The Awakening ... Deep in Our Interior by Judith Kusel

  • 2014

The awakening of consciousness is the true movement of the highest energy fields to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of humanity and the planet Earth at multiple levels and in different forms.

When one thinks about energy, one has to understand that in essence all energy is composed of tiny particles of light that vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore, the new energy now operates at multiple levels, and it is color and sound. Both combine to form the core of the new technology that will become the way of life in the New Golden Age.

First of all, so that we can access and use this energy and the energy fields are optimally released, we have to wake up from deep within ourselves because in reality WE ARE pure energy - our bodies are pure energy, and the Earth is pure energy. In the 3D world this energy is slow and very dense, and now that we are moving towards the new dimension this energy is lightening and becoming less dense. This is because the light quotient levels are rising, and therefore we are able to absorb higher frequencies, etc.

Our greatest source of energy absorption comes from two main forms or structures in the body: the energy chakras or wheels, and the 33 vertebrae of our spine. The other energy fields are there in the crown of our head, in the center of the heart, and in the 'bowl' of the coccis. When all of them function as a single unit, it is then that we can raise our vibrations to such a conscious state that we can easily teleport, levitate and thus live only from prana or life force.

Yogis in the Himalayas have done this for thousands of years, so it's really nothing new - it's just that we've forgotten vital components of how to do it.

I was listening to someone touching the Tibetan crystal bowls, from the oldest to the youngest, and I could feel the energy vibrating through my whole body. As each basin game was harmonized / tuned to a certain tone, this tone then had the most serious or highest tones, and all within a single note that was either A, D, E, F or whatever, and each of them was harmonized / tuned to the chakras in question. As this happened, I noticed that my entire spine was reverberating because the spine is a huge fingerboard, and through this incredible instrument is how the lighting happens, in tune with the chakras wheels. Notice the word HARMONIZATION / TUNING, for that is certainly what it is.

At that moment I understood that we are like a violin - and that the Master musician has to harmonize / tune us so that we vibrate exactly to the correct tone or string or musical note. If a single string played on this violin is not perfectly harmonized / tuned, the Master cannot play beautiful and deep music as a single string out of tune will add a discordant sound.

It is inherent in man to be in any way discordant but we are made of the same stardust from which the Universe and all Creation were formed. Consequently, within ourselves we have the music of the spheres. It is a matter of rearranging and being remembered by the highest energies so that we can finally claim our cosmic heritage and turn and grow in perfect harmony with the rest of the Cosmos.

And yet, in essence, this is a very personal thing. Although we can ask other people to align our own energy centers, as long as something inside us is not in harmony, until we do our inner cleaning and clearing work, we will not be in harmony.

What most clogs our energy systems is all the emotional scum that we tend to accumulate and carry everywhere with us. Some of this comes from many lives and multiple existences.

Every time we cling to anger or pain or nurture resentment or discord and blame ourselves and each other, we clog our systems, and drains get blocked when too much scum accumulates in them.

Sometimes these resentments and feelings of guilt are carried from generation to generation, which blocks all our DNA and ancestral lines.

In places where there have been wars or intense trauma, that collective pain remains there for thousands of years after it has happened. I have been on battlefields and the trauma was palpable. Such collective trauma clogs the Earth's energy fields and they need to be released.

In essence, raising awareness is a responsibility and a personal search. No one of us has had the same awakening nor the same initiations and this is a very unique and special experience of each individual being. There are many levels of awakening and many levels of consciousness. Each one his own - this is what makes us unique and special, and yet a part and particle of the greater Totality.

However, as each of us consciously awakens and clears our energy systems and consciously works for the greater good of the Totality, then we affect the level of consciousness all around. One has an impact on many, and the more one works with the many, the more one becomes the many, and one becomes a powerful catalyst for change.

Never underestimate your own power to make changes. Perhaps they are not even aware that they are impacting the lives of others, and that they are doing it in their own way. Not all of us are destined to be leaders in a society a large number of evolved beings chose to incarnate and lead ordinary lives, and do this work in total darkness. Not always those who make the biggest noise have the most powerful effect on society. Changes come more frequently from the unknown and from the few.

In the largest cosmic sea, each of the beings is validated and each of the beings is deserving in its own right.

Never underestimate the power of the ONE, for here applies the Law of the One and the Many.

Just as a single cell in your body has a repercussion effect on all other cells, just as its presence causes a repercussion effect somewhere and somehow here. on the planet whether they are aware of it or not.

This is the time of the awakening of the masses.

Many of us have already gone through severe difficulties and returned again, and now we are entering greater maturity as beings so that we can lead others. This does not mean that we can leave the internal work, it merely means that we have found a kind of peace and inner balance that will help us to pass through the next years, until 2024 when the Golden Age is truly anchored and at multiple levels.

As with everything, there will be massive changes on Earth and changes in society by then. It is up to us to hold the Light firmly, and step forward and truly go out on mission.

(Judith Kusel)

The Awakening ... Deep in Our Interior by Judith Kusel

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