The god Zeus and his relationship with the human being

  • 2019

For Greek mythology, the god Zeus, is the divinity of lightning, of heaven and of light, belongs to the second generation of gods, being the son of Cronus and Rhea . He is the most important god of all the gods of the Hellenic pantheon. It is a personality that leads men and other gods. Likewise for the ancients, it caused rains and the flash of lightning. On the other hand, for the Romans, Zeus was identified with j piter, god of heaven and protector of Rome.

What is your symbolism?

From mythology, it is said that he was raised and breastfed by the Amaltea goat, to whom; being a child the god Zeus broke him while playing a horn, and once broken; He promised to be magically filled with all the fruits she wanted. From here comes the famous horn of plenty used by many shields of many nations. Later Zeus used the skin of Amalthea to cover himself and fight against the Titans, forming a shield, this one has the name of aegis .

On the other hand, in Homer's Iliad, it is narrated that at the door of his home, there were two amphorae, one contained all the goods, and the other all evils and he prepared to take out such dual qualities from there to assign them to the deadly This allegory could mean that the god Zeus is the one who disposes justice in the world, and distributes goodness and evil . He is also the god of lightning and light.

Therefore, it can be considered that the god Zeus, has a light of consciousness about the factors that determine man, so the god Zeus weighed -according to the iliate-, on a gold scale ; The destiny of men. The latter, because of their limited understanding, may not perceive (or do so with difficulty) the whole idea of ​​justice (because this concept transcends the binary ideas of understanding), in this way, the Zeus ray can symbolize for man, the intuition or trans-rational thinking that apprehends the intelligible and immaterial ideas of the world. In a way, the god Zeus, with his lightning; It could be embodied as the symbol of one of the logical principles formulated by Leibniz, namely: The principle of sufficient reason .

In this way it is not surprising that the Stoic philosophers saw the god Zeus as the entity that embodied the cosmos, and with it the order and the laws, since from the mythical perspective, this god was responsible for purifying the murderers, and watched over the fulfillment of the oaths and duties contracted.

Likewise, it is interesting to note the symbolism of the ray of light correlating it with consciousness, intuition and thought. With all this, the god Zeus can mean the capacity of dissent that conscience has for the apprehension of justice and the laws of the cosmo.

The god Zeus in astrology

This God correlates for the Romans with Jupiter and his domicile is in the sign of Sagittarius. This planet symbolizes the social hierarchy, and the authority that is imposed from the outside to the earth (being the largest planet in the solar system), and in parallel to the paternal authority that is exercised from the outside of consciousness and marks the super- I. It also represents balance, order, abundance, social progress, optimism and trust.

In the human organism, the liver and blood circulation govern. As well as the proper development of the oral stage of psychosexual development that is vital to learn to satisfy the instincts of food, trust, optimism and meaning for life. Hence, this planet is also known as the "great charity . " He also provides the conditions for the generation of acquisitions, and new advantages in favor of the individual and collective spirit, so that he can meet his needs.

Finally, it is interesting to note at the individual level that these organic properties (liver, circulation and oral function) are related to jupiter (or the god Zeus) and determine the growth of the person, by intervening in the metabolism of sugars (carbohydrates) ), proteins (prostheses) and fats (lipids), and in the purification of the body, be it fat, excess and oxygenation of the blood, thereby allowing the body's balance and hemestasis.

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the big family of

More information in:

  • Cirlot, E. (1992). Dictionary of symbols . (9th Ed.). Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Labor. SA
  • Chevaler, J. (1986). Dictionary of symbols . Barcelona, ​​Spain: Editorial Herder.

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