Smoothie: Excellent for caring for your liver

  • 2014

Do you feel your belly swollen, do you suffer from a headache or do you have dark circles? All these symptoms can be the consequence of an intoxicated liver. A natural recipe can be your ally to help treat the problem.

The function of the liver

Since it is the largest glandular organ in our body, he decides which substances should be eliminated as well as store, transform or restructure. It is important because it has the function of cleaning up to the last corner of our body, which is dirty. To help you with this task, you can prepare a smoothie that will benefit you if you drink it with an empty stomach.

Let's do it

In a blender place the following ingredients: 1 green apple without peel, 1 stalk one of celery, 1 tablespoon (dessert size) of grated fresh ginger; 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half a small lemon. Add water and blend. If you want a sweet taste, you can add honey or stevia powder.

If you have diabetes, consider the second option. Remember to take it on an empty stomach, several days, until you feel better. Now, know the properties of each of the ingredients.

The beneficial power of the green apple

In honor of its reputation (One apple a day keeps the doctor away), this fruit is one of the most recommended in obesity regimes. Within the amount of benefits it brings, it is its property to help the daily evacuation of the intestines. In addition to acting on the central nervous system because of its vitamin B group content.

If the intoxication of the liver translates into your face, with dark circles, I recommend you to make an applesauce and, once cold, place it on them.

The therapeutic value of celery

This vegetable contains choline and inositol, which are part of vitamin B. Both help prevent fat from depositing in the liver . It also has a volatile oil called apiol that fights gastric acidity and helps diuresis. Used in salads, with olive oil and lemon, it is an ideal accompaniment in diets to reduce weight.

Celery is very rich in mineral salts and iron; it also contains potassium, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper; All this gives it a high therapeutic value.


It is a rhizome, native to India and Malaysia, which is used as a condiment for both sweet and savory preparations. Its flavor is spicy and lemony.

It is considered a natural disinfectant and antibacterial digestive system. If you don't get the root to grate it, buy it in powder and integrate it into the smoothie in less quantity (1/2 tablespoon of dessert).

Lemon: natural gold

Lemon is considered one of the most wonderful fruits that exist for its therapeutic value. It is a natural disinfectant and digestive, it is recommended in cases of flatulence, indigestion and liver and gallbladder disorders.

In the event that liver poisoning is accompanied by a headache, apply lemon slices on the painful area. When they get hot, remove them and replace them with new ones.

Honey Advantages

It has a powerful disinfectant that, like all acids, has a capacity to drag and clean, it differs from sugar because of its high fructose content and very little sucrose. This implies a smaller effort, on the part of the organism, to assimilate it.

While it is a valuable food, fragile or highly intoxicated organisms lose the ability to metabolize it. In that case, it is advised to replace it with the only natural sweetener that is the “sweet herb” or stevia.

A beneficial fat

Olive oil, first cold pressed, is a food with anti-inflammatory properties. The fatty acids it contains, provide an important defense against the oxidizing effects that lead to aging.

By contributing to the activity of the gallbladder, it is helpful to detoxify the body. Its daily consumption, such as seasoning for salads and cooked vegetables, can help reduce the risk of gallstones.

The liver and emotions

Dr. Hamer has shown that the liver belongs to the endodermal embryonic leaf and is related to survival. The conflicts that affect this layer have to do with what is called "bite conflicts", that is, the perception that the person has in relation to what they need to live and lack: food, money, love, among others.

Therefore, you can not only help your liver to detoxify with the natural recommendations given above, but also by observing what you feel you are missing in order to follow; and work on it.

By Elisa Botti

Excellent to take care of your liver

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