Integral Yoga or Cellular Yoga, by Jánaki Alcalá

  • 2011

What is Cell Yoga? Cellular or Integral Yoga is not a new Yoga. This is based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, a philosopher of the 30s who was born in India and lived in England. He returned to India to learn Sanskrit and Bengal, after some problems with justice, and after his personal experience with meditation and yogic practices he dedicated himself to the study of Yoga and the deep meaning of the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita and the spirit and meaning of Indian culture.

Cellular Yoga is a set of yogas: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, ana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Bhakti yoga, Karma Yoga. It is a yoga to live in everyday life. It is said that this yoga begins where others end, something that can also be debatable because I believe that all yoga is to live yoga at all times, in any situation and place, Yoga is a style of life.

In Cellular Yoga you can start Sadhana or practice in different places, some begin with meditation, others with hatha yoga, or simply with the study of the writings of Sri Aurobindo. Another may be this, which we practice:

With the postures we work Hatha Yoga, with Meditation Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, with the chakras. Jana Yoga with knowledge. Bhakti Yoga Spirituality.

Cellular yoga aims to conquer the physical body, mental body and psychic body, or vital body and thus make it available to the Inner Master.

Where is the Inner Master or Psychic Being?

Very close to us. In our interior, near the heart, in our soul. You have to let it act, observe it, ask for advice, and little by little it will manifest itself, more and more clearly; with practice your presence will be more evident.

The Cellular or Integral Yoga, aims to purify the three bodies, and thus the mental impressions that are latent; those that don't let us be happy, those that are printed on cell phones, and that sometimes make us so bad; if they have not been transcended and transmuted. For that it is necessary to look inside, undress and discover what is inside, what happened? That blocked that energy, and I created a "conflict."

At first it may scare us to go back, look at the past, but later you realize how important that purification can be. What a rest! When everything is in order and little by little the transformation is seen, what an inner peace! Little work, with different techniques almost comes out alone. The "conflict" appears as if by magic, through some basic techniques of pranayama and mantra.

If there is no purification there can be no transformation. That is why silence is necessary, observation.

Through these purification techniques. Determination exercises are done, Asanas (postures) Pranayamas (breathing), kriyas (exercises) Dances, (dances) Mantras (divine phrases) etc.

An Integral yoga that helps us make contact with our Higher Self, Inner Master or Psychic Being as we want to call it. Where if we really listen you can guide us and suggest the way forward. In short, connect with the Divine Essence that is in each one of us. And to discover the Shakti Energy.

When we connect with the Psychic and Subliminal Being, we no longer need anything else, the search is over. Now it is only personal experience. We continue to help ourselves with the experiences of the Great Teachers, of the great Saints, of their teachings. But we no longer seek out what is so close to us, Light, Clarity, Existential Help.

We know that all teachers are in us. That all wisdom is within one. You just have to listen, purify yourself internally and externally and we will be more and more in touch with that Higher Self. We will increasingly understand your messages and suggestions. Its presence is evident, it is not a utopia, they are not words made. I only invite you to try Cellular Yoga or Integral Yoga as Sri Aurobindo called it. A few months are enough to find what many times in years of search we have not found.

Integral or Cellular yoga helps you to see yourself and know where you are at the moment, and thus be able to clearly discover if there is an obstacle that prevents the road, where is the problem? the conflict, where is the blockade? Why are you not happy? What is preventing that state?, that for which you were born with your own right, Being Happy is what we are forced to feel. We have come to that to be happy.

Why does suffering cloud my mind?

Cellular Yoga is not the Panacea, it requires that you put something on your part, it is necessary to practice and that you really want to clarify, purify and that all those mental impressions come to light .. Those Samskaras that have been imprinted in your subconscious for so long . Those that drag you to disappointment and discouragement. The same ones that don't let you be happy.

In the process, many times, you do not even realize that what was once a conflict, a concern, ceased to exist, ceased to manifest itself and nothing remains of it, has been erased without more. It was a fast concentrated process, something that at another time could pass years for its transcendence. Now with the help of exercises and those Subliminal Forces, everything is faster and transcended, sometimes it happens easily, everything flows without further ado. Other times the process is slower, and takes longer, but there is always an answer.

The Cellular or Integral Yoga everyone can practice. It is only necessary, even that, to be open, to have the need to take another step on the spiritual path.

Why so afraid to talk about spirituality in yoga. Is it that Yoga is not spiritual? Sometimes they have crossed out Sects. Fortunately that is losing power. It is possible that at some point someone used the word Yoga for its benefits. But today Yoga is a clear and bright clean discipline, there is nothing to hide. Everything is in sight, its results are evident.

If he did not have spirituality, his postures would be physical exercise without further ado. Without underestimating the least to physical exercise. How much good he is doing.

If there were no spirituality, that better understanding and knowledge of ourselves would not be possible. And a want to be better with us and with the rest of the world.

You don't need a religious belief. Yoga can be done by anyone, regardless of the beliefs they have. In yoga there are Christians, Buddhists, Sufis, etc. Even non believers. Spirituality is not religion.

The Cellular or Integral Yoga is based on the spiritual experience of each one, in finding the inner peace, the rest of the body and the mind, stripping ourselves of the chains of the past, in order to reach the Higher states of Consciousness, and to enjoy of the light.

Jánaki Alcalá Molina

Om Ganesha Yoga Center

C / Gran Capitán nº 16 Móstoles Madrid Tlef. 91 647 56 60

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