Transition and changes between two eclipses by Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2014

October 2014

We are receiving cosmic energies of such a high frequency that even the most experienced people in spiritual work feel their effects.

We cross a sum of cosmic events, it is a confluence of astrological aspects, solar storm radiation and also cosmic forces that alter the magnetic field of the Earth and humans.

As a result, our perception of reality is profoundly altered, it is no longer known that it is real or illusory, who is right or who is wrong, nor to speak of violence and chaos as a result of the life patterns that have collapsed All this indicates decisive changes in the collective consciousness of humanity.

When we look around, the first sensation that arises is confusion, bewilderment, dizziness, feeling strange, different, not recognizing oneself, feeling of being out of the body, the mind does not work, there is no concentration for a long time and physical exhaustion surpasses everything what is known by our body. The people most trained in perceiving energies are experiencing it as the beginning of living between various dimensions.

Guides have long informed us of these turbulent times. In our reports we have given extensive details of the changes we could expect for this time. Are they prepared to be bridges and anchors of light frequencies above the earth? Because the light is coming in the midst of chaos and needs ready souls to receive it and radiate it over humanity.

Now we are in a very large transition period, we can feel disoriented in space time, disconnected and aimlessly true. The old ways of acting and thinking about duality don't work anymore, they collapse without expectations of triumph.

We know that we have to anchor the new, there are creative ideas that seek a form, but they still have no roots because it is in the subtle planes of the spirit, they have not gone down to the plane of the mind and subsequently to the earthly manifestation. You have to pass them through the body and anchor it to the earth. Patience, be a good human, live every day with the greatest possible integrity, move forward step by step and order the everyday, be aware of the important place you occupy by creating the new reality.

In this period of time that we have between the two eclipses of October 8 and October 23, there are few new things that can be done. It is a time of transition.

The discharge of light that occurs through eclipses, plus other resonances of cosmic frequencies, are bringing new codes of light that are activated in each cell of our body. These are times to be silent, receiving and assimilating within us the energy of light that we are receiving. The new energies are not defined for our mind, so we go through states of confusion and confusion.
If you want to contribute to world peace, beyond what you are already doing, keep your inner peace, be a pillar of light and love to receive the new energies.

It takes your openness and availability to anchor this light in "your personal land" and make it flourish. If you are in the midst of chaos, anchor the light. We are all responsible and effective actors of the Great Change. Do not despair about what you see around you, directly work from the peace of your heart. A window of cosmic light is opening for the evolution of the earth, enter the pillar of light, do not stay in chaos. Be a visionary in the light of the infinite Spirit in you.

Redefining Relationships - Eclipse of October 8
It is a total eclipse of the full moon. Sun in Libra, accompanied by Venus in opposition to La Luna in conjunction with Uranus at 10 ° from Aries.
These powerful astrological aspects can function as liberators of oppressions of all kinds, personal, social, internal or external. It can affect the health of those who retain unresolved emotions. They will impact social and political fabric because there is a force of change and freedom that struggles to express itself, through the Moon-Uranus conjunction on the lunar node in Aries. And very especially it will affect human relationships at all levels and couple ties.

The balance of Libra can lean to one side or the other, if the changes will be positive or negative, each will define it. From the consciousness of integration and evolution, we will define it as liberators of old living conditions that do not allow us to grow as true beings in evolution.

The transformation can be peaceful and consensual if we act from Libra consciousness, or it can be quick, unexpected and even violent if we act from Aries. It is recommended to be very cautious and thoughtful, there will be a lot of violent energy that can take us by surprise. Wait for the emotion to decay before acting.

The eclipse is done in quadrature with Pluto. Spatially Venus and Pluto indicate the imperative need to be reborn to a more mature way of expressing love. The links in conflict show that this way of loving is not healthy, Pluto devastates what is not authentic, and gives birth to the true.

It is not worth fighting, because at some point we will have to make a reconciliation to inhabit the New Earth, since the consciousness of the New Earth is not a physical space, it is an “energy space, a dimension of consciousness” where we feel unity, integration, reconciliation and true love. Separate on good terms is appropriate.

A phrase I like very much for these cases is, “Thank you for everything we learned on this path that we travel together as life partners. Now I choose another path for my evolution ”

Retrograde Mercury in Libra will help to be a bit more reflective in all life situations we have to face. Rethinking the links and relationships in all orders of life. When they dare to cross the limits of their current reality they will discover more nutritious, creative and luminous realities.

Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Scorpio could not miss this feast of boiling planetary energies who approach a squad, bringing questions for enlarged egos, a struggle between power and repression, clashes to retain spaces of political power without content Social.

Finally, Mars is well located in Sagittarius in trines with Jupiter, drawing attention to justices and showing a way out to new horizons.

The Solar Eclipse on the New Moon of October 23 will be at 0º from Scorpio. You can begin the transformation time of all the struggles sustained in the last months, if you wish. It will be time to lay down arms and go inland to be reborn.

Ana María Frallicciardi

Transition and changes between two eclipses by Ana María Frallicciardi

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