How to connect with intuition

  • 2017

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Albert Einstein

The dictionary defines intuition as the ability to know, understand or perceive something clearly and immediately, without the intervention of reason . Also called the sixth sense, intuition is a skill that both men and women possess and can be trained.

It is what we call a hunch, a voice within us that tells us which way to go . That voice stops us or drives us to certain actions that we sometimes do not understand. We know that intuition is there, but many times we refuse to give it importance because what it is indicating to us does not make sense for our reasoning.

Did it ever occur to you to feel a certain rejection or negativity by being in the presence of someone you just know? If it happened to you, you surely downplayed it and dismissed the sensation as illogical.

From the point of view of psychology, Francis Cholle, of Psychology Today, teaches us that intuition is a process that gives us the ability to know something directly without the analysis of reasoning, which saves the distances between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between the hunches and the instinct.
In essence, we need both instinct and reason to make the best decisions for us, our career, our family .

Unfortunately, many of us feel uncomfortable with the idea of ​​using our instincts as a guide. This is based on an ancient cultural prejudice.

We do not have to reject scientific logic to benefit from instincts. We can use all the resources at our disposal, and look for a balance . Looking for this balance we will be able to use the resources of our brain. Until about a hundred years ago, science had no idea of ​​the role of our unconscious, but studies show that only 20 percent of the gray matter in the brain is dedicated to conscious thoughts, while 80 percent is dedicated to the unconscious.

In short, how can we make the best decisions if we don't take into account the unconscious parts of our being?

Another intuition specialist, but from the spiritual point of view, James Van Praagh, tells us that when you send your questions and thoughts to the universe, he will give you an answer in the form of a sign or sign. Then it is in you to recognize the sign and determine its meaning.

When things get complicated, be sure that your spirit is connected to something much greater, a universe of infinite wisdom, which is there to support you.

Based on the opinions of these two specialists, to improve intuition and take advantage of the following ideas can be taken into account:

1. Keep a diary

Write your feelings and thoughts, this helps to open the unconscious mind . What you write may seem pointless. Do not let your inner critic try to rationalize everything, go ahead without fear. Try to be in a lonely place to allow your emotions to flow freely. It is essential to find and build intuition.

2. Pay attention to synchronicities

Synchronicities are signals that the universe sends us to indicate that we are on the right path, they are situations that seem coincidences or positive coincidences for your life.

3. Pay attention when flowing

If things go smoothly, it is because you are on the right track, you flow . But if, for example, you have a job interview, and, before leaving, you stain your shirt with coffee, on the road you get stuck in traffic, you lose your mobile, and you are late, you could consider them signs that this job does not it is the best for you.

4. Turn down the volume, and tune in to your truth

Exercise pause for a moment, in silence and stillness. Meditation can help you reach your inner voice. You can try asking questions and waiting for the first answer that comes to your mind.

“You must train your intuition - you must trust the little voice inside of you that tells you exactly what to say, what to decide” - Ingrid Bergman

We all have a natural intuition, an innate wisdom, when intuition whispers to you, do you hear it?

DRAFTING: Carolina Cobelli, editor of the great White Brotherhood family

SOURCE: James Van Praagh. (2017). Intuition - Your Superpower for Work, Home and Health. 08/04/2017, from Heal your life Website:; Francis P. Cholle. (2011). What is intuition and how do we use it? 08/05/2017, from Psychology Today Website:

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