Wings April 20, 2010 ~ The Dismantling of the Old ~ by Karen Bishop

  • 2010

His Excerpt from Today's Book of The Ascension Fellow:


All letting go, loss, liberation, and endings created through the ascension process can, in the long run, leave us in a space of simplicity. There is such beauty in simplicity. The joy of being there for a child's smile, seeing a hawk furrowing the sky, attending a flower garden, watching your favorite Disney cartoons, sliding down the slide with your grandson, or maybe just watching an ant carrying Home a bite of food.

Simplicity largely frees us to become part of the moment. It frees us to be much more present for what really matters to us. As we get tired and become apathetic through the ascension process, we can only end up with a simpler lifestyle. With a busy busy lifestyle, we really are neither here nor there. And although we can complain that ascension has taken us a lot, it has really left behind only what matters.

In simplicity we have few responsibilities. We are much freer, and we have all complained that we truly value our freedom! Within the freedom of simplicity, we can connect much more easily with the Source. Our time is ours. We are removed from that busy and agitated world. In simplicity we can see things that we never had time to notice before. Our lives move at a much slower pace. We can be present for others. We can be present for ourselves.

One of my favorite memories is sitting on a pneumatic tube, floating down the Russian River in the California wine region, with my daughter, then eleven, and two of her friends. I think that at that time I spent more time with my daughter's friends than with mine, since they were always much more fun, there was more innocence, and they didn't question much. And we loved to play! That particular time, as we lived right on the same street as the river, seemed natural to me. And now I can play with my grandchildren. We get into so many pranks; splashing in muddy puddles, drawing, circling in supermarket carts; Oh, simplicity!

Ascension brings back simplicity. We do not have to attend to so many things. We have been removed from many of our previous responsibilities. We get to spend a good amount of time in our creativity. The childish joy of our original and innocent inner child can rise again. And there are so many worlds within worlds that went unnoticed when we were in our busy, adult and very serious lives. I remember one day having my forehead on the ground outside in nature on my friend's ranch in Colorado. And who was going to say it, I discovered an entire civilization inside the earth! It was really amazing, and something worth seeing. I would never have known that I was there if I hadn't been just wandering around and having a good time, while my friend was outside attending to her "occupations"!

Think of the creak of the ranch door opening, or the bright sunlight that flooded the room when the door was ajar ... these are the most precious memories. These are the valuable moments. And these are the moments when we can feel so happy and happy, and that do not involve material things or things that we believe we need for our safety. These times of simplicity are when the spirit is always present.

When I don't have a simple life, I feel very disconnected. Having no debts, being able to do practically everything I want whenever I want, having the simplest possessions, and not having any real program, is the only way I feel comfortable these days. It would be very difficult for me to have to be somewhere at a certain time; I am not used to it. If my life starts to get agitated and complicated, I refuse to participate. Simplicity is too valuable for me.

If you have chosen this page, you are encouraged to remember that simplicity can bring you closer to the Source. It can place you much more in the moment and allow things to arrive in a harmonic and synchronic way of aligning very naturally through the Source. Enjoy your simplicity; That is really what it is all about!


~ The Dismantling of the Old ~

April 20, 2010

by Karen Bishop


(The first audio book of The New Angels of the Earth, Creating the New Reality, is now ready to order in English.)

As we always move so constant with our new arrival to a space of greater vibration, we are changing gear, as described by my stellar friends as a vehicle that puts the s Super direct, its maximum capacity, and it needs to adjust to an energy that moves much faster.

Earthquakes, earthquakes everywhere, strange and unpredictable weather patterns, moods and unusual behaviors for many people, and a strange emptiness, are just some of the climates that these massive movements of energy are creating.

The cosmic tsunami of new and higher vibration energy is now coming steadily, while at the same time, the earth is also moving and adjusting, as it is preparing to welcome more fully these new energies from our very new space.

The earth passed into a new space in the cosmos during the last months, it is adjusting and aligning, and we are basically doing the same. Starting with a considerable earthquake here and there, and progressing with many earthquakes all over the world at the same time, we are really beginning to feel these movements now. Volcanic eruptions, climatic changes, and a constant tremor below our feet for now have become the norm, or so it seems. It is not surprising that many of us feel a strange instability, discomfort and a general feeling of change.

When we progressed to the point where many, many earthquakes were occurring all over the world (around the first week of April), much broke off and left its previous space. First, the darkness went up and out, and he could feel like anxiety, panic, depression, or even a feeling of being "scared." The energies then progressed to the next phase, leading to many "endings" and many changes. Since much moved and left and broke away from its old groove, this resulted in many manifestations related to endings, losses, and a great void. We are also starting our residence in every way, in a new state of greater light. So, this means that the things that we no longer have left, and it also means that the light took to the foreground and also revealed everything that no longer fits. In addition, things are being "dismantled" and disarmed, only to be armed again in new ways later.

Relations that end, discover what really and truly happens with many relationships (since the light always reveals what is really there), more final in terms of professions and geographical residences, and endings with many connections, may have suddenly become the rule. At this time too, exit points are always created for souls (human and animal) to split, since this is also another broken connection or rather, a departure from an old space that no longer fits. And if the end experiences didn't show up to some, at most, a feeling that maybe we didn't know where we belonged anymore, a feeling of not wanting to go or do what we used to do, or just feel "weird" for no reason at all. In particular, it seemed to be everywhere. It may be that nothing in our environment has felt good, correct, normal, safe, or remotely comfortable.

When these disturbing energies began to arrive more fully, many experienced accidents, physical ailments, body aches and stiffness from the stuck energy that was affected by all this movement, illness, chest pain, nausea, and even difficulty breathing.

During most of the month of March, we were in “busy and getting ready” mode, as we prepared for who knows what. At our soul levels, we knew something was coming, and we had to be prepared in some way. This time of "occupation" almost seemed relentless, with no end in sight. Then, just before the new energies arrived during the first days of April, we could have felt a decrease, a decrease in this energy that was "pushing and pulling all the time", while we experienced that almost everything remitted and It stopped. Then it was time for the cosmic tsunami to begin. Even if we hadn't completed everything we had set out to complete while we were in “preparation” mode, it didn't matter, since the energies were simply doing their job of programming us, and allowing us to participate in what each of us felt we needed to participate., to be ready.

With all this new energy that is coming, things may not be feeling as glorious as we could imagine that it would be the new energy of greater vibration. But what else is new? This process of evolution has always been a challenge, but perhaps what makes it worse than what it has to be is the absence of the energy of the heart, or not experiencing the love and support of our brothers and sisters.

The energy of the heart is what it is all about in the higher realms. Creating the New Reality talks a lot about this new energy that is coming and how to work with it and adapt to it, since that is really where everything resides now and what it is all about.

All these new alignments, adjustments, and all this great movement, is all related to the energy of the heart. Now we will find that we are separating, parting, and moving away from things that have no heart energy (or that do not match where we are), and we will begin to solidify and connect more fully with those who very easily embody the energy from the heart. In this way, new beginnings are here and available as well.

Yes, doors are closing, things are ending, losses are occurring, and the separations are evident, while at the same time, those things that coincide with our heart energy are the ones that will remain or begin to manifest. This is how we navigate in the higher realms ... through our hearts. Following our hearts will naturally take us to our new residences and spaces, while leaving places that have no heart, or even places where our hearts are gone, can only happen now, since the energy of the heart is directing the show .

People seem to only care about themselves at this time, with no apparent awareness that we just have to meet with an open heart to survive in the times to come. The energy fields around many people seem to say "closed door, " "absent for the rest of the day, " or even "I'm holding my breath until all this is over, " and "I don't see you, " since the self- Protection seems to be everywhere. Or even: “I am taking care of myself and my space to be able to survive all these disorders and be stable in the times to come. There is no time for anything else at this time. ”(More on this later).

My dad is currently in the hospital preparing for his departure, because he has refused all treatment and has given himself up to his process. He could no longer endure through artificial means, since his body is not holding it by himself. From the beginning, at the time of his diagnosis, it became very clear that at levels of our soul, he did not want me close during this time. We made an agreement to our human levels, and since then I have stayed out, honoring their request, receiving my information about their second-hand health status through distant relatives. Everything has been in divine and perfect order.

But I have to say, I never imagined that it would be so difficult to lose a father. My dad and I were very close all our life, with a strong connection of the heart. It seems that suddenly everything reminds me of it, and I can't spend much time without tears covering my face. Although I am very aware of why and how things are happening at the higher levels, I am still in a human body with human emotions, since I still live in a physical reality. It is hard to imagine that the unique energy that your particular soul embodied and the physical form it took will never walk on this earth again. Oh, the memories of the times we shared, how he contributed to what I am today, and the love he gave me while he was here. These losses cause time to stop, make us step back for a moment, and perhaps examine what life is really about and what really and truly matters.

While I was at the bank the other day, one of the cashiers asked me how I was doing and how my book was going (we all already know each other quite well). Almost drowning and tearful, I told him about my dad. He immediately wrote down his house number and asked me to call if I needed it. Others who have heard of my sadness and loss seem to be behind a wall of separation, that includes the vast majority of people I now know. I have begun to wonder if the energy of the heart has become something strange, with so much pain, suffering and futility that so many have experienced on the planet in recent times. Have the last days of the old earth been too much for some, and have our hearts closed? And for those whose hearts remain open, do we continue to allow them to take advantage of us, trample us, and squeeze us?

As we always move forward, we will effectively learn to navigate with the energy of the heart. We will know how to make it accessible to another energy of the heart, and keep it closed for those who are not ready and for those who do not see us.

Now it seems a rare and almost extinct energy, we will always know when the energy of the heart is present, since we will feel it immensely. It is the wave and the glue that brings everything to us and allows us to manifest almost immediately. It is what connects us, if we allow it to surpass everything else. We will get to know each other and see each other, from heart to heart. And we are going to attract to us what we connect with our hearts.

While our connection circles may begin to feel as if they were getting smaller, the connections that are maintained for those in the higher realms are all about the heart. Yes, we will begin to bond and meet with those who share this energy. Like cream and cream, it will rise to the surface and remain above and beyond what is happening on the bottom steps of the ascending ladder. The rattle under our feet, the change and rearrangement that are creating the earth's adjustments, will create new connections very naturally, while all other connections are reorganized and move to new spaces that now coincide where each energy vibrates. Sometimes, it seems that this screening and selection process that we have experienced for so many years is endless, as we evolve higher and higher.

Much will start to move away now, since it cannot continue to exist in these new higher vibrations. As the earth changes continue, we will experience more collapses, endings and closed doors, as the old prepares for its imminent disappearance. As extinction domination cards, things will begin to fall very quickly in the times to come. But this is what we knew would eventually happen. We knew at some level that the process would develop in this way. Now we are experiencing the last stages of the final ones so that we can start over. So as we gain new strength through our new connection to the new land, we are preparing to stand tall as we prepare to introduce the new, a very new land to replace. Old time, when the time is right.

In Crossing the Other Side, a plan is outlined that explains how we will become self-sufficient before meeting as a whole. In this way, the plan is about being able to support ourselves before connecting with others. We have to be individuals in a strong and true sense before creating a whole of greater vibration. So then, this is happening now in regards to many who are taking charge of their spaces and making sure that they are able to stand firm in the times to come. But this does not mean that we stop having heart connections during this time. We can take care of our spaces and become strong and stable, while at the same time we care deeply about our brothers and sisters when they need our heart energy. I am not talking about saving others who have not chosen to move forward or grow or expand, but to love each other and be there for each other through the challenging times that are now just beginning .

Today I decided to get in my car, with the cat in tow, and point in the direction of my daughter and grandchildren, across the United States. I plan to stop along the way, in small and little-known cities, without any program or plan, welcoming a new and surprising experience of seeing where there is a heart and soul still present (well I know they are there, everywhere), I am hoping to restore my faith in humanity. With synchronous meetings and without planning with others, since the energy of the heart attracts very naturally to another energy of the heart towards itself. I also hope to clean my cobwebs, renew my energy, connect with my dad in a new way after his transition, and I also hope to prepare for my new one. I start when I return home. (For those of you who are subscribers regarding regular regular donations, do not worry, as I will continue to post the WINGS messages while away from home, as I have always done.)

This is where my heart is taking me now to the hearts of many others out there on the road. And not by chance, it is also in true alignment with one of my new ventures and offerings. If we follow our hearts, if we gravitate towards what is at the core of our being and with who and what we are, and if we follow the trail of crumbs to a space that is full of our own hearts and that will also activate the heart in others, we cannot be wrong.

Many of us were born for this moment ... for this moment of great changes on earth. And because of this truth, we will easily stand tall and firm in the times to come as we begin a very new reality.

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"

All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Note of love and respect to all:

I want to leave in each message how important it is that everyone applies

your DISCERNMENT in all the messages you receive every day, even the

that I distribute myself, since everyone must take whatever

necessary for the moment I live, and some messages will simply leave

to the trash can of your computer, but others will give you a good GUIDE

in this time of so many changes and movements.

Take what resonates and serves you, what doesn't, throw it away, and above all

Remember that Power is within each one.

In the New Paradigm we are no longer followers of Gurus, Spiritual Masters,

etc., all we have to follow is our heart, our inner GOD,

we ourselves are our guides, our teachers,


They always discern without judgment, without criticism.

Him - Diffusion

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Translation: Margarita López

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