The look of the soul by Enriqueta Olivari

  • 2013

When we see ourselves, others and the world from the perspective of the mind we only see failures, limitations, errors and imperfections. That is one of the qualities of the ego-mind: emit judgments and criticisms, thus perpetuating the illusion of separation.

When we look at ourselves, others and the world around us with the look of the soul, we see beauty and perfection in everything, beyond appearances.

At this exact moment your mind may be scandalized: “But how! How can this world be perfect, with all the calamities and injustices that happen every day, everywhere? ”, He must be asking, and he is even likely to start questioning the sanity of who writes this article…

The truth is that at the soul level everything always follows a hidden plan, which is perfect.

As I already shared in my article in this blog entitled “Freedom or destiny?”, Before we are born we choose the circumstances that we will want to experience in our next life on Earth. We not only choose our parents and family, but also our future country, our vocation and all those experiences we feel, at the soul level, that we will need to go through to continue growing and evolving.

It should also be remembered that the soul never dies, it only changes shape or body. This implies that death, as we were taught to face it, is an illusion.

When a group of people died in an accident, a climate disaster or an attack, each of them had already chosen, before birth, to die in that particular way. They establish something like a pact, so that through that event other human beings can learn something.

Thanks to the attack on the Twin Towers, for example, the American people developed an unprecedented charity and solidarity until then.

Thanks to the great economic crisis that plagues the entire planet, many people have woken up to the reality that the system that was prevailing is unsustainable, because it threatens Mother Earth, and economic systems are already being created. Alternative micos, much more consistent and reliable.

And thanks to the climatic imbalances, we have understood that great changes are necessary in our way of using the planet's resources.

This is the era of Awakening. And everything that happens, at the individual and collective level, fulfills that purpose: that we awaken to another way of being, living and perceiving reality.

The sooner each individual changes and transforms, the less need there will be calamities and tragedies.

We can avoid many of the evils that plague the world, if we live daily with the gaze of the soul, which is pure Love, acceptance and Consciousness.

2013- Enriqueta Olivari. The contents can be reproduced, but quoting the author and the site:

The look of the soul by Enriqueta Olivari

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