How to empower the human being from soteriology

  • 2018

SALVATION COURSE Unit 4: The mental. Learning Object 4: The Potential

We have learned that evil, crime and disease are the result of the great heresy of separativity due to the regency of hate and instead of love. Do not forget that whoever does not love his brother is a criminal, and always constitutes the symbol of hatred. The sense of universality and identification with everyone does not yet exist, except in advanced disciples and learners; mass consciousness and the manifestation of the herd instinct should not be confused with the sense of uniqueness that points to the correctly oriented person. What really makes us unique is the orientation of the cognitive potential configured in the brain structure. It is in the body's own genetic nucleus that the cognitive orientation of the brain was recorded, in response to the quantum field at the moment of birth. This difference in the cognitive orientation of each human being can be analyzed - logically and visually - by any professional in Human Design duly qualified for it.

The human being is actually the custodian of his brother, and this custody means knowing him and applying stimuli and sanctions. There are two ways of dealing with bad actions and they will be applied almost automatically by other individuals and groups, as something of good taste, good feelings and intentions, and in this way crime and the tendency to evil will practically be uprooted. It will come to be understood that criminality is based on some form of disease, on glandular lack or overstimulation, which in turn is based on the development or underdevelopment of any of the centers. An enlightened public opinion - that knows the human design and the great Law of causality will treat the criminality with medical procedures, correct environmental conditions and penalties of ostracism and sanctions.


  • Determine the necessary requirements to be a savior.
  • Clarify the phases of the process: their methods and techniques.
  • Characterize the different therapies used for the liberation of souls.


When there is no shadow, because the Sun does not shine, and there is no reflection, because water does not exist, then there is only one who with the eyes directs life and form. The triple shadow becomes one. The three of me do not exist. The top three descend and the nine are one. Wait for the moment.


Bruce Nolan is a reporter for a local Buffalo news program dissatisfied with his work, since he wants to become the news anchor. After suffering several mishaps throughout the day, Bruce protests before God, blaming him for his bad luck and saying that God is the one who should be fired. The next morning, Bruce receives a message in his message, which takes him to a mysterious warehouse where he is face to face with God, who gives Bruce all his powers to prove if He is able to do his job better. God only gives him two rules: he cannot tell anyone that he has the powers of God nor can he use them to alter free will. At first, Bruce abuses his powers, using them only for his own benefit, such as recovering his work, getting exclusive news and humiliating Evan live to keep his job as a presenter. Almighty is an American comedy and fantasy film of the year 2003.

Mackenzie Phillips is a 13-year-old teenager who suffers from physical and emotional abuse by his father. Being an adult, he must face the disappearance of his little daughter Missy, kidnapped and killed by a serial killer. This fact completely upsets him and his family. After receiving a strange letter in his mailbox, he decides to return to the cabin where his daughter was murdered, believing that he would capture the murderer, however in that cabin he finds an unexpected surprise. At that moment he meets Jesus, the son of God, who takes him to a house next to a large lake to see Pope-God, along with Sarayú, the Holy Spirit of God. Who will help you see things in a different way, and leave the memory of the death of your daughter Missy, and arrange things with your family and move on. The cabin is a dramatic movie of 2017.

  • After watching the Almighty and La Cabaña movies, answer the following questions: What is the difference between the Trinity and the Almighty? How to relate omnipotence with the science of print (words of power).

For the disciple who has not received the third graduation, it is impossible to discover his spirit ray, but any disciple who is building the bridge and has reached the projection stage, must know his soul ray and his personality ray and remember that the power of both, fused or mixed, has to carry out the act of projection. The energy of the spirit can be evoked and as a result it will descend towards the active agent, not constituting in itself an act of projection, which is the work of the "shadow and the reflection." Therefore, when the ray of the soul dominates the ray of personality, the higher Self becomes an active agent, aided by the ray of the lower self. The rays of the three vehicles are no longer active, the basic duality of soul and personality remains, without any minor differentiation. The apprentices begin to understand that by grouping the designer crystals of various souls we give life to the Almighty.

ACTIVITY ONE: Master in mystic arts

Soteriology is the branch of theology that studies salvation, with each religion having a very different conception of what it is to save. The Egyptians referred to ka as a life force. In Buddhism the eightfold path must be followed. In Hinduism it is necessary to follow the law of Dharma. Christianity focuses on Jesus Christ as a model of salvation. From esotericism we approach salvation as the purity of our vehicles so that forces and energies can interact freely.

A master's degree in mystical arts implies the fusion of science and technology in art, this has been for many years the privilege of the initiated, today we understand initiation as the process by which inclusiveness develops. The initiation is mystical and entails the innocence of a child. When that initiate wakes up, it is the ego that woke up from his fears. The initiate becomes initiator. The initiation concerns “at the beginning of the Endless Path of Revelation” that begins when you enter Nirvana, which implies an open heart and a superior mind, to know and enjoy the underlying significance in the words Omnipresence and Omnicience, as part of the process of development of the higher aspects of Being that we inadequately describe as Omnipotence.

A Master's degree implies the reading and interpretation of the book of Letters as well as the pronunciation of the Words of Power. The great WORD that resonates during the hundred years of the Spirit whose reverberation persists during a solar system, is the sacred sound AUM. When the sense of hearing has been perfected in all planes, three great Words or phrases will be known. The Knower will pronounce them in his own true key, thus achieving the sudden understanding of his essential Identity with Those who emit the words. As the sound of matter or Spirit dominates, you will see that all forms are illusions and you will be free of them, knowing that he is omnipresent. When the sound of the Son reverberates within himself, he knows that it is perfect wisdom and distinguishes the note of his being from the group notes, and he knows himself omniscient. When the note of the first aspect or Father follows the other two, he recognizes himself as a pure Spirit, and in the consummation of the chord he merges with the Self: The source.

Quantum mysticism is understood as the description of the ideas that combine the concepts of Eastern mysticism and quantum physics, and that have been raised by Fritjof Kapra, one of its pioneers. Mentalism means the use made of the mind to control and direct the body as a vehicle. In technology we find the whole proposal of systemic thinking in Peter Senge and Rusell Ackoff as pioneers. Tantrism means the use made of material desire for spiritual purposes, tantrism means weaving and is related to the continuity of consciousness, I prefer the word weaving to explain the process performed by the weavers of light in search of transfiguration.

ACTIVITY TWO: The Salvation Process

The remainder of this course may be clarified by certain statements that will have more meaning as we master transpersonal psychology and the astrology of the soul.

1. The savior should find out what his rays are, and then continue with his work, based on that information. When you do not have this knowledge, you must refrain from saving.

2. When he cannot carry out the work of salvation - because he lacks this knowledge - he must limit himself to the task of acting as a channel for the energy of love to flow to the patient.

3. The savior will find it easier, in most cases, to discover his rays, or at least one of them, than to know the patient's rays. There are two reasons for this:

to. The fact that you want to save and help indicates that you have advanced some measure in the spiritual path. Such progress is necessary to correctly discover the quality of lightning. A small study of himself and the possible rays present, may show him over time, the nature of the energies that control him.

b. The helpless, if he is an evolved person, may not seek his help, but will solve his own problem through the soul and the Ashrama, if he is affiliated with any. If it is not evolved, it will be easier to discover the ray of personality than that of the soul, and therefore provide the point of contact.

4. The savior, having satisfactorily determined the ray or rays that condition it, must prepare for the task of salvation for at least five hours of careful preparation, related to his mind, the thinking mechanism. I do not want to mean five hours of consecutive mental control and reflection, but a period of calm thought, in which, when possible, the savior studies the helpless, and becomes familiar with:

to. The problem of the disease and its particular nature.

b. Its location in the physical body.

C. The center involved and (when he is an enlightened disciple) his condition.

d. The severity of the disease and the probability of achieving salvation.

and. The danger or not of death.

F. The psychological condition of the helpless.

g. The patient's rays, if known, will condition his approach.

5. Thus prepared, the curator focuses his attention on his own ray. When he has a general and non-specific knowledge of his own ray or rays and those of the patient, the curator may continue to assume that one or both belong to rays 1-3-5-7 2-4-6, and act upon This general assumption. It is useful to have a specific and specific knowledge, but where it does not exist and certain rays cannot be assigned, it can often be determined if the general tendency of the character goes towards the line of the love or will, and then act accordingly. The problem then lies in the relationship between the curator and the patient, whether from personality to personality, from soul to soul, or from personality to soul and vice versa.

6. When the relationship is established between personality and personality, which is the most common, the energy with which the savior will work is simply that of the planetary prana; Its effect will be to stimulate the natural processes of the physical body and (in collaboration with nature and according to the patient's karma) to fortify their physical vehicle in such a way that it can expel the disease or be helped to confidently confront the death process, and calmly and intelligently understand entering the subtlest realms of being.

7. When the relationship is established between the curator's soul and the patient's personality, the curator will work with the lightning energy, spilling its own lightning energy through the center that is controlling the diseased area. When the souls of the healer and the patient act in collaboration, the mixing of two energies can occur or (when similar rays are present) the strengthening of one energy and a great acceleration of healing work or dissolution.

8. of dissolution, thus achieving a superior form of healing.

ACTIVITY THREE: Methods, techniques and procedures.

We have learned that by analyzing the triple nature of the soul, the mystery of consciousness and of the three magnetic groups is understood. The self-induced efforts by which the Human Being consciously prepares his centers lead him to the first graduation. The three lines of evolution proceed simultaneously and have a reflex action with each other; this is what produces the consequent perfection of the unfolding. It is neither possible nor desirable to study each line of this triple evolution separately or consider them as dissociated from each other.

The permanent atoms concern the substance aspect of Existence, while the virtues have to do specifically with the psychic aspect, the development of consciousness: the central nucleus, or the three internal virtues, personifies the divine spark of the pure Spirit.

Relation of the rays with the tomos

1. The seven rays contain and express all the energies that circulate through our planetary form.

2. The seven lightning energies are the seven forces that together make up the primary ray of Love-Wisdom . It is the second ray of our solar system and the one that predominates in every planetary expression, in the solar system. The seven rays are subsidiaries of this cosmic ray.

3. Ray of Love-Wisdom of each ray. Through it, it is linked or related to the governing rays of the soul and personality. The second ray has the power of omninclusivity.

4. The second ray and the second sub-ray of all rays are dual expression. The curator must learn to work through the love aspect and not the wisdom aspect. This requires a lot of training in the practice of spiritual differentiation.

5. The vehicles of nature form, belonging to rays 2-4-6, are those that the curator must use when practicing the art of healing. If you do not have vehicles or bodies that belong to those basic energy lines, you will not be able to heal. This is rarely understood. However, it is very rare to find equipment that totally lacks outputs for second-ray energy.

6. Healers who belong to the second ray, or are equipped with a powerful second ray vehicle, are generally great healers. Christ, being the true exponent of the second ray, as has never been known on earth, was the greatest healer among the children of God.

7. The ray of the soul determines and determines the technique that must be used. The ray to which the vehicles of personality belong more closely related to the second ray (for which all the underlines act as channels) is that through which the energy of liberation and salvation must flow. In human design we can visualize 33 of these channels.

The methods of action of the rays are 21 (7 × 3), which synthesized form the 22 methods that express the great Law of attraction.

10 more known methods by including the spleen, heart and causal body as integral parts of the design.

In total there are 33 methods

The curator's procedure, therefore, will comprise three stages, prior to the conscious act of healing:

First Procedure

to. The savior, defined and consciously, will be linked to his own soul.

b. It will determine which vehicle of your personality should be employed, based on your reaction to the energies, channeled in the line of rays 2-4-6.

C. By an act of will he will then relate the energy of the soul, through the chosen vehicle, to the appropriate center in the energy body; the cardiac or solar plexus, preferably the first.

Second Procedure

to. He will then create the secondary triangle, focusing his attention on the reception center, the coronary.

b. Then he will link the coronary center, through the power of the creative imagination, with the center between the eyebrows, keeping the energy there for being the guiding agent.

C. He will strive to gather in the ajna center, the energy of that center that is in his energetic body, related to the ray of his soul.

Third Procedure

Then, deliberately, he executes the act of linking the two triangles; Once this is done, you are prepared for the healing action.


We have learned that there are common techniques for all circuits. Now we should differentiate the current and the potential, the probable and the possible. The sign of the Sun indicates the current problem of the human being, the ascending sign indicates the future life. The first shows probability, the second possibility. The Ray of personality shows us the potential with which the human being is born. The Ray of the soul (designer crystal) shows us the lines that can follow for the awakening of consciousness and to become fully conscious.

1. FUEL. The doors that leave the pressure centers (head and root). In the pressure centers there is a concern.

2. POTENTIAL. They are at the entrance of the centers of consciousness (spleen, plexus or ajna), 47, 24 and 4 are the gates to empower the mind from the ajna.

3. POSSIBILITY. It is at the exit of the centers of consciousness (spleen, plexus or ajna) looking for the throat, there is the possibility, it is more than the potential, it is a purified potential, all you need is the right moment.

4. EXPRESSION. Are the doors that reach the laryngeal center from some pressure center, the expression of the possibility.

The savior will have to choose the method and technique that best suits the design of the person, keeping in mind that crises in the development of the human being occur due to a certain mental habit developed in the vehicle and that they are only overcome with time, by a certain custom and rhythm exercised in the spiritual content of its design.

The crises correspond to the seven stations of the Cross, which mark the path of progress of the Savior of the World. The disciple must prove himself, achieving great moments of crisis, particularly in each of the constellations of the Fixed Cross. From one point to another, from one stage to another and, finally, from one Cross to another, he fights for his spiritual life in the twelve houses and in the twelve constellations, subject to innumerable combinations of forces and energies - lightning, planetary, Zodiacal and cosmic - until it “renews” and becomes “the new man, ” it is sensitive to the full range of spiritual vibrations in our solar system and achieves that detachment that will allow you to bypass the wheel of rebirth. He has done this by ascending to the three Crosses - the Personality Cross or the changing form; the Cross of the Disciple or the eternal soul, and the Cross of the Spirit. This really means that you have gone through three major crises in your life cycle:

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