From therapist to healer

  • 2012

The human being has a tendency to want to help others. There is an instinct that leads him to help those around him. Many, it is an unconscious impulse, and in others, a conscious vocation that is what they want to do.

He prepares and activates his active mind to apply, over time, everything he has been learning on an intellectual level, either through a university career, or through courses and workshops.

He finishes his training and begins to look for his space within the closest society to transmit everything that has been taught. Everything is retained in your mind about to be expressed when the slightest opportunity arises, sometimes being your friends, the first practices.
Help to the needy is innate, and I no longer refer to areas of the world, probably more in need than ours (Spain), but to those people who are with us on a day-to-day basis. If a brother or sister is not well and we see that we can do something, we intervene to put our grain of sand for its restoration of any kind. It may “work or not, ” but there is something that tells us: “Go ahead, now is a good opportunity to apply what you have learned and have been taught. Go ahead! ”As we see the situation, we apply everything we have withheld from the explanations received in this regard.

Here the new therapist begins to manifest!

When we manage to create an office or find a place, center, where we can make our visits, we begin to remember everything we have learned. As we listen to the one who has come to us, our mind begins to catalog the individual in front of us and we begin to label him: "he has this and this, and it is because of that, therefore, I have to do such a thing to him. or the other. " Perfect! We have it under control! At such a symptom, such a remedy. ”

This is how the standard, conventional therapist acts over time to our present. "I have been taught that to such a fact, such medicine."
With practice, he realizes that it is not always as it is and that, increasingly, what was transmitted to him does not always correspond to all the people who come to him. That is when he tries to draw his own conclusions and not those of our teachers. His mind goes to one hundred and deepens in other directions to reach a well-being. Search your mind for a way out of the situation, but realize that it is limited and does not always give you other options.

A therapist is one who helps someone. It is a being who does therapies, processes to rebalance the person before him. Over time the "holistic" concept appeared, and some of these beings with a vocation to help others, began to be called "holistic therapists, " or "holistic psychotherapists." Somehow, I also started like this, with this label.
Those who came to me, came out different and encouraged to continue their lives. Most returned to their homes changed, being another in relation to how they began to come to me. Everything was going well.

Over time I changed. Something in me made me change.

Many times, if not the majority of conventional therapies: psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and a whole legion of "helpers through existing paraphernalia" are based on the past of those who come to your office. You work what happened to you, going back to your past, and often more ancestor, to find the root of your current blockages. He insists again and again with what it was: talk about his life and the most painful moments, regressions, ... By spending time we give him more strength and power, enhancing the blocking energy of the individual. When we act like this, what we are doing, is to insist on what was not positive, and enhance its most limiting and painful emotional aspects. Times are changing, but everything and so, there is still too much reference in having present what was and not what it is. Unfortunately, the human being is still subject to a balance based on dependence on an element external to him: capsules, pills, gems, amulets, mandalas, flower essences and a whole series of resources to make the person “be well again” " He is not taught to be her, but to depend.

It can be a therapist who gets the person who follows a therapy of their way of acting to restore their emotional, mental and physical balance. Yes, this is considered a good therapist!

Allow me to tell you that when we serve the rational mind, the past and the external elements as a continuous norm of treatment to help someone, what we are saying is:

- You are unable to fend for yourself. Your past can with you and it is he who dominates you. It is necessary to suffer a lot to free ourselves from it. You just can't, I'm sorry. You are a limited being and I am the one who can help you. You need someone like me to be you. I can, and not you, by yourself.

What is a healer? Well, the opposite of the person who wants to help and is based on their reasoning and knowledge of books, rational knowledge.

A healer does not act from the mind to help someone.

A healer does not keep in mind the past of who comes to him. He knows him but does not insist on him. The attitude of indifference to what was, devalued it. It is not recreated with what happened to the "patient", but is based on the present, with what can be done from now on.

A therapist controls the session at all times. He wants to have everything under control and direct the visit.

A therapist wants to reach some results.

A healer is not responsible for the results, because they do not depend on him.

A healer is someone who allows God to manifest through him, helping to activate the divinity of the other.

A therapist sees his patients as someone who needs help.

A healer sees those who come to him as complete beings, not remembering who they are, who have forgotten who they are, but who are God like him. Perfect beings.

Two different energies Two different results.

A healer does not control the session at all, because he acts from the heart and is guided by his divinity, by those who accompany him from the world of Light.

A healer does not say what a “patient” has to do, but rather he tells him the situation he is in and explains everything he has received from him according to his energies. It transmits the appropriate advice received by those who accompany it. Everything and so, sometimes not even this, because simply, when the session ends, you are already better or better.

A healer does not control, does not want to obtain results, and I would like these words to be understood, because not he who heals, but that all healing is due to divine intervention. It does not depend on him. He who comes before us has an important part in the healing process.

A healer lives the present, the now and here.

The therapist takes into account a linear process thinking about possible new visits with him.

A healer does not know how to finish what he is doing now. My own experience has made me see, that sometimes with one alone is enough.

The therapist has a tendency to set a minimum of sessions according to what the patient has.

The healer is only aware of the day's session and is certain that the person can stand on his own and does not need to go to him.

A healer is not afraid of what might happen in relation to its effectiveness, because it is not he who works.

The therapist constantly considers his reputation because he wants to achieve results.

There is so much difference between most current therapies and healing sessions!

There is a lot of distance between the therapists of the old energies and the true current therapists (healers of the new times).

From what I have been able to verify, the results are much more remarkable in the sessions of a healer, than in the visits of a therapist.

Therapies often create dependence, and sometimes, dissatisfaction over time.

Healing sessions create liberation, peace, unlocking and a restored balance in order to remember who we really are and to be able to take steps towards our divinity. These sessions open doors of remembering who we are and knowing what to do for ourselves from now on. They help you connect with your true essence.

Healing can open the doors of an awakening of consciousness.

Conventional therapies maintain the status of disability on the part of the human being.

It is time to stop having one's past so present and focus more on its present.

It is time to let everyone take responsibility for their life and wake up the healer and the teacher inside him.

In order to help others, you should first help yourself.

It is a healer here who has been healed before him, so he will know what that being before him needs.

Being a therapist is being a tool to manifest the content of your mind.

Healers are channels of his divinity, letting himself be carried away by his heart.

When we are more, and remember who we are, more healers will be, and we will leave the label of therapist according to some contents, some techniques learned.

We are much more than they have made us believe.

May Love and Peace be in you.

Jordi Morella

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