The Spiritual Guardians Channeling of 19.02.1988.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Nations are divorced from their mystical aspects. 2 Many times it is the Guardian himself who asks for interference from the Hierarchy. 3 The lack of knowledge of the esoteric or occult sciences is also at the base of the problems that have afflicted humanity. 4 Turning their backs on them and climbing into private paradises is an act of lack of love and wisdom, which would be contrary to the evolution that these enlightened souls reached. 5 The new designated soul expects the other soul to finish its work, starting to work and helping the one still in office, and under its guidelines, until it concludes its missions.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

Nations are divorced from their mystical aspects.

Every nation, every town has a Main Guide Spirit, with its own mysticism. He is a Principal Spiritual Guardian of a nation that has the purpose of bringing all beings that evolve under the protection of a nation, to Full Freedom, with much balance and harmony, so that peace, love, wisdom and fraternity reign among all with much happiness.

This Guardian does not belong to any mystical institution, religion or sect. It is generally a being of the Angelic evolutionary line that, incarnating high Principles, protects the nation and the people.

If the rulers of the nations of the Earth were aware and knew how to get in touch with these high Guardians, hearing their advice and information, everything would be different on the surface of the Earth.

The Hidden Hierarchy, when it needs to interfere in a nation, previously consults the Spiritual Guardian of it.

Many times it is the Guardian himself who asks for interference from the Hierarchy.

He acts as a silent vigilant of the Great Planetary Hierarchy, so that the Great Plan (or the Great Work) is fulfilled. There is a global development plan that must be followed and applied, because evolution does not move to the taste of the wind; On the contrary, it has goals to achieve, goals to achieve.

Disorder, anarchy and indiscipline only exist in the human being. In nature and in the universe everything is order and discipline. It seems sometimes that nature and the universe are disorderly: it is all apparent, because what the human being can call disorder, order may be for Natural Laws, since not always the criteria and values ​​of man correspond to the laws of realities and universal truths.

Nature and the universe have their own laws, their own values ​​and their own criteria . Generally, human beings are unaware of these processes, still hidden and incomprehensible to the human mind.

Much of the chaos and disorder - which today in the human world - comes from ignorance of the hidden Laws that represent general evolution.

The Great Planetary Hidden Hierarchy is governed by Enlightened and Perfect Souls in relation to the Earth, whose function is to apply and enforce Universal Hidden Laws, so that the overall planetary evolution can develop with equilibrium, harmony and full freedom, so that all evolving beings on planet Earth can reach their highest rates of expression and manifestation, so that universal evolution can follow the directions established by the Cosmic Beings.

The lack of knowledge of esoteric or occult sciences is also at the base of the problems that have afflicted humanity.

Religious syncretism, using dogmatic and very orthodox processes -like mental blindness-, to exercise temporal power for the benefit of some, has prevented liberal ideas (and mainly esoteric and spiritual ones) old and false taboos and ideas proliferate and tear down, to put each one's soul in command of human operations, gando breaking the veils that conceal the truth, still hidden, of things visible and invisible.

This will bring to the knowledge of all a Great Brotherhood of beings who, wrapped by the most beautiful principles of universal love, justice, peace and Greater Light, following the Universal Hidden Laws, joined together to voluntarily help The human evolution.

It is illusory to think that a soul, in its passage through the Earth, has reached a great state of human perfection, a high degree of wisdom and spirituality, after its physical death throw everything out and stay in an imaginary paradise, leaving other souls he loves delivered to his own fate, suffering and feeling in the darkness of his human senses.

Turning their backs on and climbing to particular places is an act of lack of love and wisdom, which would be contrary to the evolution that these enlightened souls reached.

The fact of not knowing where those souls go and what they do, does not give you the right to affirm that they do not work actively after their physical death, or that they no longer exist. It is precisely the union of the major consciences of these souls (uniting all their energies and all their wisdoms), which forms the body of manifestation of what we call Great Hidden Hierarchy, Great White Fraternity, or even, the Hidden Government of the World .

There are several names to designate this great group of souls who look for the general evolution of the Earth, for great love of humanity. We are not going to give names (although many already know a part of human beings), because names are labels, therefore, secondary. In the Great Hidden Hierarchy there are multiple departments, if we can call it, and in their administration there are the most appropriate and experienced souls for each Era, for each Cycle, for each work.

There is no dispute over charges. The occupant of each position is aware that his position is temporary and that he is there to serve.

When a soul with more experience in a certain function arises , she is appointed to occupy the position of another who is finishing the missions for which she was entrusted, and this can last hundreds or thousands of years.

The new designated soul expects the other soul to finish its work, starting to work and helping the one still in office, and under its guidelines, until it concludes its missions.

The processes used by the occupant of each position, to manage their departments, has little to do with the methods used by human beings. Everything is based on universal love and respect for Universal Hidden Laws. All act according to the collectivity, the benefit and the acceleration of the individual and collective evolution of humanity and the planet.

You can perceive that the body of souls that serves in the Great Occult Hierarchy of the Planet is composed of those souls that managed to reach the maximum expression of their evolutions, when they went through incarnations on Earth .

Names do not matter, because all functions and departments are important. The function of each one is important for the good performance of the function of the other and they all work in a Perfect Union, in a great loving unit.

Master Zanon (Also known as Master Jupiter) 02/19/1988.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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