Message from Jesus: You all have egos, and in human form you need them.

  • 2018

Channeled by John Smallman, August 10, 2018

Sananda - Jesus

When humanity awakens, as it inevitably will, there will be a huge outpouring of LOVE all over the world. You, collectively, have been working on this event for a long time, and you are ready. Chaos, confusion and conflict throughout the world, in this moment of spiritual evolution, is the result of the collective choice of awakening.

Many agonizing memories of conflict, pain and suffering are emerging to release them . When they are held and inhabited, they remain in a state of bitterness, hatred and resentment. While when they are released, they allow themselves to open their hearts to the Love that is always present and that only wishes to wrap them up and embrace them, as it will when they let go of the need to blame, judge or seek revenge or restitution for the wounds of the past, and in instead accept and treat lovingly whatever arises. Love is your nature, and every human being, without exception, just wants to love and be loved.

Releasing they allow themselves to open their hearts to Love.

Love is open, accepts, embraces, but cannot enter where bitterness, hatred or resentment are present because those feelings, those intentions, are options that must be closed to Love. And Love will never force anyone because that It goes completely against His nature.

For many, loving seems to invite them to betrayal because often, as humans, they have seen their trust betrayed. However, betrayal is only effective when Love is sought outside the self. When you recognize and accept that you are Love, and know it, betrayal is no longer a problem because - loving yourself and accepting yourself - you understand that the one who betrays is in intense pain and anguish, and, in truth, is only asking for Love, and so they are able to respond lovingly.

Betrayal is only effective when Love is sought outside the self.

You all know, in the deepest part of your being, that you are beings of Love. But throughout the eons, as children, you have been raised in situations that, to a greater or lesser extent, have exploded Your innocence and abused your trust. Most often, those who did this were unaware of the damage they were causing, and believed that they were preparing the best they could to live and survive in a dangerous and hostile world. .

Love is within all of you, it is the force of life, the energy field that provides the power necessary for the human body to function smoothly and efficiently. When they enclose Love and cling to bitterness, resentment, hatred or the desire for revenge, the body becomes distressed and tries to attract attention through pain, accident or illness at first gently but if they do not respond, then with increasing intensity. Even then many refuse - they refuse - to see or respond, and so the body, by denying it the full use of the vital force it needs and to which it is entitled as a companion of the Human form, it rots and dies.

Love is the life force, which gives energy to the body so that it stays healthy.

If you could truly let go of everything that is within you that is not in full alignment with Love, your bodies will remain strong and healthy, and you will be able to live and savor much longer lives. And, of course, under those conditions they would be living in joy instead of anxiety, depression and illness, or in bitterness and resentment over the seemingly unfair situations of life.

When you allow Love to fill your hearts, your energy flows through you freely and abundantly and into the world, interacting and affecting all those with whom you are in contact in any way, spreading and thus sharing the joy .

Love is their nature, and when they accept it wholeheartedly, instead of blocking or denying it, their lives flow much more smoothly and easily, allowing them to deal more satisfactorily with any issue that may arise.

Love is your nature.

They need to trust in Love . To do that you have to love yourself as you are, accepting that as humans you are obviously less than perfect, that you have lessons to learn, and that is why you are incarnated at this time in the spiritual evolution of humanity that is ongoing. .

By accepting unconditionally, and by refraining from comparing yourself with others who, in your opinion, are more fortunate or more blessed, you will find peace, and then you will understand and learn much more easily the lessons that are presented to you. Lessons they planned before incarnating.

Accept yourself unconditionally.

You all have egos, and to live in human form, you need them. However, the ego is the aspect of yourself that reacts with fear and anger to situations that seem threatening.

Egos are like little children who have not yet learned to understand that they need to respect and honor each other, and that they continue to operate from the way of being “me, me, me, me”. When they are infants it is necessary because they should be able to quickly call the attention of those in their care and who are responsible for their well-being.

Unfortunately, it often happens that caregivers are slow to respond, or simply do not respond at all, and this terrifies children. Then, as they grow older, that state of need is not resolved or released, and by the time they reach adulthood that “I, I, I” behavior has become deeply rooted as a necessary survival skill . Unfortunately, it is very harmful because it prevents them from becoming aware that they are beings of Love, the greatest lesson that every human being must learn.

They need to respect and honor each other.

Waking up involves becoming aware of this sense of inadequacy, which is all that it is, recognizing your disability, and then choosing to let it go. The ego is an aspect of yourself that needs to be seen for what it is, namely, your wounded and scared inner child, and then you need to comfort him and show him that he is completely safe because you give yourself all the love you need. When they do this, understand that they are totally safe, secure and unconditionally accepted by you.

This is more easily loving and accepting yourself as you are, and then working gently and lovingly with yourself to dissolve the underlying fear by loving that intense sense of inadequacy.

The ego is your inner child hurt and scared.

When that happens, as will happen if they choose to love and accept themselves completely, their egos will be fully integrated into human forms that are, instead of remaining seemingly separated, and, in that state, of feeling inadequate, unworthy, not enough. Good, and therefore fearful and angry.

You all know, deep inside, that you are One with the Source . However, as humans in shape, that knowledge is hidden from them so that they can learn the lessons that are presented to them, thus advancing in their path of spiritual evolution. And you all want to evolve spiritually .

Love yourself and accept yourself.

It often seems to them that evolving spiritually is completely beyond their abilities as humans. And as a separate human would certainly be, but you are not separated! They have never been and never will be. You are connected securely and eternally with the Source, and each of you has a whole team of guides, mentors, angels and loved ones who watch you lovingly and expect you to call them to ask for help in that evolution.

Their egos, in their fear and anxiety, often drowned noisily by their "me, me, me, " demand the response to the call for help they have made and that those in the spiritual realms offer them instantly.

That is why, as you are reminded so often, it is absolutely essential that you go daily to that sacred inner sanctuary that each of you possess, and rest there quietly, loving and accepting yourself .

And in that self-acceptance your egos will feel safe and integrate.

You deserve to love yourself because you are all the divine and beloved children of God created in and from Love, which is All That Exists.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, translator of the great family of the White Brotherhood.

SOURCE: John Smallman, August 8, 2018. You all have egos, and to live as humans in form you do need them . URL:

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