Alchemy & Circuit Requirement 13-20-33

  • 2010

The Earth Guardian Chronicles

Equinox Edition

March 2010 - Issue No. 43

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

At one point almost all of you will travel by plane to another destination. Such a trip exhausts the aura and its circuit much more than can be understood. Certainly traveling by air on a regular basis extensively can shorten our longevity and life span, especially for those in their mature years .Arc. Metatron

Greetings Masters! By the way! We greet you with joy and surround each of you in a field of Unconditional Love.

And so we talk about the optimal circuit of the human auric field, with a specific focus on circuit 13-20-33. Teachers, the Human Aura is not self- regulated. Requires methodical maintenance. And this is equivalent, because achieving and continuing to use Circuit 13-20-33 of the integral Auric Field is an absolute prerequisite for ascent towards the Crystalline Light Vehicle.

Auric Development

Now we briefly turn to the linear time aspect of the development of the Human Aura. Dear Beings, as each one of you has grown in consciousness through its numerous temporary stays in duality activated more layers of your auric field. With each new activation more responsibility is required, greater perceptions are naturally a requirement for optimal Aura maintenance. The final and optimal resonance is the Circuit from 13-20-33. This is the fundamental quotient and the total flow of the flowered Auric Field. It is the resonance that allows to flow in the Crystalline Light Body. Unless the developed and sustained 13-20-33 is obtained , the acquisition of the Body of Light is unsustainable.

Before we deepen this important essay, let's add the warning that Auric expansion is a journey not a destination. In other words, what is achieved MUST be preserved. Many of you have achieved high levels of activation of the Auric layer only to lose them due to their inconsequential discipline and lack of understanding of the fundamental stipulations required to sustain them.

Most of you who are called “Old Souls” in your vernacular originally entered the Earth Plane in the Crystalline Light Body in the Mer-Ka-Ra of the true Ascended Master. With the Fall of the Firmament, you voluntarily entered the "Universe of Duality" and eventually lost the connection to the greatest aspect of your true essence. Their auras then took a downward spiral to the side of their consciousness as they fell toward the disseminated polarity density of physical bodies. We have shared this with you in previous essays.

Now we wish to elucidate in this situation that the advent of duality on the Earth Plane was not an accident. It was what we can call a deliberate event to allow experience and growth within duality. The Earth became a University, in its role as Planet of Election. Many of his religious writings refer to this as the 'fall' of the human race. But in reality it was an intentional "maya", an illusion with purpose. The Duality placed filters in the consciousness and it is required that the work "be increased" back to the crystalline consciousness. But ALL OF YOU chose this growth and this carries succinct credentials.

The duality experiment entailed certain vulnerabilities and allowed for what were called setbacks or intentional obstacles. This then, is the journey of duality, the contractual path for re-emergence through growth and obstacles to overcome.

And so in this process of growing back, the dense became more dense, the physicist became more solidified and the hemispheres of the human brain locked themselves in the polarity of the dodecahedron grid.

The human in the cycle of duality then incarnated during ages that were dominated by the frontal mind and the experience of the lower chakra. This level of unconsciousness then allowed only the field of 7 layers of chakras, with the aim of activating from the 3 lower chakras to the upper 4, unifying the seven in a total flow.

Duality was defined by polar electromagnetic and grid system that determined the level of density that was the magnetic or gravity grid. This was certainly adjusted to different levels through the growth of humanity. For a long time of linear time since the Golden Age of Atlantis, the gravity grid only allowed an 8-8-16 circuit in the Human Aura, and the gender Mer-Ka-Bah was the Body of Light that allowed the growth from this frequency level. Certain Avatars returned to duality from 5, 000 to 2, 000 years as you measure it to "return" to linear time from this hologram of succinct reality to begin restoring the resonance pattern of 13-20-33.

However, only since the Harmonic Convergence of the year 1987, the adjustment of the grid has truly revived the potential of 13-20-33 for the masses. This became initially possible with the Crystal-144 Grid in 2001. It is the Crystalline Era through the Crystalline Grid that fully empowers the return of the upper change of 13-20-33 in the Mer-Ki-Vico Triple System of crystalline non-polarity that is now emerging again.

Circuit: 13-20-33

The 13-20-33 is an interface of the energy emulsion recording in depth the connectivity between the anti-matter / etheric matter in a Christ-electric amalgam that creates the murmuring sound of the OM. As such, the 13-20-33 circuit is not only the optimum frequency flow required to overflow the omnitary function and the higher change, it is the only frequency that can do it. It is the key and a complex key that serves as the ignition key for full power. It is certainly then and only then capable of carrying immense energy. It releases obstacles and combines forms of varied, heterogeneous and homogeneous energy in a compatible unified matrix that is capable of flowing to the zero point, the Mer-Ki-Va Crystalline Field.

This circuit implements and manages the mandatory link between the 33 components of the integral field. It is actually the multiple union that regulates the appropriate resonance of the network system and the interwoven grid inside and outside. It is defined as follows: 13 represents the 12 layers of the Air Field within the harmonized and synchronized etheric matter in Unity. Thus 12 becomes the One forming the frequency 12 + 1 = 13. It only happens after sufficient periods of duality allow the entity's consciousness to activate all 12 layers and hold them and activate the 12 main chakras to each layer of the aura and certainly the 12 strands of DNA.

20 represents the activation of the layers of the human air interface towards multi-dimensionality within the realms of Anti-Matter. There was no access to these layers so easily until the magnetic grid adjustment occurred.

The Fibonacci synchronization of 13 + 20 facilitates circuit 33. The circuit that allows humanity to fully expand towards the crystalline consciousness levels of non-polarity. This is truly the vehicle that takes you to your complete circle, to your complete circuit back home.

Maintenance Mechanics

Now the correct flow of circuit 13-20-33 depends on certain maintenance responsibilities as we have already described. We will now address the most common obstacles to obtaining and maintaining the circuit optimally.

Topics that Affect Auric Integrity:

  • · Opposite Energy Fields
  • · Emotional Stress
  • · Conflict
  • · Planetary Energy Expansion
  • · Attachment to the Thought Form
  • · Air Travel - Intense Physical Stress
  • · Medications, Excess Alcohol, Toxins
  • Improper attitude / Control issues / Ego imbalance

Some topics will be explained in more detail.

(1) Interference Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Results in a Bio-Polar Investment

In their current times, the electromagnetic of the rising earth are being amplified in powerful, pressurized waves that can expand and micro-fracture the flow and symmetry of their auric fields . This is a fundamental and definitive necessity of the Ascension as you change to the expanded Auric Circuit 13-20-33 to achieve Mer-Ka-Na within the Tri-System Mer-Ki-Vico.

In their time and with the use of cell phones, computers, televisions and electronic devices their offices and their homes are a constant barrier of opposing electromagnetic energy fields. The result can be a temporary “short circuit” effect that, if not resolved, can lead to an auric imbalance through the loss of energy through cracks in cracks. In essence this can be referred to as "auric bleeding." Some of the effects are short-term, but others can become chronic.

The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and microwaves from microwave ovens, computers, cell phones and televisions have been recognized by some of their important current medical professionals. These tend to be minimized and ignored by the masses in part because the same manufacturers and suppliers of these micro wave generators and magnetic fields sponsor and subscribe studies from the staff or scientists consulted and "experts" with the pre-established purpose of refusing or immensely minimize counter-effects. In fact, the harmful effects are very real and most of all of you are constantly within these fields against. As a case in point, most of you will read this message in front of a computer monitor.

Dear Beings, there are effective methods of dealing with these against fields and we will offer these methods to you.

But do not ignore the reality that these fields will have absolutely different levels of harmful effects in your auric field. Most of the waves and in-situ fields do not penetrate very deeply into the layers of their auric sheath, others do, however all of them can fissure their energy fields. There may be some people who consider this to be a belief system issue, or this same message may instill fear. It is not one or the other. It is true that an Ascended Master can transmute such effects, but Dear Beings, we tell you in love that unless you are manifesting on that level and can walk on water, be careful. The harmful consequences of microwaves and electromagnetic waves created from alternating currents are a succinct certainty for the masses of humanity in duality, believe it or not.

Although these effects do not threaten life, they really affect the circuit of their energy and can create what is called inverse bio-polarity and short atrial circuit. Both can lead to an auric fissure and result in auric bleeding.

Air Travel

Air travel is an entrenched aspect in most of their lives. At some point almost everyone will travel by plane to another destination. And these trips reduce the aura much more than can be understood today. Certainly the extensive air travel done on a regular basis can shorten the same individual longevity and shorten the life span, especially for those averaging their age. Transoceanic and continental flights due to their great distance and time required in flight time are exponentially more degenerative for the auric field. Virtually everyone on board during an international air flight of 9-10 hours leaves the flight at its destination with varying degrees of irregular or damaged auric function. Long-haul flights that travel latitudinally in vectors heading east are the most damaging. However, everyone makes an undeniable dent in the energy field, which you call hourly decompensation. Such a generous term is an insufficient estimate, because the condition is much more than a simple fatigue from a change in the time zone.

Now, one of the keys to the underlying factors is that the root of the matter is that most commercial airplanes fly at altitudes of 35, 000 feet, the stratosphere, and effectively outside the regulatory pulse of the Schumann Resonance. The Schumann Resonance is the "heartbeat" of the planet, it is a negative electric charge released by the earth, which is combined with the cationic charges (positive electric charges) released by the stratosphere to form an electro-magno capacitor around the planet from the ground level up to about 30, 000 feet. This capacitor (capacitor) forms a background resonance that plays a central role in regulating the rhythms of vital and glandular organs in the human body. . Airplanes flying from 35, 000 to 37, 500 feet, as many do, are out of regulatory reach and the metal fuselage of the aircraft further diverts the remaining integration. The result is a distortion of physical rhythms. NASA Agencies and the space station agency are aware of this issue, since it has created chronic physical issues in astronauts. They have experimented by placing magnetic generators at stations and on ferries. .

Medical personnel who have studied the fatigue caused by airplanes know that flights can and force the heart to work harder and that long-distance flights dilate the heart temporarily. Pilots and on-board assistants daily stress their bodies and graveyards to the extent of producing chronic diseases and 'aging' is accelerated intensely. There have been internal studies of an abbreviated life expectancy of workers on airline flights, but this information is not given to the public. They really know that hypobaric hypoxia (lack of oxygen) caused by the pressurization of the plane is rhythmically altered after long flights, regardless of the number of time zones crossed, which significantly reduces the levels of the human hormone.

This issue is somewhat exacerbated by the rather restricted conditions of being in a place to sit extremely close to the other for extended periods in which rest is difficult, circulation is weakened and the body ingests less oxygen, resulting in personal fatigue. Extremely dry air in the pressurized cabin as well as the pressurization itself is harmful. The cycles are interrupted and really most of you recognize that it is difficult to rest the body after long trips, insomnia is aroused as a side effect of the interruption of the auric circuit.

Now let's be clear, flights of less than 3-4 hours are not harmful as the variety of 8-12 hours and recovery is much faster. So other important factors are the time on the flight, the frequency of the flights and the age and physical health of the human being.

However, all flights, as we have already emphasized, are harmful at various levels.

Ecuador crossing

Long flights of latitudinal crosses activate greater fatigue in the physical body due to the change in the time zone. This in addition to all the other factors mentioned. However, longitudinal flights that cross from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere (and vice versa) activate another frequency adjustment to the auric energy. The resonant energy below the equator will rotate in non-forced scenarios and without magnetism it will naturally rotate clockwise below the equator and counterclockwise above it. Thus when one flies from above the equator to destinations on it and vice versa, the Auric circuit of individuals will operate erroneously for a period of time.

Ask Metatron: Many people have jobs that require flying. What can be done to minimize the harmful effects?

AA Metatron: The effects are again exacerbated according to the frequency of the flights and their length. Other factors are the overall health and age of the person flying. Thus, in all cases, try to minimize regularity and frequency when possible. Maintain health by being active. When you know you will fly you can stabilize the field in some way by using copper or gold on both wrists and using certain precious stones such as rings and earrings to help keep the field intact. After the flight, take mineral baths with salt and avoid help sleeping. Hydrate the body as much as possible during and after the flights.

The Crucible of Ascension Magnets

Other less obvious, but vitally important sources of auric diffusion are the same mechanisms of Ascension. This may seem paradoxical at first sight but it is really happening and you should be aware of this. The main mechanisms to which we refer are solar winds, the increase in the rotation of the planetary center and the resulting amplification of planetary frequencies. The planetary pulse is accelerating and dear beings are affecting you in various ways. In a very valid sense, what is happening through the energies of ascension is expanding its frequency capabilities. As such they are required to grow a new expanded auric field, much like a snake that annually changes its skin and goes through a phase of adapting to a new one that can better encompass the larger body. Do you understand? Before the new one can become elastic, the old one extends and cracks and during that transition there is a phase of metamorphosis that contains certain vulnerabilities inside it until the new one is complete.

As your land approaches the Ascension of 2012, many major changes are happening around you that have a profound effect on your physical, emotional and mental well-being. Many of you realize that you become somewhat 'vulnerable', feeling overwhelmed at times, as if you could not finish doing things, as if there were not enough hours in the day. Some of you are going through periods of depression. They feel as if they are sinking in fear, and it seems as if they are moving through molasses. Emotions range from high ecstasy to deep depressions overshadowed by despair. Dear Beings, you are not alone, literally millions of you are experiencing this stretching and the construction of the “new auric skin ”, and we tell you that if you understand the process and maintain the integrity of your auric field , the process becomes more easy.


The channel has frequently talked about an energy equalization that can occur when search engines initially visit energy points or sacred sites. When a non-resident seeker goes to a mega energy point such as Mount Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Sedona, Arkansas or Glastonbury, for example, many are involved in an electromagnetic resonant field stronger than what they used to, a more energy strong than the index of the resonant vibration of its auric field . For some, but not for all, within 3-7 days, depending on the strength and auric elasticity of the field of the individual seeker, the ovidauric will stabilize the pressure differential in an osmotic equalization form . The auric field will do this through the formation of tiny cracks and fissures and a fracture of the auric lining will naturally happen.

Unless the individual deals, a short atrial circuit will result in loss of energy. As such, emotional extremes can happen until the time the auric field is stabilized again and re-anchored.

For people who move their residence from lower energies to the natural setting of a mega intensity site, this process can take from 6 months to a year. Those who have moved to the areas of MonteShasta and Sedona will understand this. For visitors, this will correct itself within a week or two of having returned to their place of residence. The key is to be aware of your auric frequency ratio and not stay too long until your field is able to sustain the highest frequency.

Now, we are not saying that it is not beneficial to visit the energy nodes, quite the opposite. Such an expansion in the overview is inevitable and totally beneficial and necessary to grow the "new skin" required to expand in greater frequency and multi-dimensionality.

Energy nodes accelerate this process and should be visited. These infinite points are virtual accelerators that help your metamorphosis and prepare you for the increased energies of ascension, see?

Rather, we are saying that there are processes that are occurring within the nodes of power that are a microcosm of the macrocosm, and that need to be understood. You will see, your entire planet is beginning to accelerate, to increase in frequency, and you must prepare to contain that frequency. Some are facing this, somehow in the dark. You are experiencing this now or you will do it soon, and an understanding of the process will make it easier.

Auric Metamorphosis: Changing the Etheric Skin:

The reverse process is also happening inside many enlightened souls. There are many of you who are tapping in extensive sum-dimensionality as the 144-Crystalline grid allows you greater dimensional access. The result is that its internal Electromotive Force is dragging large waves of energy, energy levels that are somehow larger than the parameters of its auric capacitors. In these cases, the result is that a stretch, an overload occurs resulting in cracks of temporary cracks and loss of energy. You are changing your skin.

Part of this metamorphic expansion requires a purification process. . The same multi-dimensionality of the power and Ascension nodes themselves are 'crucibles' and will force individual issues to surface, and thus provide the entity with an important opportunity to confront and release any inserted obstacles. The faster the better. This is the reason why these are emerging for so many of you. Attempts to bury them again and ignore them will simply cause them to grow and faster.
These unresolved issues themselves will generate stress and lead to polar inversion reactive fields, circuit failure and auric bleeding .

Dear Beings, there really is a meta-science around your auric integrity. This is not a new science, but rather one forgotten in transition, but one that must be understood, learned again by all who seek to grow, all who seek balance, wisdom and knowledge.

An intact auric field allows us to rebuild the Cosmic Lattice and achieve the 13-20-33 circuit and a multi-dimensional expansion through the crystalline Mer-Ki-Va system levels. A fractured field loses energy and the loss of energy stresses the physical circuit. If the loss is not recognized and restored it can lead to a reversal of chronic polarity, emotional depression, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, migraines, weight gain, anxiety and panic to list a few. These can be reconciled.

Now, we encourage you to study this topic actively.

What you should understand, however, is that there are many different sources of harmful impacts of the Electromagnetic Field that can reduce the speed of 'metamorphosis', create varying degrees of temporary damage to the field circuit and you should take care of this. Imagine these as slow leaks from the tires of your vehicles. If you ignore the tire, it will deflate and the vehicle cannot move forward. So it is with our auric field.

Question to Metatron: How do we recognize auric bleeding?

AA Metatron : First, understanding certain conditions that can create energy imbalances and auric energy diffusion. Those we have listed above the speech. The Electromagnetic Field has certain inherent defenses. In the same way that your skin has 3 levels of coating, so to speak, its auric fields have twelve layers in the earthly dimensions. The 3 external levels are where most of the energy diffusion is carried out from electromagnetic waves, microwaves can affect them at very deep levels.

Microwave food reverses the molecular polarity of the substance of the food being heated. This is a fact recognized by its academics. When this is captured in the body, the circuit inside the digestive system and the intestines are affected, both in the physical and energy bodies .

Now the recognition of the precondition is essential, first knowing in our interior what situations can cause auric interference from the opposite energy fields. Sensory signals can be totally subtle. The first sensory indicators are emotional descents, a sense of being tired and broken. Humans rarely connect this to the loss of the Electromagnetic Field, because this occurs very commonly due to the fact that most homes contain interference fields, and the stresses of life inside families, jobs and everyday lives have their stressful aspects Aspects that are actually partly due to the loss of energy from the tense and frantic rhythm, worsened by the lack of exercise and a healthy diet.

Ask Metatron: What can be done to strengthen and solidify the Human Electromagnetic Field?

AA Metatron : There are many things that can strengthen the field. But first try to eliminate the root of the source of the short circuit and diffusion auric. Stop using microwaves for food. If it is a case of being forced to spend hours in front of a computer as many do. Here are the steps we can take to neutralize the bombing.

Now the exercises to strengthen the auric field are numerous. Some of these are conventional methods, others are not.

  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day (Tai Chi, Yoga or Walk).
  • Increase consumption through saunas, colonic irrigation, massage therapy.
  • Use bath salts and mineral baths and natural hot springs.
  • Use Tessla's Violet Ray Therapy.
  • Use the magnetic ones on the soles of the feet and wrist (<3500 Gsse)
  • Use specific combinations of precious gems.
  • Use noble metal around the neck and on the wrists.
  • Healthy diet.
  • Avoid excess alcohol
  • Elimination / minimization of toxins, tobacco and certain drugs from medicinal prescriptions.
  • Take weekly purifiers such as raw garlic, ginger and apple juice vinegar.
  • Work with Phi Vogel cut crystals, in the auric seal.
  • Clean and seal the field.
  • Use pure sonic frequency through crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls and tuning forks.

Now, in addition to this, be aware of your emotional state. If you are suffering from lethargy, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression and anxiety, by the way it will be useful to take the steps listed above, but you will probably be required to take other actions. Many of you have chosen certain life lessons that involve the removal of obstacles overcoming "contractual" situations. These established lessons are essentially opportunities, gifts if you wish to call them to allow them to move forward. If it were easy, they wouldn't necessarily learn. Simply changing your perspective to positive thinking ”when you are facing a life lesson that leaves you in a state of lethargic depression is not enough. A 'Highly Optimistic' perspective will not resolve the central issue, yet an intact auric field will assist them in overcoming these issues and in certain cases the auric field will not be perfect until these chronic issues are resolved. One provokes the other and vice versa. ( Mickel Therapy is a recommended strategy to help with those schedules that result in energy disorders)

Although some of you may be a bit "karma free", most of you still have lessons to practice and topics to clarify. The current time is a gestalt configuration to allow you to achieve these lessons and to confront and remove the remaining obstructions of viral-energy. Auric maintenance underpins everything.

Question to Metatr n: Can you advise us if the neutralizing chips that are available to eliminate harmful effects from monitors and computers are valid and functional?

A. A.Metatr n: Except for the degree of individual belief, they are of little use beyond the placebo effect . Currently the technology of the `` micro-chip '' is not a sufficient advance to be truly effective in its own way. Los medios m s beneficiosos para desviar estos campos est compuesto de 5 facetas, el primer punto que es aplicable en todas las condiciones del campo es fortalecerse para invalidar la interferencia.

1) El uso de piedras preciosas ayuda mucho m s que los chips neutralizadores actuales. Una gema refractiva individual de 2 quilates om s utilizada en una mano y una gema doble refractiva en la otra ayuda a desviar los campos. Ejemplos de gemas refractivas individuales son el diamante, el granate y espinela. Con refracci n doble est n la aguamarina, el zafiro, el rub, la esmeralda, la turmalina, el topacio o cualquiera de las variedades de cuarzo tales como amatista, peridoto y citrino. Con referencia a la refracci n doble, una medida de un quilate de 4 om s grande es mejor. Combinen esto con metales nobles en cada mu eca, oro, paladio o platino es mejor. La plata, el cobre, el bronce, el titanio son accesibles. Usen una cadena alrededor del cuello con un colgante estabilizador, tal como lapisl zuli, malaquita o azurita. A trav s de este proceso ustedes tienen una habilidad mayor para aumentar su campo y desviar los opuestos que observen. Las gemas claras son grandes productoras de ondas de luz dimensional elevada, y amplifican el campo individual para sostenerlo intacto.

No usen berilio (esmeralda, morganita, alexandrita, aguamarina) y corind n (rub & zafiro) al mismo tiempo.

2) Traten de mantener una distancia de las pantallas. Para los monitores de las computadoras, esto es dif cil, para los televisores 4 a 5 metros es recomendado.

3) La colocaci n de generadores i nicos, tales como bloques de sales minerales (halita) y filtros de aire son beneficiosos en restablecer la proporci n del i n de carga negativa en las habitaciones que contienen computadoras, microondas y televisores.

4) Utilizar el transformador del rayo violeta de Tessla, aplicaciones de rayos de luz con gases nobles para balancear el campo, corregir las condiciones de la polaridad inversa y asistir en el sellado del campo del sangrado a rico.

5) Un neutralizador efectivo de los efectos de una computadora es la colocaci n de un meteorito de hierro y niquel en una periferia de la pantalla con un bloque de malaquita en la otra. Cada una de estas deber a por lo menos pesar una libra.

Pregunta a
Metatr n : Algunas ense anzas metaf sicas y cham nicas hablan de ataques ps quicos que est n sucediendo cuando el campo a rico est abierto . Puede y de hecho existe esto?

AA Metatr n : Puede y ocurre en realidad. Con todo, lo que ustedes llaman ataque ps quico es en verdad un aspecto de la oscilaci n electromagn tica y arm nica. Desde una perspectiva m s elevada estas son parte de la instalaci ny el revestimiento del crecimiento en dualidad, a medida que aprenden a ser responsables de sus fuerzas creativas innatas. Como les hemos dicho, sus pensamientos y emociones tienen una frecuencia vibratoria dentro de la dualidad que es totalmente real y está completamente viva. Cuando ustedes se enfocan en un acontecimiento o reaccionan con una emoción fuerte hacia otra persona o situación, ustedes crean energías que se llaman formas pensamiento. Estas se acumulan armónicamente de varias maneras. Si ustedes proyectan grandes cargas de energía cargada con emociones, tales como la ira, los celos o el amor, la pasión y la alegría hacia otro, ustedes estarán de acuerdo que ambas partes están afectadas, sí? Si ustedes conscientemente residen en estos pensamientos cargados de vibración, entonces la masa de energía que vive, normalmente corto tiempo, puede ganar suficiente energía para convertirse en una forma pensamiento conciente. Cuando el amor espiritual y la compasión son proyectados y creados, ocurre una sinergia que es apropiada a ambas partes. Cuando la furia y la negatividad odiosa son proyectados, una reacción tóxica puede ocurrir de ambos lados. Si el campo aúrico de la persona a la que se “apunta” está abierto, el efecto es empeorado de alguna manera y puede producirse un sangrado de energía temperarlo.

Ahora es importante diferenciar entre las energías maliciosas o de control y las reacciones honestas. Si alguien le falta el respeto a ustedes, la reacción honesta y apropiada puede ser una de ira y daño honesto. Cuando estos son abierta y honestamente expresados un gestalt de purificación ocurre que puede conducir a una comprensión mejor y renovada y una comunicación mejorada. Es un proceso de aprendizaje y es apropiado. Pero no obstante, una forma de oposición energética se lleva a cabo.

Sin embargo, cuando una persona percibe una venganza, o un prolongado deseo para controlar al otro, el gestalt puede disolverse en un conflicto cargado, y como tal una batalla de energía maliciosa puede suscitarse. Muy frecuentemente ambas partes sienten que están en lo “correcto” y la frecuencia de odio armónicamente atrae más y más energía similar hasta que la forma de energía amasada es tan potente que tiene la capacidad de efectuar un rol de “ataque” destructivo para ambos. A menos que uno o ambos vean la sabiduría de liberar el odio, los empujará hacia una espiral descendente, creando incomodidad y negatividad más profundas.

Cuando uno está en un estado de enojo malicioso, auto-aversión o depresión, esa resonancia vibratoria en sí misma se reducirá y abrirá el campo aúrico. Se convierte en un hoyo cavado por nosotros mismos que se torna más y más profundo. Eras de vidas pueden ser malogradas.No obstante desde una perspectiva superior, ocurre mucho aprendizaje. Existen momentos cuando grandes almas eligen lecciones de vida para superar estas energías. Algunas almas evolucionadas tales como Gandhi y Nelson Mandela eligieron puestos para ser erróneamente acusados y condenados por crímenes y pasaron años en la energía negativa de sus prisiones para aprender a encontrar paz y fortaleza de intención bajo las condiciones más severas de opresión.

Ahora, cuando ustedes estén en conflicto, asegúrense de mantener su campo aúrico, y no se permitan caer en reacciones maliciosas. No es inapropiado reaccionar en honestidad, pero el angosto sendero de maestría, es no caer en el odio y la venganza maliciosa. Ustedes verán, ser atrapados en estas trampas es mucho más fácil que salir de ellas. El odio atrae más odio. Cuando los grupos se oponen unos a otros, el colectivo de formas pensamiento similares se amasa, se mezcla y se opone uno al otro en un enorme conflicto. Muy frecuentemente las naciones en guerra forman campos de energía colectiva y reencarnan en estos grupos y continúan estos conflictos hasta que finalmente es resuelto. Sus actuales Guerras en el Golfo son un ejemplo, un retorno de las Cruzadas. Su Segunda Guerra Mundial fue una continuación de los conflictos Atlantes entre aquellos de Poseída (Ley del Uno), y Aryan (Hijos de Belial).

Formas Pensamiento de Doble-Filo

Muy frecuentemente los “ataques” más difíciles se deben a nuestras propias formas pensamiento negativas regresando a casa para alojarse.

Quizás el más difícil de estos trata del aprendizaje del amor a sí mismo.

Cuando uno cae en depresión, auto-rechazo, o auto-aversión, el ataque se genera por sí mismo. El pensamiento forma, todo esto queridas almas; crea y puede convertirse en tan potente, que el camp aúrico se divide en fragmentos de la personalidad. Una figura del patrón del ocho, de energía negativa es emitido, amasado y fluye de regreso a través de la apertura del plexo solar. La forma pensamiento de odio a sí mismo logra cierto nivel de conciencia independiente y se convertirá en un obstáculo muy real, un calabozo auto-impuesto, hasta que la persona aprende a enfrentar la raíz del problema a través de gran esfuerzo y sabiduría.

Ocurren intercambios de energía frecuentemente en la vida diaria. Algunos beneficiosos mutuamente, otros no. Es importante que tomen debida nota que la energía no puede ser tomada de seres cuya aura está intacta.

Los sanadores constantemente dan energía en el interior de un aura intacta y en esencia no son afectados por la transferencia. Dado que semejante energía de amor es pasada desde fuentes más elevadas y el campo aúrico del sanador es capaz de ser voluntariamente el conducto sin perder ninguna energía de su campo aúrico. Pero observen, si el sanador no está en un circuito de sanación 13-20-33 no puede ser correctamente abastecido. En realidad puede ocurrir lo opuesto, un escenario en el que ambos, el sanador y el que va a ser sanado pierden energía.

Control & Proyecciones de Energía

Ahora, en cualquier momento que sientan enojo con alguien, esos pensamientos son proyectados. Cada vez que alguien trata de controlarlos a ustedes o viceversa, una proyección de energía es iniciada. Existen por supuesto situaciones en las que es apropiado seguir las directivas del otro. Ustedes lo hacen en cada aspecto de su vida, sucede en las oficinas, en el ejército, en las escuelas y entre los niños y los padres.

Esto se basa en el acuerdo y es relevante y adecuado cuando no se abuse. No obstante, no es apropiado en estas o en otras circunstancias en que permitimos a otros que dominen en forma abusiva de su espíritu, o maliciosamente traten de romper su voluntad. El abuso de poder frecuente ocurre en las relaciones, matrimonios, en el trabajo en la familia y en el ámbito social. En ciertos escenarios, como ha sido descripto es equivocado permitir a otro a que imponga abusivamente su voluntad e igualmente erróneo que uno busque semejante control fuera de las estructuras apropiadas del acuerdo. Esto puede desarrollarse en una forma de “ataque psíquico” de acuerdo a su lenguaje. El controlador se conecta al centro del plexo solar de de la otra parte controlada y literalmente toma su energía y profiere una dominación destructiva. Este “efecto de vampirismo”, en su idioma, especialmente sucede entre las personas egocéntricas, controladoras y manipuladoras, y frecuentemente es intentado inconscientemente por personas en desequilibrio y depresión, que necesitan un “empujón” por estar alrededor de otros debido a su escasez de energía propia. También se lleva a cabo a mayor escala en las religiones dogmáticas patriarcales, en las sociedades dominadas por los hombres y en los matrimonios. Es más difícil resistirse en semejantes trampas. Cuando uno sabe que está siendo el blanco de proyecciones de energía maliciosas, la integridad aúrica es de vital importancia.

La visualización de envolvernos en “luz blanca” es generalmente aceptada como mecanismo de protección. De todas formas si el campo está abierto la visualización de la luz no es suficiente. Los procedimientos enumerados más arriba para fortalecer y sellar el campo deberían ser utilizados. Estén conscientes de que en cualquier momento que tengan fuertes emociones de naturaleza negativa o vibren en la depresión, sus campos temporalmente se fisurarán. Estos ataques pueden solamente agotarlos energéticamente si el campo está abierto. La energía negativa proyectada es fácilmente repelida cuando el campo aúrico está totalmente intacto. En semejante 'totalidad' la energía es rebotada de regreso a su fuente para que el emisor se ocupe. Hay una lección aquí y Queridos Seres, no sean los que envían la energía maliciosa, porque inevitablemente regresará y causará gran remordimiento. Tal es la naturaleza de la oscilación armónica de la ley.

Las religiones son frecuentemente la fuente de gran control improcedente, control a través del temor. Aún en el interior de la “Nueva Era” en sus términos, han surgido gurús y maestros espirituales cuya fama y poder los conduce a la espiral descendente del ego, auto-engrandecimiento y control. El sendero de liderazgo y poder inevitablemente separa y uno puede ser tentado a ciegas para tomar el sendero de avaricia y poder por sobre el amor. Es parte de la lección y muchos han caído en tales trampas del ego. Cuando esto ocurre ellos se convierten en 'tomadores de energía'. Esa es la razón por la que ustedes nunca deberían seguir a ciegas a algún líder o canal. Más bien usen el discernimiento y sintonicen con su propia Divinidad. Cuando se convierten en una parte de alguna “consciencia grupal”, y luego deciden liberarse, existe un tirón natural del “colectivo” para traerlos de regreso, y como tal forma de ataque de energía, en sus palabras, esto ocurre, especialmente en colectivos posesivos que trabajan reclutando a sus seguidores.

Pregunta a Metatrón: Usted mencionó combinaciones de gemas específicas para fortalecer el campo aúrico. Puede darnos detalles sobre esto?

AA Metatrón: Este tema es vasto y llevaría todo un libro sobre el tema. Brevemente, las piedras preciosas relativas al mantenimiento y al fortalecimiento del aura son en esencia generadores conscientes benevolentes de los campos de fuerza que refuerzan y fortifican nuestros Campos Electromagnéticos individuales. Siendo cristalinos en su matriz, ellos también son diapasones que asisten en el Circuito Aúrico 13-20-33 y realmente en la formación y expansión MerKiVica.

Una combinación básica sería usar una piedra refractiva individual, tal como un diamante, granate o espinela en una mano y una de doble refracción en la otra. La mejor de refracción individual es el diamante pero necesita ser en forma óptima un solitario de por los menos 2 quilates y nos damos cuenta que tiene precios restrictivos. Los mejores sustitutos son los granates, preferentemente el verde o “demantoide” de los Montes Urales o un tipo de granate rojo-anaranjado (spessartite). Ambos proyectan el octaedro en forma cristalina. El diamante proyecta el dodecaedro y el octaedro. Si alguien puede permitírselo, una combinación de colores entre las gemas de refracción individual es lo mejor. Estas pueden intuitivamente alternarse de acuerdo a las fuerzas astrológicas y nuestros ciclos individuales. Los granates vienen prácticamente en todos los colores con la excepción del azul. La espinela viene en rosado, rojo, azul y violeta.

En términos de gemas de doble refracción para anillos, las más potentes son la esmeralda, el rubí, el zafiro, la aguamarina y la morganita. Proyectan los campos más extensos, asumiendo una medida de 3 a 5 kilates. Alternar los colores a medida que los ciclos cambian. Las variedades de turmalina, el topacio y el cuarzo tales como el ópalo, la amatista y el citrino son todas piezoeléctricas y también generadores de fuerza totalmente potentes.

El uso de las gemas no es folklore, en realidad ellas son generadoras del campo de fuerza cristalino de luz cristalina coherente. Ellas pueden aumentar nuestra vitalidad y hasta prolongar la duración de nuestra vida, particularmente cuando las utilizamos en tándem. Bien para estudiar este tópico recuerden que el cuerpo es hemisférico y bi-simétrico. Combinen las gemas con metales alrededor de ambas muñecas y el cuello. Los metales nobles tales como el oro y el platino son los más potentes. La Plata está en tercer lugar, pero totalmente benigna en su aspecto. Alternen estos. Un colgante rodeando el cuello es también recomendado. Estudien este tópico y vívanlo.


Amados Seres el ritmo del cambio se está acelerando en el sendero de la Ascensión. Cambien a medida que van aprendiendo, es la Naturaleza de Todas las Realidades. Deben ahora darse cuenta que la transición del CampoAúrico es un requisito para sostener mayor energía y para evolucionar hacia el Cuerpo de Luz Cristalino Mer-Ki-Va a través del intento y la voluntad del corazón. Ciertamente eso es ofrecido dentro de las Claves Metatrónicas y puede ser encontrado en el deseo y la meditación focalizada. El Circuito del 13-20-33 es un profundo paso en su camino hacia una realidad mayor ya la Consciencia de la Divinidad.

Yo soy Metatrón y comparto con ustedes estas VERDADES. You are loved.

Y así Es.


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Traducción al español compartiendo la Luz: Alicia Virelli, [email protected]

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