Basic needs

  • 2016

When we talk about basic needs, we refer to the base of our DNA, based on carbon (it is a radioactive isotope with a number of 6 atoms).

The human being is subject to minimum basic needs to maintain acceptable conditions.

But there are other needs apart from the physical ones that are the mental ones, man must balance both his physical and mental needs and not everyone has the same needs

DNA throughout life goes through genetic mutations depending on the environment, habits, beliefs and management of your needs whatever they are.

We all know that the human race has mutated from the beginning of its creation and will continue to do so.

Genetic changes are being discovered in the youngest ones, in short every human being has basic needs, based on their composition and others based on their customs and h Mental habits. Therefore, each individual has different needs and adapted to their ideas, concepts and perceptions

We are not only carbon, we are much more than carbon, we are hidden science, we are knowledge without deciphering.

We are living a global change in human consciousness, a genetic and mental change and everything for what? To balance our polarities, the dual and the one that goes beyond carbon.

We are powerful beings ... but we give our power to: drugs, to the body, to the mind. We forgot that we are ... what we think we are and live ...

Every need comes from a feeling of physical and mental lack . If there is no lack there is no need ...

We can manage our needs from the Will, the Discipline and the Responsibility of knowing us in great part creators of them… The needs are born to believe us and to feel lacking of something, for that reason our brain has a great part of control on them, when we identify with what we call lack, scarcity and even dependence. Many of our dependencies and deficiencies come from not very healthy attachments, and yet we consider them needs…

We must free ourselves from the idea of scarcity and believe ourselves insufficient. ... By freeing ourselves from this little by little, we learn to trust, not to be dependent, addicted or feel inferior, regardless of whether the lack is: physical, mental or material.

We have the ability to change, modify and alter habits, conscience, knowledge and needs, but we will only achieve it from self-discipline, but without painful or forced restrictions, that is, from the recognition that our needs, deficiencies, virtues, habits and desires are the result of a deep feeling of not being complete ... that we must acquire, achieve or have something we don't have, something that is outside of us.

The Truth is that everything that is external to us and we want is: objective, subjective and relative to everything we consider we should have or be ...

To be or not to be e is the question (be or not be, here is the question?

Being ... it's not about looking outside of us and focusing on what we don't have or aren't, it's about going to the bottom, to the deepest part of you and seeing who you are ..., what you feel and how you feel.

To be means ... to know you, to love you, to value you, to focus on what you are beyond ... of an appearance or lack, it is to be without deficiencies because you live knowing that none of them is you ..., you are beyond that, beyond a pain, of suffering, dependence, attachment or deficiency. It is knowing that life is the result of what I think I see, feel and perceive with the naked eye, it is knowing that life is made of cycles, stages, that everything changes, that needs vary and that no circumstance is eternal, then,

Why create needs?

Why believe them?

Evolve, transmute your needs in the certainty of ... knowing yourself completely, that nothing external to you is more important than you ..., that the needs disappear at the moment that you do not identify with them, at the moment that they are not what you are, the moment you go beyond them, then, no need dominates you, subjugates you or controls you, you are beyond all that ...

AUTHOR: Mª José Lancho, editor of the great family of

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