Great World Meditation "Portal 11-11-11

  • 2011

The date we were all waiting for is almost here. The huge portal 11-11-11 in November will bring a new opportunity for everyone to integrate a good amount of light for our personal healing and that of our planet. This light, if we allow it, will help us see our path more clearly. For this, a precious work of love has been received from the heavenly planes to carry it out all together on that unrepeatable and well-appointed date.

The last time, for the world meditation of 11.09.11 (September 11), there was participation of many groups from 25 countries around the planet. But this time we are going for more. If on the previous occasion the call was made only at the level of Spanish-speaking people and countries (since the information was unfortunately only in Spanish), this time an English version is included. And not only that: we ask people who know some other language (Portuguese, French, Italian ...) to please make a translation of this text and send it to us for editing and forwarding. This would be especially positive in the case of people who understand Spanish or English but live in a country where the main language is a different one, since they could spread it among their country's contacts.

It would be wonderful if everyone who receives this information and wishes to participate could organize a beautiful group to carry out the meditation on November 11 for the benefit of us and the planet. If this is not possible, you can always do it alone in the silence of your hearts. In any case we ask you to send us an email to commenting on your desire to participate and receive the meditation that we will send and indicating from which city and country you write to know which cities and countries will participate this time in addition to trying, whenever that is your desire, get in touch with those of you from the same area so that you form groups or join some already created.

If you receive this information already past the date, or if you know that on the day of meditation it will not be possible to carry it out, you can also send an email to receive information on future meditations and works of love if you wish.

We look forward to your emails loaded with positive energy, good wishes and desire to change this planet. And above all requesting meditation, of course. Also and although we love reading your comments, we ask that you please do not extend too much when writing; keep in mind that the last time hundreds of emails were received.

If so, feel it, forward this information so that more people can participate that day of these works from the depths of their soul.

Thank you, and hugs of light!

Note: We remind the groups that, regardless of the global calls that are sometimes organized, it is very important to carry out these works for the Earth frequently (weekly, biweekly or monthly) for the benefit of the process of ascension and purification from Gaia and therefore from all human beings. It would also be wonderful to adopt the daily habit of sending light or loving thoughts to Gaia while we do our daily activities.

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