What are Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry?

  • 2015

The Platonic solids come from the time of Greece and they have reference to them that the first one they found was in the year 2000 BC These were made of mud, so people thought that were part of a game or that were used for decoration.

They are called Plainsic Solids to honor Plato, a great Greek philosopher, and who is said to study them for the first time. But these solids are also called in different ways since after Plain they were studied by more scientists and who placed their names; An example of many would be that they are also called Pythagorean solids because I also study Pythagoras.

Platonic solids or also called regular polyhedra, are five (5), CUBE, ICOSAEDRO, TETRAEDRO, OCTAEDRO, AND DODECAEDRO. And it is important to know that the prefixes of these words that are: Icosa, Tetra, Octa and Dodeca are those that indicate the number of polygons or faces that form the body of these forms.

These solids are forms that are fully balanced and all their angles are perfectly equal, as well as their sides; that is, they all measure the same and the most important about them is that they all fit on the sphere that is the universal matrix.

We can also define them as perfect because all their edges, faces and angles are equal.

Below I describe each of them and what they represent.

Platonic solids.
  • CUBE : This has 12 edges or lines, 6 faces that are square and 8 vertices. These vertices represent the hidden of the natural universe-

This form means or represents what is born of nature.

  • ICOSAEDRO: This shape has 20 triangular faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices. The latter represent water care.

This form means life, the universe and everything masculine.

  • TETRAEDRO: This has the shape of a triangle that contains a base and represents the consciousness of fire. This figure has 6 edges, 4 vertices and 4 triangular faces.

This form represents wisdom, and represents this since the fire that is the first element is sacred.

  • The DODECAEDER: This form has 20 vertices, 30 edges and 12 pentagonal sides.

This form represents the feminine and the power they have for creation and the mother form. In addition to representing the fifth element.

  • The Octahedron: This shape has 8 triangular faces, 6 vertices and 12 edges.

This form represents the air as well as the perfection of matter as regards the spirit.

The 5 Platonic solids form part of the sacred geometry together with the circle and the spiral. Sacred geometry is what contains the energy models of our life.

Sacred geometry is the group of all knowledge, traditions and even hypotheses that are used for the construction of all that are religious structures such as temples and cathedrals. We can also define it as, it is the one that is in charge of studying patterns as a source of life, matter and spirit. It is sacred geometry is the beginning of all forms and it is they who help us understand who we are from where we come from and of course, where we are going.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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