Message from Jesus: You are part of the divine source, you are the extension of the spirit

  • 2017

Let's talk now about the questions, since these are the basis of your reality, questions that arise every day in each of us. You often ask yourself questions about who I am? and then you just continue with your daily routine. But nevertheless, doing what you do carrying within your heart that existential doubt is not healthy. Remember that your personality can change every day, since you can live new things, make new friends, create new ideas, which is why your life is always going to be changing.

Who I am? You are an extension of the creative spirit

When you wonder who you are, you should know that you are an extension of the divine source . You are simply the extension of the spirit . However, this is not something planetary or universal, but something that goes well beyond the limits you know. You are more than the universe suggests.

When you wonder who you are, you should know that you are a creator . That's right, even if you don't believe it, every day you create your reality, from when you wake up until you go to bed. You are a creative being, because you are a creator and that is your nature . If you come from divinity, then it means that you are an extension of the creative spirit, but that it advances based on your own experiences.

Many men tried to write about God and how he is always looking to recreate, expand and expand . You will see that even your body is not the same as before, not even the body of two years ago. However, there is something that always remains and is the aura of your energy that always surrounds you. Your aura has a specific color and is always changing color depending on the emotional state. This is part of who you really are and more. Your energy extends far beyond what you imagine and little by little in your life you discover what true energy is .

Let your energy leave your body and flow well beyond what you imagine

But the most important of this is that you will know the most relevant and unlimited energy, which is the energy of love . Many times you ask yourself if you are simply a speck of dust in the universe or if you are in this world for and for something, another frequent question is what is your purpose for living. Your goal in life is simply to be creative, cheerful, be light, be alive and create your reality at the right time, step by step. So if you don't like something about your reality, just delete it and start a new chapter in your story.

You have a gift, take advantage of it

That is the gift that divinity gave you, with which you are able to create new things day by day. There is no one who is stronger than you and there is no one who can determine your path like you. The world will probably tell you that everything is a challenge, that you do your best and unfortunately that is what you do every day. But the world simply has no decision about your destiny or your actions . When you get out of bed in the morning, take a moment to decide what you want your day to transform. It is not necessary that you follow a protocol or do a specific ritual, you just have to take a moment to think about it and make the decision to do it.

If you know what people are going to be present in your day, visualize how you want your day to unfold with them and always connect from heart to heart and mind to mind. If you do this, you will realize that your day will be totally different, since you will have decreed that it will be a different day. Remember that the gift given to you is totally precious and that you are able to make your day and your destiny change completely.

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