The 7 Cosmic Rays

  • 2010
Table of Contents hide 1 Blue Ray 2 Golden Ray 3 Pink Ray 4 White Ray 5 Green Ray 6 Ruby Ray 7 Violet Ray

The light energy, which comes from the Father, is of a white, celestial, transparent and pure irradiation.

This divine energy carries with it the remaining 6 rays of manifestation.

In the physical we decompose the white light focusing it in a prism and we have the total spectrum of colors. We can see this in nature. Millions of small drops of water, suspended in the atmosphere, decompose the white transparent solar light, forming the beautiful rainbow.

According to the metaphysical law of correspondence, as above it is below, as it is in the micro is in the macro. The divine light, which emanates from our Father Mother Central Sun, is pure life manifesting itself in a continuous and constant way. This light energy reaches our central sun, where our physical sun revolves orbiting.

The solar logos, acting as a spiritual prism, decomposes the primordial white ray, projecting this next to the 6 remaining rays towards our planetary logos. In the same way, our solar logos project the 7 rays towards the directors (logos) of the other planets of the solar system.

These 7 rays of spiritual light reach our planet and are directed by the planetary logos to the 7 solar archangels, so that they 7 by 7 make them reach us.

These rays of primordial life enter through our heads (coronary center) and are anchored in our hearts, feeding the triune energy flame in our heart consciousness center. This divine flame is the light energy that mobilizes our lower bodies giving them life.

No one is disconnected in the cosmos. We are all connected through these rays of light from our central sun Father Mother Love. That is why we can affirm with full certainty that: "I and my Father are one, together with all my brothers in the universe."

These 7 rays are a beautiful color, very difficult to compare with the colors that our physical eyes see. To help with the understanding, visualization and application of these rays, they are assigned colors somewhat similar to those we know in the physical plane. These are:

Blue ray

Golden Ray

Pink ray

White Lightning

Green Thunder

Ruby Ray

Violet ray

And so far the 7 Cosmic Rays. I hope you enjoy them

Om Shanti ^^

Selanat Gajun, Selanat Ja (Be One, Be One in Joy)


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