune, which decides us to continue walking. Thank you so much for joining me to visit our fantastic place out of time.

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