Road to Pranic Feeding

  • 2018

A purpose? No, an option.

A way to go? No, a consequence.

The beings that only feed on Prana have a personal mission of life; show that we are not matter, but energy.

Access to the subtle Pranic feeding is only possible from the full awareness of our reality. But first, it should be understood what the real food of the human being really is and why it has deviated from that path.

The current way that human beings use to feed themselves is very broad and sophisticated, and has come to it as a result of an adaptive rather than an evolutionary process. Evolving implies consolidating structural changes without turning back, but adapting means modifying adverse situations temporarily and in the best possible way, in order to survive.

The digestive system originating from humans is designed to perfectly digest the different varieties of fruits, fruits and seeds that Nature offers us when they have been nourished by the earth and water, oxygenated by the air, cooked by the sun and ripened in the trees and plants. Nowadays, most of the foods that are ingested are very different from those that really belong to that original digestive system or are at a low nutritional level and contaminated with intoxicating and even poisonous substances. This is one of the main causes that the lack of full health has become widespread, that diseases increase more and more and that these appear more frequently and at a younger age.

Paleontology and comparative anatomy show us that the digestive system of the human being is identical to that of frugivorous animals and very different from that of herbivores or carnivores. In addition to anthropologists, the great spiritual sages and the authentic writings of ancient religions, show us and speak with greater or lesser emphasis, that the most adequate food for the human being are fruits, fruits and seeds. . Emphasizing that this food is useful both physically, mentally and spiritually, due to the organic constitution of the human being and out of respect for other animal beings, brothers traveling on Earth.

One of the irrefutable evidence that this is so, are the great benefits that, both to recover and maintain health, occur when substantial changes are made in the type, form and manner of feeding. What natural and effective therapy fails to contemplate, apart from the natural substances you use, the changes in eating habits?

The way in which the first human beings were fed on Earth, has been modified throughout history for various reasons. The principal was produced by changing his natural habitat, the result of concerns and his innate curiosity; His tireless search for knowing who I am, what I am doing here and what I have come to. In the course of time it was displaced from its natural habitat, moving away from where it could feed without problems throughout the year and where the climate favored its constitution physics. This place is the one that was close to the tropics where fruits, fruits and seeds were abundant throughout the year, and enjoyed a warm temperature. The concern for questioning and finding answers to his personal search, led him to investigate and move away from his natural habitat, and then he had to use ingenuity to find alternative food sources with which to quench hunger and ensure subsistence.

There are various stages that occur throughout the times, during which it was incorporated, according to the new inhabited areas, different foods to those that were

natural and healthy to your organic system. These stages can be grouped into large blocks, such as:

The incorporation of various wild plants, by imitation of herbivorous animals.

The killing of animals to eat raw meat, by mimicking what carnivorous or omnivorous animals do.

The discovery of fire and its use to heat and cook meat.

The use of grains - cereals - that have to be cooked and the development of their cultivation in community settlements.

The revolution in the development of the food industry and the processing of processed and handled foods, with the idea of ​​keeping them for a long time.

The development of intensive and highly productive agriculture, through the use of transgenics, with the idea of ​​achieving high productions in a small space.

The future intention of creating artificial compounds through chemistry, with the idea of ​​supplying food and having them always available for convenience.

One of the basic needs that any being on Earth needs to survive is to get that food that provides the energy and certain nutrients that your body needs and that it is impossible for him to elaborate internally, having to resort to his external intake They are the tools you need for proper functioning and good health.

The type and format of the nutrients that the human or the different animals require, are given by the typology of their organic functioning and for this purpose they use a specific digestive system in each case, designed and prepared in a highly efficient way to process and obtain the nutrients that you need to extract from the food you eat. To that end, each digestive system requires certain groups of foods and these, when processed correctly, provide you with everything you need without leaving intoxicating residues. On the contrary, when you eat food that is inappropriate for your system, toxic waste will eventually cause alterations, organ overload and functional imbalances, which will lead to dysfunctions and diseases.

To function properly, each organism needs a variety of nutrients; some are denser like vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates ... And others are more sensitive and alive like phytonutrients, bionutrients, enzymes ... But there is a more subtle universal nutrient and that is king of nutrients: Vital Energy. Using the densest nutrients, tools and material energy are obtained so that the more than 100 billion cells that make up an organism can function. With the most sensitive and lively nutrients, important components are provided to keep organic life alive - life creates life and dense creates density - and everything is necessary for organic life. But with Life Energy you get the support of all created life, whether dense as subtle or physical as mental.

All these nutrients can be obtained in the many and varied sources that Nature offers us: fruits, fruits, seeds, plants, grains, meats, barks, branches, leaves ... Even plants such as tobacco and other highly poisonous contain a certain amount of nutrients. There are all the necessary ways to meet in a healthy way the needs of the different beings that inhabit the Earth and that possess

specific digestive systems for it. There are animals that eat highly poisonous plants that nourish them healthily, while others those plants intoxicate and poison them. Each species needs what is specific to it. Only when the hand of man interferes with the original feeding of himself or the animal by altering or processing it, is it when problems occur and diseases are generated.

In the environment of their natural habitat and due to the regulatory balance that Nature provides, animals practically lack diseases. Animals are beings guided by instinct, with which they choose without conditions the most suitable food. Man has the ability to reason and enjoys free will, which can vary his instinct or intuition to decide what he wants to eat. Both kingdoms, the human and the animal, share the ability to feel, albeit differently. Emotions and feelings intervene in the human kingdom; In the animal kingdom, only the feelings.

In broad strokes and according to the feeding of beings, we can group them into:

· Frugivorous: Fruit eaters. (Primates, men ...)

· Herbivores: Plant eaters. (Cow, elephant, giraffe ...)

· Carnivores: Eaters of any type of meat. (Lion, shark ...)

Omnivorous: Eaters of different types of food. (Bear, pig, chicken ...)

Within these groups, there are different variants depending on the activity they perform and the specific foods they eat. This is guided by the instinct that is what tells you what foods you need and when you need them, without questioning or changing anything about it. Hence we can obtain nutrients from almost everything that Nature offers us. The really important thing is that these nutrients are bioavailable for each specific digestive system and have been designed for it.

Being guided by instinct, animals clearly distinguish the type of food they need. On the other hand and due to its reasoning, the human being has the freedom to choose what types of food to take, although those he chooses are less healthy and even harmful to his body. Due to the circumstances resulting from his decisions, man opted for a more omnivorous and increasingly carnivorous diet. At present and due to the way of obtaining and processing, this kind of food is full of substances poisonous to humans. To this we must add the influence of the circumstances experienced, the habits created, the pressures received or even the interests of others ... All this, is causing that most of the diseases that are triggered today, come from those insane eating habits and so distanced from its original digestive system.

The omnivores, for example, have the ability to assimilate both animal and vegetable protein. To survive they are opportunistic and thanks to their anatomical and physiological characteristics, especially with regard to teeth and internal processes, they adapt to different types of food. As we have already mentioned, the human being is clearly frugivorous, even if he self-imposes himself to justify himself and silence his conscience, the attribution of omnivore. It is said that the natural human diet is omnivorous, which would include meat in it; but man belongs to the family of fruit growers, as we have argued, and what he has really done in the course of time for the insistence on eating meat, is to adapt in some way to that food that is alien to him, but without being able to avoid that the remaining residues and the bioavailability of these nutrients affect him, in a certain way, in an unhealthy way.

The human being began to consume a certain amount of meat in the Stone Age. Their distance from the natural habitat and the last glaciation, caused their food of origin to be scarce and, then, began to eat meat to survive. By insisting on it, the organism began its stage of adaptation to that new food and to approach omnivorism. If the human being really were carnivorous or omnivorous, he would continue to eat raw meat just as carnivorous or omnivorous animals do; instead, you have to cook it, either by boiling it, frying it, roasting it ... or disguising it in order to ingest it. In addition, most people would be unable to get it directly by their own means, unlike carnivorous animals that pluck it with their powerful canine teeth or omnivores that, with less dental structure, ingest it from small animals or pieces of them already torn.

With the discovery of the fire that softened the flesh, the human being could begin to take larger quantities and keep it for some time. But, from that moment on, the organism had two problems, which today has still been unable to completely solve:

1) Raw intake without possible good chewing, which was insane for your stomach due to its digestive and acidic characteristics.

2) The one to cook it, since with this it changed its protein structure and transformed certain nutrients, with which they were of less use and left a high index of unusable waste that had to be processed and eliminated.

In both cases, the residues of these digestions intoxicate the organism, being that exponential intoxication when increasing the ingested amounts of that food. The body has had to adapt to live with that food and treat it in a way that affects it as little as possible. But even so, the great abuses of foods that are improper and adding to them other processed, denatured, refined foods, and poisonous substances with which they are obtained or treated, has led to constant organic supersaturation and high wear that It has led to the emergence of more and more diseases at an earlier age.

Animal beings are guided by their instincts and feed only on what is innate to their cellular information, almost starving to death before eating other foods that are improper. The human being is born without the strong incisors to tear the meat and without the matchbox that allows him to light a fire to cook it. Unlike the animal being, the human being possesses the ability to reason and before dying of hunger he is able to eat even human flesh. Eating animal meat as a punctual means of survival can be considered correct, but integrating it as a habit and fiddling with it and with animal beings, will undoubtedly cause it in the short or long term and depending on its organic strength, health problems. In people who consume a lot of meat and processed foods, diseases increase and organic, physical and mental degeneration accelerates.

Since the last century, in human history and in comparison with our ancestors, the intake of unhealthy or insane foods has been increasing. In addition, the consumption of highly refined, processed, transgenic foods has been incorporated ... and treatments are also carried out with pesticides, hormones ... Another aspect is that, in many cases, the food is ingested mixed together in a chemically incompatible way to Your proper digestion These are two of the main causes of today's major health problems. All that transformation of food makes them alien to the design of the human organism, even though it constantly tries to adapt for its survival. By changing that type of food for another one based on fruits, vegetables,

seeds, nuts and other related foods, every state of unhealthiness reverts and energy once again governs the magnificent ship of the human body.

The process of adaptation that the human being has had to perform over thousands and thousands of years to repeatedly ingest improper food from his digestive system, has been carried out thanks to the intelligence of internal homeostasis, which It is the regulatory capacity to keep the internal environment at all costs in equilibrium against any alteration that occurs in order to survive as in the best possible conditions.

To achieve this, it has made internal changes, especially in the production and segregation of the chemical substances responsible for shredding the components of food that are alien to it into simpler components so that these can be used by the body. The foods that are their own, contain the nutrients in their simplest form, which in itself are easy to digest and assimilate, and leave little residual unusable. On the contrary, foods that are improper or very improper, lead to a more complex and heavier digestion, especially if they are abused, with an energy expenditure sometimes even greater than they contribute and leaving a residual that, in many occasions, is highly intoxicating.

Another adaptive change that the human being has had to do is that of the intestinal flora, which plays a very important role in achieving complete digestion and nutritional use. As they are basically bacteria, they adapt and reproduce according to the particular environment created by the food they eat. By suddenly eating other simpler and healthier foods, it may happen that these are initially a digestive problem due to the lack of the specific flora required, starting there a process of readjustment .

Despite homeostasis, the intake of food outside a specific digestive design, means that in the process of digestion waste and useless compounds are generated, and therefore toxic to the organism, That this should be processed, neutralized and eliminated. The organic overload produced will eventually lead to the appearance of dysfunctions that, in turn, will become diseases. For any innate food to the human digestive system, there is a healthy and healthy substitute. The obligation to consume proteins and other nutrients such as iron and calcium from animal meats to avoid deficiencies, is part of the ignorance of the realities mentioned.

Homeostasis will also be responsible for reversing the process if you change from an omnivorous feed to the original fruit. To reverse the process and readjust to the foods that are proper and healthy for the human being, it will take time to restore the internal physical-chemical mechanisms that homeostasis itself has had to adjust to be able to nourish of those foods that are alien to him. Therefore, the change would have to be carried out in stages, so that it accompanies the internal homeostatic process, but at the same time, it must also be done from the awareness, since without this any change will lack sufficient strength to be consolidated in time and to reverse the unhealthy habit.

For years and within the conscious awakening in food, new and diverse currents have appeared in the way of feeding, such as macrobiotic, vegetarian, ovo-milky-vegetarian, the vegan, the raw vegan All of them are heading towards specific goals such as religion, health, curiosity, nonconformity, snobbery, fashion and also all they can contribute specifically to the process of readjustment to the full diet based on the original food of the human being, but as long as the intention with which it is carried out is clear.

Any of the currents mentioned that are incorporated with a clear idea of ​​what is intended, will provide a very notable differential with respect to the current way of feeding on foods that are mostly inappropriate for the organic system of the human being. Health will be improved and they will collaborate in the process of change and adaptation, but the acquisition of full and maximum lasting and permanent health will appear when, after a staged process, the original foods are incorporated, the basic rules are followed in the way of ingesting them and the organic adaptation is carried out so that the body recovers the homeostatic information of origin.

To initiate any process of change, and especially those that concern profound changes in the way of feeding that happens by replacing the densest foods with foods more appropriate to a specific digestive system, four basic steps are necessary:

ü Stop: Stop taking food farthest from the organic system. Everything that has led to a situation that is considered inappropriate should be stopped in order to recover the opposing situation.

ü Eject: Detoxification process to eliminate the accumulated, what is left over and which is toxic to the organism. Through appropriate dietary changes.

ü Recover: Restore the balances of the internal fluids and the main organs. Through adequate food and natural supplements for this purpose.

ü Complement: The deficiencies dragged by unhealthy habits or fruit of the process of change by the homeostatic re-adaptation of the organism to its original functioning, are compensated by natural nutritional supplements.

Once this stage has begun, the organism's homeostasis begins to restore proper functioning in a healthier line that, when consolidated, will result in maximum physical and mental well-being. From there, one can consider going further and moving towards a possible Pranic feeding.

Living only from Prana is a matter of conscience

So far we have talked about a feed with biomass energy supplied from the matter, but there is another immaterial energy: the subtle Vital Energy also called Prana. Vital Energy is invaluable to the naked eye and can only be felt by subtle means such as intuition, concentration and connection with the immaterial reality of being through meditation. Life Energy is what creates and sustains all matter; it comes from the Universal Creative Source that flows everywhere and passes to the matter of the body through the subtle energy channels that are the chakras, the meridians and the nadis. These channels have always been studied and their existence has already been verified and verified by very old medicines such as China and Ayurveda.

The vital energy is pure. It contains everything that anything materialized needs, such as a physical body and constantly flows to it, since without it nothing would be sustained and everything would disintegrate. That is what happens in physical death, energy is removed from matter and matter dissolves. Something like this is due to the fact that Vital Energy contains and comes from the idea-thought that initiates and produces that materialization. Vital Energy thus flows naturally naturally to the physical body, but only in the amount necessary to maintain the vibratory support of each and every one of the more than 100

billions of cells that compose it, and with the material energy of food, body functioning is promoted, which follows the rules of matter.

To feed the human body exclusively with the Vital Energy or Prana, what is known as "living of Light", it is first necessary to have reached a state of consciousness related to that vibrational frequency. When the vibrational connection with the Prana occurs, it flows so that, in addition to supporting the physical body, it nourishes everything necessary in a natural and pure way, without any residue or nutritional deficiency, therefore being able to fully replace material energy. On the contrary, if that vibratory connection remains only in its sustaining phase, the body will need to obtain nutrients from the material energy of food. The subtle energy flow is able to nourish the body in all its needs and, at the same time, eliminate any physical dysfunction or ailment, since it is the basis of all perishable matter.

The Pranic diet contains all the nutrients and all the energy that the organism needs in its purest state. In addition, it is constantly available. The material energy enters through the mouth and passes through the digestive system, on the other hand the Pranic Energy enters through the subtle channels of the upper chakras: the crown, the third eye and the medulla oblongata, and from there it flows into the entire internal framework of the body, reaching each and every one of the cells that compose it in order to either sustain them or nourish them fully, something that will only depend on the will of each and the state of consciousness in which it is found.

As we have already seen, all beings on Earth have been created to feed on material energy by ingesting food suitable for their digestive system and assimilation. But unlike animal beings, the human being possesses the ability to reason accompanied by free will, the free decision of his experimental acts. For this reason, he has the ability to take a step forward in his evolutionary state, according to his desire, nourishing himself through the original foods that are his own or going even further and getting to feed on Prana as a way to nourish his physical part and mental and also its spiritual evolution.

“When you are aware of pranic food, no other will you need”

Author: Josep María Montserrat - Cellular Nutritionist

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