Do you know the wonderful Soul Sync Meditation?

  • 2019

Today, all of us, surely, have ever heard about meditation, but nonetheless very few of us know the real meaning of what the word conceptually entails. Likewise, in the case that we deeply know its theoretical meaning, we know very little about its practice. Little or nothing our body knows, each of our cells and even our mind of what meditation means.

That is why, today I bring you an extremely beautiful and humbly simple meditation, which will take you only fifteen minutes to do. And if you are from Latin America, through the social network of Facebook (below I leave the link), you can be guided live, free, by loving people, at eight am.

In the case of living in another part of our wonderful planet, or not being able to be online at that time, you can see it uploaded on the page, later detailed, at any time of the day.

The wonderful and extraordinary thing about practicing this meditation or any meditation that you are doing or are planning to do is that it connects you with your being, your soul, your own body . Yes, your own body because today, for various reasons, we live automatically and therefore our body is anesthetized.

That is why when you go on vacation, and your body relaxes, you begin to feel all the contractures, physical pains, discomforts etc. that were not announced before. The body is your home, real and material, more important.

It is your temple, your vehicle, your most precious suit to walk through this world, in this life, in this dimension. Take care of him.

It is necessary that more and more, we return to the simple, we return nothing more or nothing less than ourselves. Take two minutes and feel your breath. I felt your feet on the floor, I felt your breath come and go through your nostrils, I felt what your body tells you, not with the mind, if with the sensations, with the heart.

The plus of practicing this meditation or anyone that your heart feels comfortable will help you manifest your intentions because when the peace of your body, your soul and your mind align, the desires of the soul will be materialized .

It is not that the house of your dreams, the car or the silver will come from one day to the next without doing anything (or maybe yes, the possibilities of the universe are endless), but you will be much more attentive to the immense opportunities that the life gives you to reach your goal faster.

Your perception, soul and body will all be aligned to the same objective therefore all the senses, all the systems of your body will see and take the possibilities that before by the general anesthesia that you had given (to survive the day to day, or because thus you learned or chose it), they couldn't see.

So I don't ask you to believe me, just to experience it, if you choose, and then tell me. The only sine qua non condition, so that you can see the benefits with the eyes of your body, is that you be constant, there is no other secret. Try to practice it three months in a row and you will see the wonders happen in you.

The plus of practicing this meditation or whatever your heart feels comfortable will help you manifest your intentions because when the peace of your body, your soul and your mind align, the desires of the soul will be materialized.

Soul Sync meditation

So we are going to start by taking deep breaths through the nose to achieve calmness of mind.

In this way, we will try to make the breaths be 1; 2 that means that when we inhale we count 1-2-3 and when exhaling we count 1-2-3-4-5-6 that is the exhalation lasts twice as long of time that the inhalation.

This way of inhaling and exhaling is called: conscious breathing . (Keep in mind that the breaths both when inhaling and when exhaling we do it through the nose ).

Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 we will do it with the hands resting on the knees with the palm facing up and in this way we will be counting on each of the fingers, supporting each of them, one at a time, on the thumb.

Step 1 of Soul Sync Meditation

We perform 8 conscious breaths (With the hands on the knees, we are counting the eight breaths, that is, on the first breath my index finger will be touching the thumb, when I finish performing the first breath, and I feel prepared for the second breath, I carry the next finger, in this case the middle finger, to the thumb, counting in this way as the second breath, so with each finger, until we reach eight breaths. That is, each finger will be touched by the thumb, twice)

Step 2 of Soul Sync Meditation

We perform 8 conscious breaths and when exhaling with our mouths closed we make the sound of a humming mmmmmmmmm, as if it were the hum of a bee, which echoes in our head.

(With my hands on my knees, we are counting the eight breaths, that is, on the first breath my index finger will be touching the thumb, when I finish the first breath, and I feel prepared for the second breath, I wear the next finger, in this case the middle finger, to the thumb, counting in this way as the second breath, thus with each finger, until reaching eight breaths. That is, each finger will be touched by the thumb, twice)

Step 3 of Soul Sync Meditation

We perform 8 conscious breaths and, the important thing is that, we pay special attention at the moment the inhalation ends and the exhalation begins, those seconds that remain between them, which occurs naturally, are not induced by us .

(With my hands on my knees, we are counting the eight breaths, that is, on the first breath my index finger will be touching the thumb, when I finish the first breath, and I feel prepared for the second breath, I wear the next finger, in this case the middle finger, to the thumb, counting in this way as the second breath, thus with each finger, until reaching eight breaths. That is, each finger will be touched by the thumb, twice)

Step 4 of Soul Sync Meditation

We perform 8 conscious breaths and on the exhale we sing the mantra * aham * (aaaaahammmmm) internally.

(With my hands on my knees, we are counting the eight breaths, that is, on the first breath my index finger will be touching the thumb, when I finish the first breath, and I feel prepared for the second breath, I wear the next finger, in this case the middle finger, to the thumb, counting in this way as the second breath, thus with each finger, until reaching eight breaths. That is, each finger will be touched by the thumb, twice)

Step 5 of the Soul Sync Meditation

We relax the hands, rest on the knees and touch the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb and maintain, during this whole phase, that position with the palm of the hand facing up. (We will no longer touch each of the fingers with the thumb)

Once our index finger is in contact with the thumb, we feel or visualize our limited being expanding into the Cosmic Being.

We imagine our body and all things around us dissolve in Golden Light, in a golden sea of ​​infinite possibilities .

Without borders, without limitations, in the unlimited feeling of Consciousness . This is an unlimited feeling of endless possibilities.

Step 6 of Soul Sync Meditation

We draw a smile on our face. We take an intention for the fulfillment of any desire, for the manifestation of any intention that we may have in our heart and soul.

We visualize and feel as if that is happening right now. A feeling of total fulfillment and joy . We feel in our hearts that wish fulfilled, we appreciate.

Finally, when you feel you are ready, we take three conscious breaths and can slowly and gently open our eyes .

Here you can meditate online from Monday to Friday at 8 am, Argentine time.

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Author : GS, Editor and Translator of the Great Family of

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