What do the lines on your wrist mean? Look at yourself, see how many you have, and read the message we have for you

  • 2018

The lines you have on your wrist retain different meanings, the surprising thing is that each one of them speaks about your health, prosperity, work and fame . I invite you to count the lines on your wrist and read the exciting text I want to share with you, you will know the real meaning of the lines on your wrist !

The lines on your wrist, what do they mean?

(... the number of bracelets or lines, represent the longevity of your life, prosperity, work and fame; the more bracelets you have, the longer you will live)

The curved lines that separate the palm of your hand with the rest of your arm are called Rascette lines or bracelet bracelet lines, and according to recent scientific and metaphysical research, the number of bracelets or lines represents the longevity of your life, prosperity, work and fame ; The more bracelets you have, the longer you will live.

Look, if the first line is well marked and continuous, it clearly indicates a life span of 23 to 28 life; the second represents a time of 45 to 56 years; The third of the lines on your wrist represents a span of 69 to 84 years of life, and if you have four, it means that you will live more than 84 years of life, so be prepared to enjoy your long life. Have you told how many you have?

To observe these lines you must place the palm of your dominant hand up. Then, where your wrist unit is founded with your arm, you'll see some horizontal lines . To observe them better, I invite you to bend your palm up a little, you will see more pronounced each line.

In the following image, look in detail at each of the lines on your wrist:

Let's see the meaning of each of the lines on your wrist :

First Line :

The first line you see in your wrist is the most important, it is visible and real sign of your health and your activity as a person. I invite you so that you are very attentive to what I want to tell you, it will serve you very much!

First of all, if the first line you have in your wrist is very well marked and defined, without cracks or amendments, congratulations !, you are a person with admirable health, your life will be Robust, healthy and strong, you will not have major difficulties in terms of your physical health. It also indicates that you will have a long and healthy life.

On the other hand, if the features of the first line have cracks, amendments and it is observed cut, it is a call for you to start changing certain eating, work, personal and social habits that are ending with Your life, with your health. Try to maintain a healthy diet and avoid stressing without need, you can rest easy!

Now, if this same line is cut several times in its path, it is clear to present difficulties with fulfilling objectives and dreams of your childhood. Focus on the present moment and transcend, set aside the past and heal everything that is necessary.

Second Line :

If the second line that you see in your wrist is totally straight, without cuts, amendments or gaps, your life will be extraordinarily successful, you will live a full and happy life.

Now, if your second line is very pronounced, it is the visible sign that your life will be extraordinarily luxurious, you will have all the money you want, at your feet you will have everything You can buy with the money.

If you have cuts, cracks or gaps in your second line, your life will be a financial failure; Be very careful! Review your finances and place action plans that prevent you from falling into financial difficulties. Remember that in your hands is the change of many realities that will happen in your life, only you can change your future!

Third Line :

The first thing I want you to keep in mind about the third line is that not all people have it. If you are one of the lucky ones who keep this line, and you observe it continuously, without gaps or cracks, I tell you that you will be or are a person of great influence and fame in society, whether for your professional life or your personal life; Nobody will forget you!

If, on the contrary, the third line has cracks and amendments, you must fight for your profession, for your work dreams, for social, family and personal relationships. Again, I want to remind you that only you can change your future!

Fourth Line :

The fourth line is quite scarce, the vast majority of people do not own it. If you have this line, I tell you that your life will be long, very long, you will have several children, and you will be happy. Normally, the fourth line will favor and strengthen your life.

So far what the lines on your wrist mean .

Finally, according to the lines on your wrist, is your personality right? Did I say something true about you? Are you ready to change your future?

Be careful! Do not focus on knowing if your line has cracks or not, you are the only person responsible for your happiness and your success, only you can change your future! To do this, use in your favor those gifts and abilities that the Universe and the Almighty have graced you as a gift.

(The lines you have on your wrist retain different meanings, the surprising thing is that each one of them speaks about your health, prosperity, work and fame)

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

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