Message from Archangel Michael: The time has come!

  • 2018

Beloved brothers, again the time has come to answer the call made to you, to get up and say: " I am already prepared "; It is time to discard the rest of the costumes they used when they came to Earth, to experience the earth comedies of which they decided to be part.

During the course of their earthly existence, they have had the opportunity to practice the concept of " strengthening the ego ." Now is the time to go out and wear your Light dress, which is waiting for you; This dress has all the knowledge and each one of the qualities that the Mastery possesses that they left aside, while incarnating in this world.

You, dear brothers, are filled with numerous layers of concepts that are not only negative, but also limiting and do not allow you to move forward

Like all those thoughts that have been accumulating during previous lives, with the purpose of fighting and defeating the greatest fear and enemy that they possess and it is that on multiple occasions we have told them that fear, to a certain extent, is about lack of love, which means that each of the beliefs, impulses and negative emotions, such as shame, anger, guilt, lack of trust and dignity, resentment, etc., arise from the feeling of meeting away from the Light and of course, from the love that emanates from the Great Creative Source .

Each one of you has learned to project these feelings in the beings that are around you, as an attempt to recover the feeling of security, warmth, power and joy that the Unconditional Love that the Source has, which is found infused into their hearts. As the years have passed and they have experienced different earthly lives, they have forgotten that all the emotional food that their being requires, is offered by that ray of Light that connects them with their own Divine Presence and, consequently, with the Great Creator.

Then they began to project emotional bonds of attachment to those around them, which generated different ways of fighting between individuals, families, friends, cultures and even nations. As a result of all this, a cyclical emotional war has taken place where there is no winner, but only losers, since no human being can predominate over the other, if he has the necessary willpower, to defeat that exhausting known enemy as fear

You are walking the path to the reunion of the "Love of the Sacred Heart", which, as we have mentioned, is an unconditional love

They must be aware that from the moment that conditional love became a norm for men, based on negative models of thoughts, they allowed other “self-limiting” concepts to be developed that will gradually become their truth. reality. However, the time has come to reverse that, giving a new structure to the reality they are currently experiencing and, giving way to a new future reality, in which are each of those mastery lessons we have been giving them lately.

We have made available to each of you the necessary tools not only to monitor your thoughts, but also to reassure your minds, in order to reprogram both your conscious and your subconscious with greater wisdom about the Divinity that lives in all You, dear light beings .

We have also helped you balance your chakra system, so that you have the opportunity to work in harmony again. It is no surprise that they were disconnected from those around them, as they have been fighting in a long lost battle. However, as they begin to experience and accept peace of mind, they will also begin to experience happiness and joy, because they regained that intimate connection that unites them to the rest of beings. that inhabit the Earth.

The time has come for you to leave behind, each one of those concepts that do not promote the supreme vision

A supreme vision that ensures that in the future they will reach a higher existential level, where they will be daily co-creators, whose power will increase as time goes by. In the same way that they have risen to see how some tragedy happens within their world and have said: No more, I am prepared to move forward and change the world They have set aside the comfort, beauty and safety of the worlds they knew and have embarked on a journey into the unknown, in which they have been for many years, for the purpose Preparing to accomplish their mission along this journey, which is earthly, they have been constantly being tested to determine if they really are ready.

To fulfill their mission, the one they swore and with which they committed themselves, it is necessary to experience the different things that this world offers without letting them win for it, but rather understanding and adapting them in order to move forward on their spiritual journey and achieve greater wisdom, through which they can make their light shine, in addition to using their knowledge and power to change the world where they have incarnated.

Beloved children of the Earth, we wish you all the best on this trip and although we have been watching you with a bit of sadness, our pride is greater, knowing that you have agreed to incarnate in this world to fulfill the great mission that was previously established by the fountain. All of you were aware that we would not see each other for quite some time and that you would forget your true essence, although it is not really forgotten but hidden. However, you accepted the mission and you are doing very well, so now the members of your spiritual families are much closer to you to make you feel the Unconditional Love that the Great Source feels for you, and to let you know that It is time to return with the rest of us.

Now they have been given a new mission, which is to recover everything they left behind and forgot throughout their earthly journey, since as they do so, the closer they will be to reunite again with their spiritual families, who They wait with love, joy and pride.
You can rest assured that as you get closer to the Light and your spiritual truth, we will be closer to you and the greater the divine power you will have. Enjoy this experience that you have chosen to live to gain knowledge, remember that you are all the beloved children of the Great Source and that you will always be loved unconditionally.

This message has been delivered to me so that it could be sent to you, and now that I have done it, I, Archangel Michael, say goodbye to each of you by sending blessings and reminding you of the immense love that both the Source and the rest of the beings of Light feel for you. Do not forget that it is time, and sooner than you think we will meet again .

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