Let your beliefs go, it's time for true freedom!

  • 2018

We greet you today dear brothers.

On this special day we have come to you with kindness, love and intensity, with the purpose of activating in you what needs to be activated, but we will do so only by receiving your permission to do so.

Now everything depends on you and your desire to be telepathically and mentally agree

It is possible to carry out this activation process both at the mental level and at the heart level and even at the level of the etheric body and the emotional body, depending on the needs that each of you presents. By being here right now, you are all connected to each other, which helps you in your preparation to live the incarnation of your Light fully, as well as the incarnation of your Souls.

We have told you on numerous occasions, it is necessary and of great importance that you leave each of your beliefs, since they do not allow your souls to shine in the way they should. These beliefs incite the duality between what they think they are and what they really are, between what they consider to be normal within the Earth and what really is the true universal and only truth of their Souls .

Although intellectually, in consciousness, a large part of you have managed to evolve and wake up, the truth is that today, this activation aims to help you eliminate and completely get rid of those bad habits, trends and reflexes generated as a result of those beliefs that they still hold. For example, you are currently aware that fear causes within your lives, that which you are so afraid of, however, there is a reflection within you, which emanates fear in one or another circumstance and that help we give you on this day, he is there in order to have the opportunity to live the present moment more.

They will do this through greater emanation of their Spiritual Light, and with a total faith about life.

Everything that they judge as negative within the Earth, regardless of whether they are emotions, words, creations, situations, etc., is only about earthly experiences, so they are perfectly free to say: “These experiences have ceased to be convenient for me and I don't want to live them anymore . ” In this way, those beliefs that have prompted you about these experiences will disappear and immediately begin to emanate the Power of the inner Light that is in all of you, which are closely linked to your Faith by creating a new path to the ascension of the spirit.

Through the union that is creating this message, we announce to you the purpose of this activation process, through which you will have the opportunity to consciously affirm that you no longer require any of those absurd beliefs.

Welcome to activation

As you can understand now, those releases that they experience internally, as time passes, join with greater speed. It is possible that many have not had a break between one release and another, which can cause some dissatisfaction and discomfort, as well as pain and exhaustion. But you must understand that all these sensations are due to the fact that it is not convenient for you, to anchor again to the old beliefs that governed your being and the more consciously accept that these delay you, the easier you can travel the path of evolution towards Absolute freedom.

Now we say goodbye by inviting them to accept the process of activation and elimination of beliefs.

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