Pineal Gland: Considerations on the third eye, how to activate it and how to protect it

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Considerations about the Pineal Gland 2 The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye 3 What is the Pineal Gland 4 How it acts when activated 5 Practices to activate the Pineal Gland 6 How to protect the Pineal Gland

"Wise is who is able to see in minimal events the infinite greatness of the miracle"

- Alejandro Jodorowsky

Have you ever heard about the famous third eye and the importance it has for our level of perception? This is perhaps one of the most important concepts in meditation and in the Hindu tradition . This third eye has been related by the Theosophical current with a small gland located in the center of our brain, the pineal gland . And it is about her that we will discuss in this article.

We will also talk about where you are, the activity that is carried out during the proper functioning of that gland and the importance that this has for our level of consciousness . In addition, we will talk about different exercises and practices that can be carried out to activate our pineal gland, as well as some considerations to make sure we keep it healthy.

Pineal Gland Considerations

The third eye is also known as the inner eye or eye of the mind . This is the mystical representation of the ability to perceive that which is beyond the worldly vision. It would be that way an energetic vortex that has an intimate relationship with the chakra located between our eyes, called Ajna .

This vortex, related to the pineal gland, is also a door that leads us to purer states of consciousness, and the so - called inner kingdoms . Thanks to him we can perceive the aura and the chakras of people. It also helps us to predispose ourselves to receive visions of extrasensory content, such as precognition or extracorporeal experiences. This is the great tool of the seers and fortune tellers.

In Chinese Taoism, the third eye is also a widely used concept. In ancient times, what was known as ' third eye training ' was carried out, which involved attention and focus exercises in the space where the third eye is located, while practicing different Qigong postures . This training is done to allow students to enter a vibration close to that of the universe, and thus obtain a solid foundation on which to reach the most advanced levels of meditation .

According to the Christian teachings of Father Richard Rohr, the concept of the third eye is a metaphor for non-dualistic thinking . That is, the way mystics perceive. According to their concepts, the mystics possessed a first eye to capture the mundane information of the world around them, that is, the sense of sight itself. The second eye was related to reason, meditation and the different reflexive states. However, he says, ' they know that they should not confuse knowledge with depth, or mere correct information with the transformation of consciousness itself. The gaze of the mystics is built on those first two eyes, and then goes much further . '

The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye

It is in the Theosophy, that it associates the third eye with the pineal gland . She says that in the evolutionary line of many vertebrate animals, including the human being, there was a third organ of photosensitive perception like our eyes. This was located at the back of our head. With the passing of the generations, that organ became unnecessary to survive and therefore atrophied and was submerged to the center of the brain to become what we know today as the pineal gland. This theory is based on the fact that this gland, despite being inserted in the very center of our brain, still retains its photosensitive capabilities . This characteristic is extremely important, because it is thanks to them that this gland is able to regulate the secretion of the hormone melatonin, responsible for controlling our different cycles throughout the day.

In this way, the pineal gland is the main responsible for regulating circadian cycles, which determine the hours in which the body is predisposed to rest, feeding and integrating the nutrients ingested. In these cycles, much of our performance falls throughout the day, both physically and mentally and spiritually.

Ren Descartes, the great French philosopher and scientist, was very interested in the function of this gland. So much so that he tells us about her in several of his books, such as Treaty of Man (published in 1662/1664 after his death) or Passions of the soul (1649), and he told us that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul, where thoughts are formed ”. In fact, in ' Passions of the soul ' the philosopher divides the human being into body and soul, and says that the soul “ joins the whole body through a small gland that is located in the middle of the brain substance, and suspended above the passage through which the spirits in the anterior cavities of the mind communicate with those in the posterior cavities . ”

What is the pineal gland

What we know about the pineal gland is that it participates within the endocrine system, and that it belongs to many vertebrate animals besides man. This gland produces melatonin, a hormone derived from serotonin (the happiness hormone) that modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. It receives that name because of the pineapple shape it possesses, and is located in the epithalamus, really close to the center of the brain, in the middle of both hemispheres. It has a gray-reddish color, and the size of a grain of rice.

This in turn has a unique feature in the components of the brain, and it has an independent nerve tissue . It is in turn extremely sensitive to the consumption of chemicals such as drugs, drugs and toxins that can be found in the air in areas of high environmental pollution.

In addition, it is incredibly sensitive to the environment in which the person is .

The endocrine system, of which the pineal gland is a part, is the portal that communicates the physical with the spiritual . This is because they produce the hormones that will be responsible for altering the different states of the body, both emotional and energetic and spiritual.

However, acquiring the possibility of activating this portal is not for anyone . Only those who are carrying out an advanced search in the spiritual plane and who look for answers to questions that surpass the mundane of human experience.

How it acts when activated

Achieving the pineal gland is an issue that must be taken seriously, because one cannot control what the third eye shows. It can both be a path of enlightenment as an encounter with things we really don't want to see . Therefore, the opening of this eye is at the discretion of those who feel physically, mentally and spiritually prepared.

First, neurologists consider the pineal gland to be the ' master key ' that promotes the activation of a large percentage of the other internal glands.

It is said that he who achieves the activation of the third eye opens a portal to universal energy and divine essence . It connects it with the suprasensible reality, beyond the mundane. And it allows you to live an experience of perception that surpasses the bodily.

That is why there is a development in perception that in turn enhances qualities such as creativity, imagination and reflective capacity. In addition, through the correct management of this new level of perception, it can also reduce cortisol levels in the blood, which lowers stress levels, delays aging and makes us more prone to states of happiness, optimism and enthusiasm.

In this way, expanding awareness leads us in turn to an improvement in our quality of life and well-being.

Practices to activate the Pineal Gland

We enter the practical part of this article. As we said, there are several activities that help activate the pineal gland.

First and foremost, it is essential to mention the practice of meditation . If you are looking to open your third eye but you are not familiar with this practice, it seems to me that you are trying to run before learning to crawl . Meditation is an important first step.

Position yourself in a comfortable position, with a straight back, and close your eyes. After achieving muscle relaxation through breathing, you can focus your attention on the place where the pineal gland is. It is the point behind the eyebrow . Some guided exercises to open the third eye speak of visualizing it as a light bulb that is off. Turn on your light bulb .

Ayahuasca is another way to get in touch with your third eye. It contains dimethyltryptamine, which is known as the spiritual molecule. This is released naturally in the rapid eye movement phase, during our sleep process.

You can also consume a supplement that contains melatonin, which is the hormone that the pineal gland produces. This, by being responsible for regulating the patterns of sleep, improves your mood, empathic ability and therefore the relationship you have with those around you.

Yoga is also recognized for stimulating all the glands of the body, although it is known to have a special effect on the pineal and pituitary gland .

The state of relaxation is also essential to contribute to the opening of your third eye. Anything you do in this regard can help you. That is why activities such as acupuncture and auriculotherapy can make your task easier. In addition to relaxing baths, soft music can also be used.

There is, in turn, a method initiated in Mexico that is oriented purely and exclusively to achieve the activation of the pineal gland. This is the Cyclopea Method, and says work to raise the vibratory frequencies of the person so that he can predispose to help the planet's conservation .

How to protect the Pineal Gland

Like any organ, the pineal gland can be affected by some situations and therefore cannot perform its task effectively. Therefore, it is important that as far as possible, we avoid situations that may compromise its proper functioning.

For example, it is important to respect the daylight cycles and adapt to them so that the pineal gland can function as indicated. Due to its photosensitive quality, it is designed to comply with the cycles as they occur naturally. To achieve this harmony, try to go to bed not too late at the same time, and get up hand in hand with the birth of the sun .

Electromagnetic fields are not very good for this gland. These waves interfere with the secretion of melatonin, and therefore can cause us insomnia, tiredness, affects us in our daily performance and our mood. That is why it is not advisable to go to bed with the mobile under the pillow.

Again, I will name meditation, this time as a method of prevention. Meditation is an exercise for the pineal gland since it enhances our moments of calm and relaxation. She secretes endorphins, which causes us a pleasant sensation and allows us to connect in a deeper way with ourselves.

Foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, garlic and everything that contains vitamins K1 and K2 serve to detoxify this gland. On the contrary, coffee, sugar, mercury and fluoride neutralize it, damaging both its spiritual and bodily functions.

As the sciences advance, more details are being discovered about the different capacities of this small gland . Without a doubt, it is a very important gland for us, and one that has attracted the attention of scholars for years. It was not until today that their true functions began to be discovered, and we still have much to discover.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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