The path of life and the perfection of the soul (Psalms, 16, 11), Conversations with God

  • 2013

2 “You will teach me the way of life, full of joy, in front of your face, on your right, delight forever.”

I've searched the way to God all my life ...

I know you have done it.

... and now I've found it, and I can't believe it. I seem to be sitting here, writing to myself.

It is what you are doing.

But I don't think that's what a communication with God should look like to me.

Do you want clarines and trumpets? I'll see what I can do.

You know, there will be those who say that this whole book is nothing but blasphemy. Especially if you keep playing funny.

Let me explain something to you. You have the idea that God is only shown in one way. That is a very dangerous idea.

That prevents you from seeing God everywhere. If you believe that God is seen and heard only in one way, or only in one way, you will look at Me without seeing me day and night. You will spend your whole life searching for God, and you will not find him; precisely because you will be looking for someone. I put it as an example.

It has been said that if one does not see God in the profane and in the deep, half of history is being lost. It is a great truth.

God is in sadness and laughter, bitter and sweet. Behind every thing a divine purpose is hidden; and, therefore, in each thing is the divine presence.

Once I started writing a book titled God is a salami sandwich.

It would have been a good book. I gave you that inspiration. Why didn't you write it?

I thought it was blasphemy. Or, at least, a horrible irreverence.

You want to say a wonderful irreverence! Where did you get the idea that God is only "reverent"? God is high and low. The hot and the cold. The left and the right. The reverent and the irreverent!

Do you think that God does not laugh? Can you imagine that God does not enjoy a good joke? Do you think God lacks a sense of humor? Let me tell you something: God invented humor.

Should you speak to me in a circumspect tone when you turn to Me? Are strong terms or jargon out of my understanding? I assure you that you can talk to me as you would talk to your best friend.

Do you think there is any word that I have not heard? A vision that I have not seen? A sound that I do not know?

Do you think that I despise any of them, while the taste of others?

I assure you that I do not despise anything. None of it is repulsive to Me . That is life, and life is the gift; the unspeakable treasure; The most sacred of all.

I am life, since I am the substance that constitutes life. Each of its aspects has a divine purpose. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, without a reason known and approved by God.

How can that be? And what about the evil that man has created?

You cannot create anything - not a thought, not an object, not an event, no experience of any kind - that is not the result of God's plan; since God's plan for you is that you believe anything - everything - that you want. In this freedom lies the experience of God as being God, and this is the experience for which I have created You. And to life itself.

Evil is what you call evil. But even that is to my liking, since only through that which you call wrong can you know the good; Only through what you call the work of the devil can you know and do the work of God. I don't love hot or cold more, high than low, left than right. Everything is relative. Everything is part of what it is.

I do not love anything more than good than bad. Hitler went to heaven. When you understand this, you will understand God.

However, they have taught me to believe that good and evil exist; that right and wrong are opposite terms; that some things are not right, they are not acceptable in the eyes of God.

Everything is acceptable in the eyes of God, since how can God not accept something that is? Rejecting something means denying that it exists. To say that something is not right means to affirm that it is not part of Me; And that is impossible.

However, be faithful to your beliefs, and keep your values ​​true, since it is about the values ​​of your parents, and the parents of your parents, your friends and your society. These form the structure of your life, and losing them would mean undoing the fabric that constitutes your experience. However, examine them one by one. Check them piece by piece. Do not undo the house, but observe each of the bricks, and replace those that you see that are broken and can no longer support the structure.

Your ideas regarding right and wrong are just that: ideas. They are thoughts that constitute the form and create the substance of Who You Are. There would only be one reason to change any of them; only one purpose to alter them: if you are not happy being Who You Are.

Only you can know if you are happy. Only you can say of your life: This is my creation (my son), in which I am pleased.

If your values ​​serve you, keep them. Argue in your favor. Fight to defend them.

But try to fight so that you do not harm anyone. Damage is not a necessary ingredient in the recipe.

You say sed true to your values and, at the same time, that all our values ​​are wrong. Help me to understand.

I have not said that your values ​​are wrong. But neither are they correct. They are simply judgments. Affirmations Decisions For the most part, these are decisions that you have not made each of you, but some other.

Maybe your parents. Your religion. Your professors, historians, politicians

Very few of the value judgments that you have incorporated into your truth are judgments that you have formulated yourselves based on your own experience. But experience is what you came to look for here, and from your experience you were going to create yourself. But you have created yourselves by the experience of others.

If there were something similar to sin, it would be this: allow yourself to have become what you are because of the experience of others . Here is the `` sin '' that you have committed. All of you. You do not expect to have your own experience, but you accept the experience of others as the gospel (literally), and then, when you encounter the real experience for the first time, you allow what you already knew about the encounter to hide what you really you think

If you didn't work like this, you could have a completely different experience; an experience that would make your teacher or original source appear as wrong. In most cases, you don't want your parents, schools, religions, traditions or sacred scriptures to appear as wrong, so you deny your own experience in favor of what they have told you to think.

No reality can illustrate this more deeply than your treatment of human sexuality.

Everyone knows that, among all the physical experiences available to humans, sexual experience can be the most attractive, exciting, powerful, stimulating, renewing, energetic, intimate, and with the greatest capacity for affirmation, union and recreation. Even having discovered this experientially, you have decided instead to accept previous judgments, opinions and ideas about sex spread by others; all of them with vested interests in which you think in one way or another.

These opinions, judgments and ideas have gone directly against your own experience; However, because you are not willing to consider your teachers wrong, you convince yourself that it must be your experience that is wrong. The result is that you have betrayed your true truth in relation to this question; and this with devastating results.

You have done the same with money. In those moments of your life when you have a lot of money, you feel great. You feel great receiving it, and you feel great spending it. There is nothing wrong with it, there is no evil, nothing intrinsically "wrong." However, they have deeply rooted in you the teachings of others on this subject, that you have rejected your experience in favor of "truth."

Having adopted this "truth" as yours, you have built thoughts around it; thoughts that are creators. So you have created a personal reality around money that takes you away from you; since why would you try to attract something that is not good?

Surprisingly, you have created the same contradiction around God. All your deepest experiences about God tell you that God is good. All those professors who teach you something about God tell you that God is bad. Your heart tells you to love God without fearing him. Your teachers tell you that you have to fear God, since he is a vengeful God. You are to live in fear of God's wrath, they say. You must tremble in his presence. Throughout your life you have to fear the judgment of the Lord - they have told you - because the Lord is "righteous", and he knows everything; and you will be in trouble when you face the terrible justice of the Lord. You must therefore "obey" the commandments of God. Or else…

Above all, you don't have to ask logical questions such as: "If God wants strict obedience to his laws, why did he create the possibility that such laws would be violated?" All your teachers tell you that because God wanted you to have "free will." However, what kind of free will is that, if choosing one thing instead of another carries condemnation? How can "free will" be free, if it is not your will, but that of someone else, that you must fulfill? Those who teach you make God a hypocrite.

You have been told that God forgives and is compassionate; but if you do not ask forgiveness in the "right way", if you do not "go to God" in the proper way, your plea will not be heard, your cry will remain unanswered. Even that would not be so bad if there was only one suitable way; but there are as many "appropriate ways" as there are teachers.

So most of you spend almost all of your adult life looking for the "right" way to worship, obey and serve God. The irony of the matter is that I don't want your worship, I don't need your obedience, and I don't need You need to serve me.

This type of behavior is what the monarchs have historically demanded from their subjects; Normally, self-centered, insecure and tyrannical monarchs. They are not divine demands at all; and it is extraordinary that the world has not already reached the conclusion that such demands are false, that they have nothing to do with the needs or desires of God.

The divinity has no needs. Everything there is exactly that: everything there is. Therefore, he does not want anything, nor does he lack anything; by definition.

If you want to believe in a God who somehow needs something - and feels so hurt if he doesn't get it that punishes those from whom he expected to receive it - then you want to believe in a God much smaller than Me. And you truly are Children of a Lesser God.

No, my children; please let me assure you once again, through this text, that I have no needs. I do not need anything.

This does not mean you have no desires. Desires and needs are not the same thing (although for many of you they are in your current life).

Desire is the beginning of all creation. It is the first thought. It is a great feeling in the soul. It is God, deciding what he will create.

And what is the desire of God?

I wish, first of all, to know myself and experience myself , in all My glory; Know Who I Am Before inventing you - and all the worlds in the universe - it was impossible for Me to do so.

Secondly, I wish that you may know and experience Who You Really Are , through the power that I have given you to create and experience yourselves in whatever way you choose.

Thirdly, I wish that the whole process of life be an experience of constant joy, of continuous creation, of endless expansion and of total realization in every moment .

I have established a perfect system through which these wishes can be realized. They are being done now, right now. The only difference between you and I is that I know it.

The moment you reach full knowledge (a moment that can happen at any moment), you will feel the same as I constantly feel: a joy, love, acceptance, blessing and total thanks.

These are the five attitudes of God; and, before proceeding with this dialogue, I will show you how the application of these attitudes in your current life can lead you - and will lead you - towards holiness.

All this constitutes a very long answer to a very short question.

Yes, be true to your values, to the extent that you experience that they are useful to you. But look to see if these values ​​that serve you, with your thoughts, words and actions, bring to the space of your experience the best and highest idea you have ever had of yourself.

Examine your values ​​one by one. Submit them in the light of public scrutiny.

If you can tell the world who you are and what you believe in without hesitation or indecision, then you are happy with yourself. There is no reason to go further in this dialogue with me, since you have already created an I - and a life for this I - that needs no improvement. You have reached perfection. You can leave this book.

My life is not perfect, it doesn't even come close to perfection. I am not perfect. Actually, I am a cluster of imperfections. I would like - sometimes wholeheartedly - to correct these imperfections; what I know that originates my behaviors, that causes my falls, that keeps me on my way. I suppose that is why I have come to You. I have not been able to find the answers for myself.

I am glad you came to Me. I have always been willing to help you. And I am now. You don't have to find the answers for yourself. You have never had why.

But it seems so ... presumptuous ... just sit down and talk with you in this way ... and much more imagine that You - God - answer me. I mean it's crazy.

I see. The authors of the Bible were sane, but you are crazy.

The authors of the Bible witnessed the life of Christ, and faithfully reproduced what they saw and heard.

False. Most New Testament authors never knew or saw Jesus in their life. They lived many years after Jesus left the earth. They would not have recognized Jesus of Nazareth even if they had met him on the street.


The authors of the Bible were great believers and great historians. They collected the stories that had reached them and their friends from the mouths of their elders, who, in turn, had heard them from their elders - until finally a compilation arose. n written.

And not all the authors of the Bible were included in the final document.

The churches around the teachings of Jesus had already emerged; and as it happens whenever and wherever people gather around a powerful idea there were certain individuals within those churches, or enclaves, that determined what parts of Jesus' history They had to be mentioned and how. This process of selection and correction continued throughout the collection, writing and publication of the gospels and the Bible.

Even several centuries after the original scriptures were recorded, a High Council of the Church determined, once again, that doctrines and truths had to be included in the official Bible at that time; and what will result in unhealthy or premature revelation to the masses.

In addition, there have been other sacred writings, each of them the result of a moment of inspiration from men for the most common, none of which was crazier than you.

Will you not be suggesting that these texts could become a day s sacred scriptures ?

My son , everything in life is sacred. From this perspective, yes, they are sacred writings. But I don't want to play word games with you, well I know what you mean.

No, I am not suggesting that this manuscript will become a day in sacred writing. At least not for a few hundred years, or until your language does not become outdated.

Look: the problem is that this language is too colloquial, too familiar, too contemporary. People assume that, if God spoke directly with one, his voice would not sound like that of the next door neighbor. The structure of language must have a nuance of unity, if not divinity; a nuance of dignity; A feeling of holiness.

As I said before, this is only part of the problem. People have a perception of God as Someone who manifests himself in a unique way. Anything that violates this form is considered blasphemy.

What I have said before.

What you said before.

But let's go to the bottom of the matter. Why do you think it's crazy that you can maintain a dialogue with God? Do you not believe in prayer?

Yes, but this is different. For me, prayer has always had only one direction. I ask, and God remains unchanging .

Has God never answered a prayer?

Well, yes; but, look, never verbally. Well, there have been a whole series of events in my life that I have been convinced were an answer a very direct answer to prayer. But God has never spoken to me.

I see. So, that God you believe in is a God who can do everything, except precisely speak.

Of course God can speak, if he wants to do it. It's just that it doesn't seem likely that God is going to want to talk to me.

Here is the root of all the problems you experience in your life: that you don't consider yourself worthy enough for God to speak to you .

Holy Heaven! How can you ever hope to hear My voice, if you don't believe yourself worthy enough to speak to you?

I assure you: right now I am doing a miracle; Well, I'm not only talking to you, but to anyone who has bought this book and is reading these words .

At this moment I am talking to each of them. I know who each one is. I know who will find their way through these words; and I know (as with all My other communications) That some will be able to hear, and others will only be able to hear, but will not hear anything.

Good; That raises another issue. I had already thought about publishing this material, as it is being written.

Yes. What does that have of "bad"?

Won't you tell me that I am creating all this for your own benefit? And that won't make him suspicious?

The reason you write this is that you can earn a lot of money?

No. That is not why I started doing it. I started this dialogue on paper because my mind has been beset by a series of questions for thirty years; and I was hungry - rather starving - for answers. The idea that I could make a book with all this came later.

I gave it to you.


Yes. You won't believe I'm going to let you waste all these wonderful questions and answers.

Had not thought of that. At first, I just wanted my questions to be answered; let my frustration end; That my search will end.

All right. Then stop questioning your motives (something you do incessantly), and we go with it.


Good. I have a hundred questions. A thousand. One million. And the problem is that I don't know where to start.

Simply make a list of the questions, and start with any of them. Do it right now. Make a list of the questions you can think of.

Agree. Some of them will seem quite simple, quite commoner.

Stop making judgments against yourself. Simply make the list.

According. Well, here are the ones that occur to me right now.

1. When will my life finally “take off”? What do you need to “come to your mind” and achieve a minimum of success? Will this fight ever end?

2. When will I learn enough about relationships for mine to go like silk? Is there any way to be happy in relationships? Do they always have to be a constant challenge?

3. Why does it seem like I can never get enough money in my life? Am I destined to tighten my belt and spend financial troubles for the rest of my life? What prevents me from realizing my full potential in this regard?

4. Why can't I do what I really want to do with my life and still earn enough to live?

5. How can I solve some of the health problems I suffer? I have been a victim of many chronic problems throughout my life. Why do I still have them?

6. What is the karmic lesson that I am supposed to assimilate here? What do I try to learn?

7. Is there something similar to reincarnation? How many previous lives have I had? What was in them? Is the "karmic debt" real?

8. Sometimes I have the feeling of being a medium. Is there something similar to "being a medium"? Am i People who claim that it is "pact with the devil"?

9. Is it right to make money doing good? If I decide to do a work of reconciliation in the world - the work of God - can I do it and, at the same time, enjoy economic abundance? Or are both things mutually exclusive?

10. Is sex good? Come on, what is the crux of this human experience! Is the goal of sex purely procreation, as some religions claim? Is it true that holiness and enlightenment are obtained through the denial - or transmutation - of sexual energy? Is it right to practice sex without love? Is physical sensation sufficient reason to justify it?

11. Why did you make sex a human experience so good, so impressive and so powerful, if all we have to do is turn away from it as much as possible? What happens? In this sense, why do all the fun things "or gain weight or are sin"?

12. Are there living beings on other planets? Have you visited us? Are you watching us? Will we see any evidence - irrefutable and indisputable - of extraterrestrial life during our life? Does every way of life have its own God? And you are the God of all of them?

13. Will the utopia ever take place on planet earth? Will God ever show himself to the people of the Earth, as he promised? Will there be something similar to the Second Coming? Will there ever be an End of the World, or an apocalypse, as the Bible prophesies? Is there a religion that is true? And if so, which one?

14. These are some of my questions. As I said, I have hundreds more. Some of them are embarrassing: they seem to me to be of someone immature. But please, answer them one by one, and "let's talk" about them.

Good. Now we start Do not apologize for these questions. These are questions that men and women have been asking for hundreds of years. If the questions were so dumb, they would not be asked by one generation after another. So let's go to the first one.

I have established Laws in the universe that allow you to have - create - exactly what you want. Such laws cannot be violated, nor can they be ignored. You are obeying those Laws right now, even as you write this. You can't stop fulfilling them, because that's how things work. You cannot depart from them; You cannot act apart from them.

Every minute of your life you have been acting within them; and, thus, everything you have experienced has been created by you.

You form society with God. We share an eternal covenant. My commitment to you is to always give you what you ask. Your commitment is to ask me; in understanding the process of the petition and the grant. I have explained this process before. I will do it again, so that you understand it in a clear way.

You are a triple being. You are composed of body, mind and spirit. You can also call it the physical, the non-physical and the meta-physical. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called in many ways.

Just as you are, I am too. I manifest as Three-In-One. Some of your theologians have called him Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Your psychiatrists have also recognized this triumvirate, and have called it "conscious, " "subconscious, " and "superconscious."

Your philosophers have called it the "it", the "me" and the "super-me".

Science calls it "energy, " "matter, " and "antimatter."

Poets speak of "mind, " "heart, " and "soul." New Age thinkers allude to "body, " "mind, " and "spirit."

Your time is divided into "past, " "present, " and "future." Could it not be the same as "subconscious", "conscious" and "superconscious"?

The space is also divided into three categories: "here", "there" and "the intermediate space".

Defining and describing this "intermediate space" is difficult, elusive. The moment you start defining or describing it, the space you describe becomes “here” or “there”. However, we know that this "intermediate space" exists. It is what keeps “here” and “there” in place; in the same way that the eternal now keeps the "before" and the "after" in place.

These three aspects of your being are, in reality, three energies. You could call them thought, word and action. All three together produce a result; what, in your language and according to your knowledge, is called a "feeling, " or "experience."

Your soul (subconscious, it, spirit, past, etc.) is the total sum of all the feelings that you have had (created). Your awareness of some of them is called "memory." When you have a memory, you talk about re-membership. That is, gather again. Gather the parts again.

When you gather all your parts again, you will have re-membered Who You Really Are.

The creation process begins with thought; An idea, concept or mental image. All you see was once someone's idea. Nothing exists in your world that has not existed before as pure thought.

That is also true regarding the universe.

Thought is the first level of creation.

Next comes the word. All that is said is expressed thought. It is creator, and emits creative energy to the universe. Words are more dynamic (therefore, some may be more creative) than thought, since words constitute a level of vibration different from that of thought. They upset (change, alter, affect) the universe, causing a great impact.

Words constitute the second level of creation.

Next comes the action.

Actions are words in motion. Words are expressed thoughts. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies gathered. The energies are forces released. Forces are existing elements. The elements are particles of God, portions of the All, the substance of everything.

The principle is God. The end is the action. The action is God creating, or God experiencing.

Your thought about yourself is that you are not good enough, wonderful enough, pure enough, to be a part of God, to form a partnership with God. You have denied for so long Who You Are, that you have forgotten.

This has not happened by chance; It is not by chance. Be part of a divine plan, since you could not affirm, create or experience Who You Are, if you already were. First it was necessary that you break (deny, forget) your bond with me, in order to fully experience it through its full creation, through its emergence, since your greatest wish and M The greatest wish was that you would experience yourself as the part of Me that you are. So, you are in the process of experiencing yourself by believing yourself again in each moment. Like I am; through you.

Do you see society? Do you understand its implications? It is a sacred collaboration; really, of a sacred communion.

So, your life detach when you decide to do it. So far you have not decided. You have entertained, you have postponed, you have protested. Now is the time to produce what was promised. To do so, you must believe the promise, and live it. You must live the promise of God.

God's promise is that you are His son. Your offspring Its like. Its equal.

Ah! This is where the matter gets complicated. You can accept the one about His son, descendence and s similar, but you refuse to be called His equal Accept that is too much. Too great, too amazing; Too much responsibility, since, if you are equal to God, that means that nothing is given to you, but that everything is created by you. There can no longer be victims or wicked; s lo resultados de tu pensamiento respecto a algo.

Te lo aseguro: todo lo que ves en tu mundo es el resultado de tu idea sobre ello.

Quieres que tu vida despegue realmente? Entonces, cambia tu idea sobre ella. Sobre ti. Piensa, act ay habla como el Dios que Eres.

Por supuesto, eso te alejar de muchos de la mayor a de tus semejantes. Te llamar n loco. Te acusar n de blasfemo. Finalmente se hartar n de ti, y tratar n de crucificarte.

Actuar n as, no porque piensen que tu vives en un mundo producto de tus propias ilusiones (la mayor a de los hombres son lo bastante amables como para permitirte tus diversiones privadas), sino porque, antes o despu s, otros se sentir n atra dos por tu verdad, por las promesas que sta encierra para ellos.

Y es en este momento cuando intervendr n tus semejantes, porque ser en este momento cuando empezarás a representar una amenaza para ellos, ya que tu sencilla verdad, sencillamente vivida, ofrecerá más belleza, más bienestar, más paz, más alegría y más amor hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás que todo lo que tus colegas terrenales puedan idear.

Y adoptar esa verdad significaría el fin de sus costumbres. Significaría el fin del odio y el temor, de la guerra y la intolerancia. El fin de todas las condenas y asesinatos que se han cometido en Mi nombre. El fin de “la ley del más fuerte”. El fin de la lealtad y el homenaje por el temor. El fin del mundo tal como lo conocéis; y como vosotros lo habéis creado hasta ahora.

De modo que estáte preparada, alma buena; puesto que serás vilipendiada y despreciada, insultada y abandonada, y finalmente te acusarán te juzgarán y te condenarán – todo ello a su manera – desde el momento en que aceptes y adoptes tu sagrada causa: la realización del Yo.

Entonces, ¿por qué hacerlo?

Porque ha dejado de preocuparte la aceptación o aprobación del mundo. Ha dejado de satisfacerte lo que ésta te ha aportado Ha dejado de complacerte lo que les ha dado a otros. Quieres que cese el dolor, que cese el sufrimiento; que termine la ilusión. Estás harto de este mundo tal como es actualmente. Aspiras a un mundo nuevo.

Deja de aspirar a él. Ahora, haz que surja.

¿Puedes ayudarme a entender mejor cómo hacerlo?

Sí. Fíjate primero en tu Más Alto Pensamiento sobre ti mismo. Imagina cómo serías si vivieras ese pensamiento cada día. Imagina lo que pensarías, harías y dirías, y como responderías a lo que los demás hicieran o dijeran.

¿Ves alguna diferencia entre esta proyección y lo que piensas, haces y dices ahora?

Sí. Veo una gran diferencia.

Good. Debes verla, puesto que sabemos que en este momento no estás viviendo tu más alta visión de ti mismo. Ahora bien, una vez vistas las diferencias entre donde estás y dónde quieres estar, empieza a cambiar – cambiar conscientemente – tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones, igualándolos con tu magnífica visión.

Esto requerirá un esfuerzo físico y mental tremendo. Supondrá un control constante, momento a momento, de cada pensamiento, palabra y acto. Implicará una continua – y consciente – toma de decisiones. Todo el proceso constituye un enorme desplazamiento hacia la consciencia. Lo que descubrirás si afrontas este reto es que has pasado la mitad de tu vida inconsciente. Es decir, ignorante a nivel consciente de lo que has decidido en cuanto a pensamientos, palabras y actos hasta que has experimentado sus consecuencias; y entonces, cuando has experimentado dichos resultados, has negado que tus pensamientos, palabras y actos tuvieran algo que ver con ellos.

Se trata de una invitación a abandonar esta vida inconsciente. De un reto al que tu alma ha aspirado desde el principio de los tiempos .

Ese continuo control mental parece que haya de ser terriblemente agotador.

Puede serlo, hasta que se convierta en una segunda naturaleza. En realidad, es tu segunda naturaleza. Tu primera naturaleza consiste en amar incondicionalmente. Tu segunda naturaleza consiste en decidir expresar tu primera naturaleza, tu verdadera naturaleza, conscientemente.

Perdona, pero esa especie de control constante sobre lo que pienso, digo y hago, ¿no me convertirá en una persona “sosa”?

Absolutely. Distinta sí; “sosa” no. ¿Era “soso” Jesús? No creo que lo fuera. ¿Resultaba aburrido estar junto a Buda? La gente se congregaba a su alrededor, suplicaba poder hallarse en su presencia. Nadie que haya llegado a ser un Maestro es aburrido. Quizás sea poco corriente; quizás sea extraordinario; pero nunca “soso”.

Así pues: ¿quieres que tu vida “despegue”? Empieza a imaginártela del modo como quieras que sea, y trata de alcanzarlo. Examina cada pensamiento, palabra y obra que no se muestren en armonía con esa idea, y aléjalos de ti.

Cuando tengas un pensamiento que no cuadre con tu más alta visión, cámbialo por otro nuevo, inmediatamente. Cuando digas algo que no se ajuste a tu más grandiosa idea, toma nota de no volver a decir de nuevo nada semejante. Cuando hagas algo que no cuadre con tu mejor intención, decide que esa sea la última ves que lo haces. Y siempre que puedas, haz el bien sin mirar a quién.

Ya he oído eso antes, y siempre he estado en contra, pues me parece poco honesto. Quiero decir que, si estás enfermo, no puedes admitirlo. Si estás sin blanca, no puedes decirlo. Si estás enfadado, no puedes demostrarlo. Eso me recuerda el chiste de las tres personas que van al infierno: un católico, un judío y un filósofo de la Nueva Era. El diablo le dice al católico, burlonamente: “¿Qué? ¿Cómo va el calor?”. Y el católico le responde compungido: “Me lo tomo como un sacrificio”. A continuación, le pregunta al judío: “¿Y qué otra cosa podía esperar, sino otro infierno?”. Finalmente, el diablo se dirige al filósofo de la Nueva Era: “¿Qué tal el calor?”; a lo que éste responde, sudando: “¿Calor? ¿Qué calor?”.

Es un buen chiste. Pero Yo no estoy hablando de ignorar el problema, o de pretender que no existe. Estoy hablando de observar la circunstancia, y luego formular tu más alta verdad respecto a ella.

Y si estas sin blanca, pues estás sin blanca. Es absurdo mentir acerca de eso, y tratar de inventarse un cuento para no admitirlo. Pero es tu pensamiento acerca de ello – “estar sin blanca es malo”, “estar sin blanca es horrible”, “soy una mala persona, puesto que la buena gente que trabaja duro y realmente se esfuerza nunca está sin blanca”, etc. – el que determina cómo experimentas la “situación-de-estar-sin-blanca”. Son tus palabras acerca de ello – “estoy sin blanca”, “no tengo ni un duro”, “no tengo dinero” – las que dictaminan cuánto tiempo seguirás estando sin blanca. Son tus actos en relación a esta situación – compadeciéndote a ti mismo, dejándote abatir, no tratando de buscar una salida; porque, de todos modos, ¿para qué? – los que, a la larga, crean tu realidad.

Lo primero que has de entender respecto al universo es que ninguna circunstancia es “buena” o “mala”. Simplemente es. De modo que deja de hacer juicios de valor.

Lo segundo que has de saber es que todas las circunstancias son transitorias. Nada se mantiene igual, nada permanece estático. De que manera cambie, es algo que depende de ti.

Perdona, pero voy a interrumpirte de nuevo. ¿Y la persona que cae enferma, pero cuya fe mueve montañas, y – por lo tanto – piensa, dice y cree que va a ponerse mejor… pero se muere seis meses después? ¿Cómo encaja eso con todo este pensamiento positivo y acción afirmativa?

Eso está bien. Me planteas preguntas difíciles. No tomas mis palabras a la ligera. Más adelante habrás de tomar mis palabras a la ligera, debido a que al final verás que podemos estar discutiendo interminablemente, tu y Yo, hasta que no quede otra cosa que hacer sino “intentarlo o rechazarlo”. Pero este momento aún no ha llegado. Así pues, sigamos con el diálogo; sigamos hablando.

Una persona que tiene una “fe que mueve montañas” y muere seis meses después, ha movido montañas durante seis meses. Puede que eso haya sido suficiente para ella. Puede que haya decidido, en la última hora del último día: “Bueno. Ya tengo suficiente. Estoy dispuesto a pasar a otra aventura”. Tú no puedes conocer su decisión, puesto que es posible que no te lo haya dicho. Lo cierto es que puede haber tomado esta decisión bastante antes – días o semanas antes – y no haberte dicho nada.

Habéis creado una sociedad en la que no se está de acuerdo con que uno quiera morir; en la que no se está de acuerdo con que uno esté de acuerdo con la muerte. Puesto que tú no quieres morir, no puedes imaginar que nadie quiera morir, independientemente de su situación o sus circunstancias.

Sin embargo, hay muchas situaciones en las que la muerte resulta preferible ala vida, y que sé que puedes imaginar si piensas en ello sólo un momento. Sin embargo, esas verdades no se te ocurren – no resultan patentes – cuando te hayas ante alguien que decide morir. Y la persona agonizante lo sabe. Puede percibir el nivel de aceptación que hay entre los que le rodean respecto a su decisión.

¿Te has fijado alguna vez en cuánta gente espera a que la habitación en la que se encuentra se halle vacía para morirse? Algunos incluso les han dicho a sus seres queridos: “Vete tranquilo. Ve a comer algo”, o bien: “Ve a dormir. Estoy bien. Nos veremos mañana”. Y luego, cuando sus fieles custodios los han abandonado, lo mismo hace el alma con el cuerpo del custodiado.

Si les dijeran a sus amigos y parientes allí reunidos: “Simplemente quiero morir”, ellos les responderían: “¡Oh!, ¡No digas eso!”, o bien: “¡No hables de ese modo!”, o bien: “¡Resiste!”, o bien: “¡Por favor, no me dejes!”.

Todo el estamento médico en su conjunto ha sido formado para mantener a la gente con vida, pero no para proporcionarle los medios para que pueda morir con dignidad.

Fíjate en que para un médico o una enfermera la muerte es un fracaso. Para un amigo o un pariente, es un desastre. Sólo para el alma la muerte es un alivio, una liberación.

El mayor regalo que se puede hacer a los moribundos es dejarles morir en paz; no pensar que deben “resistir”, o seguir sufriendo, o preocuparse por uno en ese paso crucial en sus vidas.

Muy a menudo, eso es lo que ha ocurrido en el caso del hombre que dice que va a vivir, cree que va a vivir, e incluso reza para vivir: que, al nivel del alma, ha “cambiado su mentalidad”. Ha llegado el momento de dejar que el cuerpo deje libre el alma para otras ocupaciones. Cuando el alma toma esta decisión, nada puede hacer el cuerpo para cambiarla. Nada que la mente piense puede alterarla. Es en el momento de la muerte cuando aprendemos quién lleva la voz cantante en el triunvirato cuerpo-alma-mente.

Durante toda tu vida crees que tú eres tu cuerpo. Alguna vez piensas que eres tu mente. Pero es en el momento de tu muerte cuando descubres Quien Eres Realmente.

Ahora bien, también ocurre a veces que el cuerpo y la mente no escuchan al alma. Eso crea también la situación que tú describes. Lo que más difícil le resulta hacer a la gente es escuchar a su alma (fíjate que pocos lo hacen).

Sucede, pues, que el alma decide que es el momento de abandonar el cuerpo. El cuerpo y la mente – siempre criados del alma – lo saben, y se inicia el proceso de liberación. Pero la mente (el yo) no quiere aceptarlo. Después de todo, supone el fin de su existencia. Entonces, ordena al cuerpo que resista frente a la muerte, lo que ste hace con mucho gusto, pues tampoco quiere morir. El cuerpo y la mente (el yo) reciben un gran est mulo y grandes elogios por ello del mundo exterior, el mundo de su creaci n. As, la estrategia se confirma.

Ahora bien, en este momento todo depende de hasta qu punto el alma quiere salir. Si no tiene una gran urgencia, puede decir: Est bien, t ganas. Me quedar un poco m s contigo . Pero si el alma tiene muy claro que permanecer junto al cuerpo no sirve a sus m s altos prop sitos que no hay ninguna manera de que pueda seguir evolucionando a trav s de su cuerpo -, entonces lo abandonar, y nada podr detenerla, ni nada debe intentarlo.

El alma tiene muy claro que su objetivo es evolucionar. Ese es su nico y propio objetivo. No le preocupan los xitos del cuerpo o el desarrollo de la mente. No tienen sentido para el alma.

El alma tiene claro tambi n que abandonar el cuerpo no supone ninguna tragedia. En muchos casos, la tragedia est en permanecer en el cuerpo. As pues, has de entender que el alma ve la cuesti n de su muerte como algo diferente. Por supuesto, tambi n ve la cuesti n de la vida de modo distinto; y ese es el origen de gran parte de la frustraci ny ansiedad que uno siente durante su vida. La frustraci ny la ansiedad provienen de no escuchar a la propia alma.

C mo puedo escuchar a mi alma? Si, a la hora de la verdad, el alma es el jefe, c mo puedo estar seguro de que recibo las rdenes de la oficina central?

Lo primero que puedes hacer es tener claro qu es el alma, y dejar de formular juicios sobre ella.

Formulo juicios sobre mi alma?

Constantemente. Ya te he mostrado c mo te juzgas a ti mismo si quieres morir. Tambi n te juzgas a ti mismo si quieres vivir; si quieres vivir realmente. Te juzgas a ti mismo si quieres re r, si quieres llorar, si quieres ganar, si quieres perder, si quieres experimentar la alegr ay el amor especialmente por esto ltimo.

Eso hago?

De alg n sitio has sacado la idea de que negarte la alegr a es un acto piadoso, de que no divertirte en la vida es un acto divino. La negaci n te has dicho a ti mismo es buena.

Me est s diciendo que es mala?

No es ni buena ni mala; es simplemente negaci n. Si tu te sientes bien despu s de negarte a ti mismo, entonces en tu mundo es buena. Si te sientes mal, entonces es mala. La mayor parte de las veces, no lo decides t . Te niegas a ti mismo esto o aquello por que te dices a ti mismo que debes hacerlo. Luego dices que era bueno hacerlo, pero te extra as por que no te sientes bien.

As, lo primero que has de hacer es dejar de formular estos juicios contra ti mismo. Aprende cu l es el deseo del alma, ys guelo. Sigue al alma.

En definitiva, el alma no es sino lm s alto sentimiento de amor que puedas imaginar. Este es el deseo del alma. Este es su objetivo. El alma es el sentimiento. No el conocimiento, sino el sentimiento. Ya posee el conocimiento, pero ste es conceptual; mientras que el sentimiento es experiencial. El alma quiere sentirse as misma, y, por lo tanto, conocerse as misma en su propia experiencia.

El sentimiento m s alto es la experiencia de la unidad con Todo Lo Que Es. Este es el gran retorno a la Verdad por el que el alma suspira. Este es el sentimiento del amor perfecto.

El amor perfecto consiste en percibir lo perfecto que es el color blanco. Muchos piensan que el blanco es la ausencia de color. No es así. Es la inclusión de todos los colores. El blanco es todos los demás colores que existen, combinados.

Del mismo modo, el amor no es la ausencia de toda emoción (odio, cólera, lujuria, envidia, codicia), sino la suma de todo sentimiento. Es la suma total. El total combinado. El todo.

Así, para que el alma pueda experimentar el amor perfecto, debe experimentar todos los sentimientos humanos.

¿Cómo puedo tener compasión de algo que no entiendo? ¿Cómo puedo perdonar en otro lo que nunca he experimentado en Mí mismo? Con ello puedes ver tanto la simplicidad como la imponente magnitud del viaje del alma. Puedes entender por fin lo que es capaz de hacer:

El propósito del alma humana consiste en experimentar todo eso; de modo que pueda ser todo eso.

¿Cómo puede estar arriba, si nunca ha estado abajo? ¿Cómo puede estar a la izquierda, si nunca ha estado a la derecha? ¿Cómo puede tener calor, si no conoce el frío? ¿Cómo puede conocer el bien, si niega el mal? Obviamente, el alma no puede elegir ser algo si no haynada entre lo que elegir. Para experimentar su grandeza, el alma debe saber qué es la grandeza. Y no puede hacerlo sino hay nada másque grandeza. Así, el alma se da cuenta de que la grandeza únicamente existe en el espacio de aquello que no es grandioso. En consecuencia, no condena nunca aquello que no es grandioso, sino que lo bendice, viendo en ello una parte de sí misma que debe existirpara que la otra parte de sí misma se manifieste.

La tarea del alma, por supuesto, consiste en hacer que escojáis la grandeza – que seleccionéis lo mejor de Quienes Sois -, sin condenar aquello que no seleccionáis.

Se trata de una gran tarea, que requiere de muchas vidas, puesto que estáis habituados a aventurar juicios, a llamar a algo “equivocado” o “malo”, o “insuficiente”, en lugar de bendecir aquello que no elegís.

La tarea del alma, por supuesto, consiste en hacer que escojáis la grandeza – que seleccionéis lo mejor de Quienes Sois -, sin condenar aquello que no seleccionáis.

Se trata de una gran tarea, que requiere de muchas vidas, puesto que estáis habituados a aventurar juicios, a llamar a algo “equivocado” o “malo”, o “insuficiente”, en lugar de bendecir aquello que no elegís.

Hacéis algo peor que condenarlo: en realidad, tratáis de dañar aquello que no elegís; tratáis de destruirlo. Si hay alguna persona, lugar o cosa con los que no estéis de acuerdo, los atacáis. Si hay algún pensamiento que os contradice, lo ridiculizáis. Si hay alguna idea distinta de la vuestra, la rechazáis. En esto os equivocáis, puesto que creáis sólo la mitad del universo. Y no podréis entender nunca vuestra mitad en tanto rechacéis completamente la otra.

Todo esto es muy profundo, y te lo agradezco. Nadie me había dicho nunca estas cosas. Al menos, no con tanta sencillez. E intento entenderlas. En realidad, las entiendo. Pero algunas resultan difíciles de afrontar. Por ejemplo, parece que quieras decir que debemos amar lo “equivocado” para que podamos conocer lo “correcto”. ¿Estás diciendo que debemos abrazar al diablo, por decirlo así?

¿De que otro modo podríais reconciliaros con él? Por supuesto, no existe un diablo real, pero te estoy respondiendo en el idioma que has elegido.

La reconciliación es el proceso de aceptarlo todo, y luego elegir lo mejor. ¿Lo entiendes? No puedes elegir ser Dios si no hay nada más entre lo que elegir.

¡Eh, espera! ¿Has dicho algo de elegir ser Dios?

El sentimiento más alto es el amor perfecto. ¿De acuerdo?

Sí, debe de serlo.

¿Y se te ocurre otra descripción mejor de Dios?

No I dont think so.

All right. Tu alma aspira al más alto sentimiento. Aspira a experimentar, o sea, a ser, el amor perfecto.

Es el amor perfecto; y lo sabe. Pero desea hacer algo más que saberlo. Desea serlo en su experiencia.

¡Evidentemente, aspira a ser Dios! ¿Qué otra cosa ibas a ser?

I do not know. No estoy seguro. Supongo que nunca me lo había planteado. Me parece como si tuviera algo de blasfemo.

No resulta nada interesante el hecho de que no te parezca blasfemo aspirar a ser como el demonio, y en cambio te parezca ofensivo aspirar a ser como Dios.

¡Eh, espera un momento! ¿Quién aspira a ser como el demonio?

¡Tú! ¡Todos vosotros! Incluso habéis creado religiones que afirman que habéis nacido en pecado, que sois pecadores de nacimiento, para convenceros a vosotros mismos de vuestro propio mal. Sin embargo, aunque os dijera que habéis nacido de Dios, que nacéis como puros Dioses y Diosas – puro amor -, me lo negaríais.

Pasáis toda vuestra vida convenciéndoos de que sois malos. Y no sólo de que sois malos, sino de que aquello que deseáis es malo. El sexo es malo, el dinero es malo, la alegría es mala, el poder es malo, tener mucho es malo – mucho de lo que sea -. Algunas de vuestras religiones incluso mantienen la creencia de que bailar es malo, la música es mala, divertirse es malo. Pronto aceptaréis que sonreír es malo, que reír es malo, que amar es malo.

No, no, amigo mío; puede que haya muchas cosas que no tienes claras, pero hay una que sí la tienes. Tú eres malo, y la mayor parte de lo que deseas es malo. Una vez formulado este juicio sobre ti mismo, has decidido que tu tarea consiste en ser mejor.

Te advierto que eso está bien. En cualquier caso, el objetivo es el mismo; pero hay un camino más corto, un atajo, una vía más rápida.


La aceptación inmediata de Quien y Qué Eres, y la manifestación de ello.

Eso es lo que hizo Jesús. Es el camino de Buda, de Krishna, el camino de todos los Maestros que han habitado este planeta.

Y de igual modo, todos los Maestros han dejado el mismo mensaje: lo que yo soy, tú lo eres; lo que yo puedo hacer, tú lo puedes hacer; todo esto, y más, también lo harás tú.

Pero no les habéis escuchado. En cambio, habéis elegido el camino, mucho más difícil, de creer que uno es el demonio, de imaginar que uno es el mal.

Decís que es difícil seguir el camino de Cristo, practicar las enseñanzas de Buda, poseer la luz de Krishna, ser un Maestro. Pero Yo te aseguro que es mucho más difícil negar Quien Eres que aceptarlo.

Eres bondad, misericordia, compasión y conocimiento. Eres paz, luz y alegría. Eres perdón y paciencia, fuerza y valor, ayuda cuando hay necesidad, consuelo cuando hay dolor, curación cuando hay herida, enseñanza cuando hay ignorancia. Eres la sabiduría más profunda y la más alta verdad; la paz más magnífica y el más grandioso amor. Eres todo esto. Y en determinados momentos de tu vida tú te has reconocido a ti mismo como siendo todo esto.

Decide, pues, reconocerte a ti mismo siempre como siendo todo esto .

El camino de la vida y la perfección del alma (Salmos, 16, 11)

Extracto del libro: Conversaciones con Dios

Capítulo: Me enseñaras el Camino de la vida

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