August 2012. Beyond the illusion

  • 2012

There is nothing hidden that does not ever surface, or revelation that does not come loaded with tears. Beyond the techniques is the obvious that happens to us in the day. And the reasons fall by themselves when you accept what happens in the present. As much as one tries to hide behind pseudo-spiritual visions, complex practices, psychomagic rituals ... reality is what it is and does not commit traps. Assuming responsibility for one's life has infinite power for existential alignment. The New World is not coming tomorrow, it lives dormant here, now, ALWAYS. What world do you tune into? I like the radio metaphor. The radio contains all the dials of all the programs. In it all the waves, the sounds, the colors converge. But you choose which dial to listen to. You move the wheel over there, here, and choose what you want to hear. What world do you choose NOW?

The one who stops wishing is because he has finally come home. And in recognition of his re-found TRUTH, the purpose of his existence arises, without special effects, without craving anything other than being at peace with Life, being at peace in his heart. Peace is spread.

Attentive to beauty, attentive to the resonant and vibrant truth that is irremediably recognized through clear vision. The mind is deceiving when we believe that it hides "The Secret" from a full, abundant and loving life. The spiritist mind likes cheating, disappointment and searching. But to find you have to stop searching. But you have to be brave.

The awakening time is over. And with him all the doctrines, the rituals, the spectacular ceremonies that the spiritualized mind so much likes. UPGRADE. The concepts make no sense if they do not become experience. Experience releases concepts, philosophies, stories. They have had their meaning, they have fulfilled their purpose. But now we are in another phase. Now play something new. VIBRATION.

The fall is necessary for the resurgence of Truth. Life is an experience and not a theory. It's okay to organize the path through a certain structure. It is okay to create new pedagogies for the New World. But the important thing is not what we do but from where we do it. BEING TO DO FROM BEING.

Earth is ready. The Sun is informing us of the next step to take. And we have to hold the vibration of LOVE, NOTHING more. Live IN LOVE. Look without fear in the eyes. Embrace with the purity and innocence that was given to us at the beginning of our journey, right at the first breath. A BE aligned with its HEART finds the path that leads to its destination clear. And there is no harm that he can touch if he holds the vibration of LOVE in his heart. Aligned with Life ... what a gift!

The techniques come to an end. I remember a presentation of Aquarius in Tenerife that someone asked me what techniques we were going to learn. The simple answer;

- ANY. You will be the technique.

To embrace the BEING, to be integrated in the Consciousness, in the LIFE report that encourages the forms, gives us the authentic knowledge that is born of the SENTIR. And if something has this integration is the resonant vibration that is installed in our body and in our vehicles of expression of Life. The encounter with what we are has no technique but a deep will to re-know the known, to remember the forgotten.

BE WHAT WE ARE, BE LOVE in ACTION and let our heart guide every word, every silence, every gesture, every look, every breath ... FLOW with LIFE with the sole responsibility of holding the dial in the right position.

There is nothing that is separate from anything. The beyond is not beyond, it is beyond. But we can only perceive it when we open the door of our heart.

The soul is awake, always has been and always will be. Dare to BE, simply and RESPIRATE. Clear vision flows in FEELING and not in thinking or wishing.

Attentive, the mind hides the freedom that resides beyond it. In the heart there is no distance, neither here nor there but ALL ONE, all UNIT.

In genuine FEELING, both you and I simply ARE. ”

The mind is powerful when it is silent. It really is its natural state when we have gone through and transformed the emotional shadows that we harbor inside. The mind is a perfect vehicle for the manifestation of the intimate. The mind fulfills its purpose when placed at the service of intuition.

There are new revelations currently floating in the non-space-time in which we live. New updates and energy movements that are driving us to a new scenario. Each one is at the right time he has to be. And it is no longer necessary to believe or not to believe because the belief paradigm fades before the emergence of a new, more sensitive and vibrational paradigm. The TRUTH, that which humanity has longed for for centuries and centuries, is an EXPERIENCE, not a concept or a quantum theory. Only Experience opens us to the understanding and understanding of the relational dynamics of Life. THE MORE WE FEEL, THE MORE WE KNOW. And also more quiet. The silence says a lot. The silence speaks.

Living without a past is a wonderful thing. You look back and there is nothing. You look forward and there is everything. And one is here, in the present, FEELING LIVE, LOVING AND CONNECTED.

Intuition is the re-connective sense for the creation of a NEW WORLD. Keep aligned with the heart, centered and PRESENT…. There is nothing else. Let Life do through ONE, without personal importance, without fear, without drama ... What else? There is nothing else.

Many are feeling this new wave of COSMIC LOVE that comes to us. It is the time of the emergence of the authentic, the genuine servants of LIFE who, as Lao Tse said, "do nothing, and as they do nothing, nothing remains to be done." There are reasons to trust. There are reasons to sustain hope. But these reasons are not rational, they are sensitive. There are people who LOVE in the world, FAMILIES of SOULs that bet on the NEW WORLD, giving their LIFE without fear for the fulfillment of humanity's oldest plan, "CREATE HEAVEN ON EARTH". And what unites them are not the techniques but the responsibility and recognition of what WE ARE. 24 hours in LOVE, 24 hours connected ...

The veil is thin and the immensity of existence can be taken by extending the hand a few millimeters. SUSTAIN US. Life supports those who support LIFE.

Everything is in order. Everything is fine. WE BREATHE.

I love you.

Jorge Santana

PD: As always, no case. If it inspires and resonates them, this is for you.

August 2012. Beyond the illusion

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