Full Moon of Cancer 2010 astrosign "The Work of the Moon, 3: The Magic of the Moon

  • 2010
Table of Contents hide 1 Sun and Moon 2 Fertilizing and Germinating 3 The Lunar Mind 4 Lunar Magic Light 5

The water sign of Cancer represents the reflection of the Sun in matter. The principle that reflects is the Moon, the ruler of Cancer. The Moon represents the light in the dark, the light of subjectivity. She allows us to merge with the higher planes. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is: "The Work of the Moon, 3: The Magic of the Moon."

Sun and moon

The scriptures say: “The background of consciousness cannot be defined; it has no form or name. ”It is like the dream where there is no consciousness or thought. The "I AM", the individual existence, emerges when we wake up. Its symbol is number 1 and the circle with a dot in the center while the bottom, THAT is symbolized by 0. When we cut the circle horizontally, we get two semicircles. The upper semicircle represents “I AM, the conscience, the lower one, for its reflection in objectivity, in the mind. Our minds are the mirror for consciousness; They are like a sea in which the sun is reflected. Consciousness is number 1, number 2 is its reflection.

The Sun is pure fire as the being, the "I AM", which is an image of the Sun. The lunar principle reflects this light through the mind. When we say "moon" we think of the moon we see in the sky, but this Earth satellite is only a vehicle of the lunar principle because it reflects the sun's rays towards the earth. Not only the moon is moon, but also the sun. It receives from the central sun and then redistributes to the solar system. The Mother of the World also receives to distribute. Both creation and ourselves remain in balance through giving and receiving.

Our original being is stable and permanent; The reflex is unstable and suffers from fluctuations. Everything that is located in our bodies below the diaphragm is the reflected part of being. For the average human being, the diaphragm is the seat of the mind that continues to bring us things of objectivity and thoughts related to them.

The being, the sun, expresses itself through the lunar principle, the mind and the causal body. For all our actions there is a cause, a reason in the mind based on the intellect. Where there is no reason, it goes beyond the intellect. Every time a cause colors the being, it cannot shine with its pure light. When we rise to the eyebrows and act based on our consciousness, but not on the mind, a point of tension is created, a bridge that connects the pituitary gland and the pineal gland and thus the sun consciously enters our system. In this way we overcome the entanglements of emotional and mental worlds and we are beyond them.

We find in us the solar principle as the radiating center of consciousness, the lunar principle as the soul or the mind and the material principle as our physical bodies, the earth. The movement of the earth, the moon and the sun cause the various moon phases that are shown in the human mind through a change of moods. Our sympathies and antipathies are like the rising and falling phases of the moon. The attraction and repulsion correspond to the full moon and the new moon that also cause the ebb and flow of the oceans.

Fertilizing and Germinating

While our minds are oriented to the intellect this is related to the ebb and flow in mental and astral matter. Therefore we also experience various moods at different times. We live in the world that is a reflection and we are tied to the patterns of our thinking. What we do, consolidates our thinking models, is a vicious circle of thought and action - action and thought, which binds us. Therefore it is said that the moon causes the circular path of birth and rebirth. The cause of rebirth is the seeds of memory of previous experiences stored in the mind, and these seeds germinate again in the new life. The moon drives the descent of souls and sends them back to earth through their rays, while the sun keeps the soul living through death and birth.

All germination, fertilization and fertility activities have to do with the moon. She stimulates reproduction on the physical plane, so that species can multiply. The moon is the lord of the night; therefore, it is the nights and not the days, the important ones for reproduction. She governs the receptive consciousness and also the woman's fertility cycle can be attributed to the lunar cycle of about 28 days through the twelve signs of the zodiac. The moon governs the growth of plants, while the sun's rays provide them with nutrients. During the growing phases of the Moon, the branches, flowers and fruits of plants are stimulated. For this reason, gardeners and farmers sow when the moon begins to grow. However, plants whose fleshy parts develop under the ground must be sown at the beginning of the decreasing moon phases.

In astrology, the moon represents the mother, while the sun represents the father. While the sun's energy is a martial energy and governs particularly in Aries, the lunar energy is soft and makes us tender. The house of the moon, Cancer, makes us experience peace and internal transformation.

The Moon Mind

The lunar mind waits so that it can receive; It is like a lotus that waits at dawn to receive the sun's rays. A man with a strong lunar energy simply waits for all the good things that will come. All meditative work is a work of the moon and not of the sun. Because through direct meditation, we align the mirror of our mind with the divinity to reflect it in us. All exercises to refine and purify the body respond to this purpose. Mentally ill people cannot properly receive the light in themselves, their mirror is distorted and cannot reflect either from outside of objectivity or subjectivity.

The lunar mind always has the sensation that divinity cannot reach by itself. But divinity can easily reach the lunar mind. It is easier for the sun's ray to reach the lotus, for the lotus to rise towards the sun.

The lunar mind has no logic, no reasons, but it has sensations. All our logic, reasons and tests do not satisfy a lunar mind. A female mind can feel things. A logical mind needs a base to feel something. Statistics, papers etc. They are based on intellect. The intellect can express thousands of controversies, but it will not succeed to convince a person who intuitively knows that his doubts are correct, but he has no proof of being correct.

Lunar Magic Light

The moonlight is mystical, it shines flora and fauna with a magical charm. Show things and, nonetheless, watch them. The lunar energy is magical in the sense that we understand a person and, nevertheless, we cannot understand him. Something remains hidden, which makes the person attractive. The moonlight allows mysterious transformations and experiences in the depths of our being that are not there during the day with the burning sun. All divine experiences or initiations occur during the night; For a yogi, the night is the day. The Moon heals and has magnetic currents through which we can heal.

Some say the moon is a dead planet. This is a fact at a certain stage of consciousness and acts as an illusion before achieving the appropriate stage of the seer. The reason why the moon is considered to be a dead planet, according to the teachings of wisdom, is that the Moon was the previous earth and that in the formation of this earth, the souls were directed from that celestial body towards our planet. Thus, the moon is an empty house, from the point of view of the living beings of the earth, but the house is used for many other purposes. Thus, the moon is a mediator for the energies of Venus, Uranus and Neptune. It is a misconception that the moon has been cast over our land.

The full moon of Cancer is celebrated as the most sublime day to experience the presence of the Master. With the help of the right teacher, the light of the soul can easily become bright. The teacher can be for us like the sun whose fire is hard to bear. When he approaches us through the Moon, his energy is so attractive that we leave him no more. Then the teacher for us becomes Jupiter, which brings the expansion of consciousness. That is why it is said that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. It is said that the teacher has cat eyes because he sees his disciples better during the night than during the day. In Krishna's stories it is also said that he always comes at midnight and the magic of his flute music sounds in the light of the full moon to absorb souls in the divinity.

Sources: KP Kumar: Uranus / Seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. (www.worldteachertrust.org).

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