Living the Christ Wisdom I- Master Lao Tsé

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The planetary moment is very important for the evolution of the Earth, of all the Realms, of all nature and especially for humanity. 2 Then the pure feeling, the feeling of the soul, is bringing a new action for the human being to recognize his true path, the return to his true life. 3 Then the soul begins to interact with its personality more actively, more consciously and the personality is transformed. Transforming is essential at this stage of the road. 4 You are learning to live a new stage, a new life. 5 Personality gives up easy on the road; The soul never gives up the way.

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

May the loving force of Creation move your souls!

We are here again to bring some of our experience, share our achievements, so that you can live more deeply the current moment of life.

The planetary moment is very important for the evolution of the Earth, of all the Realms, of all nature and especially for humanity.

The souls here embodied are having the opportunity to live in the seven planes of life - mainly in the physical - a unique experience of integration. Souls are having the opportunity to experience a greater light in the levels of form, in the levels of personality and this creates a deeper action in the life of the human being. His actions, his postures are generating a natural, creative movement, making it easier for everyone to advance on that Path of Light, on the path of the soul.

The soul needs to be externalized and at that stage it is essential to be connected with the forces that the soul is receiving and bringing to the physical world through the personality, leading it to become aware of the deeper side of life and also, gradually, acting in the bodies, in the chakras, in the mind, in the emotions.

This leads to a very great transformation because the personality begins to feel more united to that divine life that sprouts in its sacred temple and becomes a channel of expression of the energies that the soul moves internally and becomes more active with the heart.

Then the pure feeling, the feeling of the soul, is bringing a new action so that the human being recognizes his true path, the return to his true life.

He is feeling the potentials that the soul has and also the potentials that the personality has.

The personality is making a transformation, a recycling; She is learning to recognize herself as an instrument of the soul . In this way, the personality becomes open to those changes that come from within, that is, from the soul, so that its human side is recognized as something good, as something creative, as something loving and not as something bad, full of sufferings, pain, errors, failures, etc.

Hence, the personality learns to forgive itself as well . Learn to have an awareness that life is divine and that everyone is learning: learning with mistakes and successes. And consequently, he is making transformations, purifications and cleanings, mainly a cleaning in the inner house so that that sacred is becoming stronger and more conscious.

This is a moment of joy, not sadness; It is a time to seek deeper contact with the soul to learn to walk in life in connection with it. Being connected with the soul at all times of life requires daily training, continuous work, a development process, resulting in an action that makes the personality stronger on the road, more aware of their responsibilities and directed by the soul for a much more true life, much more loving, much more fraternal.

Then the soul begins to interact with his personality more actively, more consciously and the personality is transformed. Transforming is essential at this stage of the road.

Learning to change habits, thoughts and internal postures is part of this current stage of life.

So, to change is to live. To stop changing is to die. The life of creation is in an eternal change; The universe is continuously vibrating and creating energies, forces and rhythms that are increasingly high and subtle.

Humanity, the planet, the solar system and the galaxy are entering deeper levels of creation, as are you who are essentially children of Creation . It is necessary to recognize that within you there are forces of God the Father, God the Mother and God the Son and that the more these forces move in the inner sanctuaries, the lighter the life will become, the brighter and more true the life will be. The personality gradually learns to live within that deeper action of life, which comes from the higher levels and descends to the levels of the densest forms.

Therefore, this is a moment of joy, not sadness, as I said. The personality is again able to have contact with the life of the soul, learning to recognize the deepest touches of the soul. He is learning to surrender to that divine life that sprouts in his inner sanctuaries, in his sacred temple and that is bringing more serenity, more peace and more awareness of the importance of being incarnated in this most precious moment of life.

The Masters, the Maitreya Buddha himself, the Planetary Christs, as well as the entire Planetary Hierarchy and the Angelic Hierarchy, no matter in what plane, world or dimension they are acting, they are all working so that the human being leaves the slowness, leaves the state of crawling, like the caterpillar, to reach the stage of learning to fly like a pretty butterfly: free, free, conscious.

Therefore, you are learning to fly and the more you dive into the inner universe, the more your souls will feel teaching you to fly. The personality is learning to feel that brighter, more true, more loving life; and Christ Love is a fundamental point in life in this current moment of planetary evolution.

The more they feel that force, that living flame of Christ Love in the soul, the greater awareness they will have of what it is to live and the better the help they can bring to other souls, so that they also find the Way and feel freer, more true, more fraternal. It is a work from the inside out and also from the outside in because it is an action of learning to recognize and feel that loving light that moves in the inner temple. And, at the same time, it is an action that leads to learning to feel the external forces and energies that are bringing a return to internal experiences.

You are learning to live a new stage, a new life.

That is why it is important to surrender to that inner experience: she is very rich! The more the personality becomes aware of that deeper experience with the soul, with the Master, with the Angel, with the Spiritual Friend, the more clarity he will have than it is to live. And also, of what it is to live in unity, of what it is to live together with other souls exchanging experiences, exchanging wisdom, bringing light to help everyone live the human world better.

The human world is caught in patterns, in concepts, in dogmas in fanaticisms, in selfishness. The disciples and disciples need to learn to commune with that inner world of the soul, to donate the seeds of love of the soul, so that the loving seeds sprout at the right time, at the right stage, in the inner sanctuaries of those souls that open to them.

They need to learn to listen to souls, but to hear the request of other souls it is necessary to learn to feel their own soul, so that it connects naturally with the personality and makes possible the understanding of the language that the soul brings to teach, instruct and guide.

Generally, personalities are trapped and slow ; their bodies are generating slow and heavy processes. Therefore, it is necessary to become a vehicle of that light that resides in the soul to help other companion souls to penetrate the Christic Path, in the path of light, of love, of truth, of freedom. Then, the stronger they become on that day of integration, the more they can donate light and awareness to the other souls who are in the search and who often do not know where to look.

The more they bring that strength of the heart, the more they expand the light of that sun that resides inside, in the soul and in the heart, the more strength there will be to donate the seeds that the soul brings to other souls who also want to learn to walk. Everyone is learning to walk in an aquarian action. This aquarian action is different from the action of the past. It is important for the personality to learn to live the present moment, that eternal moment: “the now”, so that the forces that are moving in that eternal now deeply touch the personality making it interact in an increasingly conscious way with the action of the soul.

It is a very special, very important and fundamental work in everyone's evolution. It is essential to open to the new, experience that new; to experience that new so that this loving action flows within you and feeds the internal sanctuaries for a greater internal strengthening in the battles and challenges of life.

The more connected they are in the strength of the heart, linked to that inner sun that is the soul, the lighter the human challenges will be, the greater will be the awareness of the presence and help of the Masters, as well as of an infinity of beings of Light linked to the soul. No one is alone there. Everyone is having the opportunity to learn to have a greater connection with the true life that resides internally.

The human world has created many distortions, including loneliness. This idea of ​​loneliness is a very sad fantasy and very present in the human being; then he believes that he is alone in life and that he is abandoned, to the regret. No, no, nobody is abandoned . You are connected to an infinity of beings who love you, who seek to help, who seek to connect with you so that you are aware of that loving, fraternal action that many beings of Light and many souls also live. . But the personality is abandoned. She leaves the connection; so she thinks she is alone, but she is not there, it is necessary to clean the mind, remove the debris; which is the illusion, so that the soul can always bring a pure air, a new air, so that that living nature that resides within each one is continually expressed and, thus, the natural rhythms of Creation They can move the sacred nature in each one. So it's a job they need to do .

Personality gives up easy on the road; The soul never gives up on the road.

The soul always advances on the path; she seeks to help the personality so that this transformation force puts them together on the Path. The soul needs its personality to be strong, conscious, alive, ready to donate life, ready to manifest life from within, so that each one's world is a more colorful, more beautiful, more fraternal world. The fantasies and illusions of the mind are transformed by consciousness, experience, changes.

So it is each one's job. The more the personality becomes aware of its importance in life, as a channel of his soul, the lighter, more loving and more fraternal his human life becomes. This facilitates the human being to live better to express more and more the sacred.

It is what they should be aware of : that everyone was born to express the sacred and the divine. The more they immerse themselves in that sacred, the more they feel the loving forces that reside within, the more they will feel that they are part of an action integrated with many other souls and will never feel alone.

Religions created many distortions, many dogmas and the human being became very small in his mind; He created many patterns that limited the expansion and clarity of the mind. Then the Aquarian era, with the forces of the Great Mother in action, is dismantling many patterns.

Remember: the action of God-Mother is linked to the fire element, the mind is linked to the fire element. The mind is transformed through the flame of the heart. Then it is important to recognize this stage of evolution and surrender more and more to that internal experience, so that it facilitates the day and brings rich, renovating and transforming experiences at all times. This makes the disciple a conscious vehicle of the Christ Light not in theories, but in spirit and in truth, as the Master Jesus taught in the past.

This is a very rich moment of experiences and you must deliver them to this internal contact in union with the Masters on the Path of Light . They will help to walk with much more awareness, gradually diminishing the action of the extremes, of the duality, and will help in strengthening the disciple in his center, where the soul is. And so, stronger, more connected, stronger can face the challenges with joy; and not with fear, and vanity, but with the light of the heart to glimpse every step along the way.

So, these are our orientations today.

May our love be in your hearts always.

So be it!

LAO-TSÉ teacher

Channeled by: Carlos Eduardo Nascimento

Part 1 - of the class “LIVING TO CHISTIC KNOWLEDGE”

Election of the Synthesis - Granja Viana - October 30, 2016

Read also Master Marta's message (part 2)

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of


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