Children should start their learning processes in nature, not in the classroom

  • 2017

Currently, neuroscience and childhood neuroeducation have evolved in the study of the necessary ingredients for the beginning of learning processes in Children. Do you want to know why nature is paramount in the learning processes of Children? Why do children need to leave the classroom? I will tell you shortly. Prepare your mind, your disposition and your heart.

There is no life in Children, without learning

In Children "direct contact with the physical world is absolutely essential for the genetic codes to be turned on, and with it, the learning machinery"

The Professor of Human Physiology, Dr. Francisco Mora, says that at birth, learning is the first mechanism that is activated in Children . For this reason, "life in Children would not be viable without learning."

From birth, Children are already learning, it is about the oldest needs of human existence: eating, expressing feelings and emotions, sleeping, drinking and reproducing. Children who could not learn, or who learned poorly, would die soon . Imagine a child who does not learn to eat, will surely perish from hunger and starvation. eye! Learning is very different from being unable for biological realities and / or other different situations inherent to Children.

When Children are born, learning is the first brain device that activates . It is the mechanism that guarantees harmony to the environment and survival.

Children's brains, and mammals themselves, have a structure designed by inherited codes throughout the different evolutionary processes that excite children to learn spontaneously . These Codes are already printed in the genetic program.

Children's need for contact with the physical world

“The learning of the sensory-motor world of Children, should be extracted from direct and physical reality, and not from photographs or drawings”

In different television programs, or through physical presence, you will be able to observe the reactions and behaviors of the Children at birth; they cry, seek to feed themselves and desperately investigate contact with their mother and the new physical world around her. It makes sense the statement of Dr. Francisco Mora, stating that " direct contact with the physical world is absolutely essential for the genetic codes are turned on, and with it, the learning machinery "

It means that children from their birth learn by learning . Children cry when they are hungry, learn quickly that they must be protected and fed by their mother. We call this real example learning, supported by biological genetic codes that point to the maintenance of survival.

Children should learn directly with nature

Children could not learn anything, unless what they learn really motivates them. Hence, the need to create in our Children the real motivation full of emotion.

We should not teach our children, for example, that flowers are very beautiful and found in the fields. The task of learning would be to take it to the field, show it the flower and that he can touch it, smell it, feel it, tear it away from its petals; In addition, to observe it in the context of all other flowers, leaves, stems and sizes .

Thus, learning the sensory-motor world of Children would be extracted from direct and physical reality, and not from the photographs, drawings or appreciations of others. s people, locked in four walls without being able to know specifically what they are talking about.

In this natural and spontaneous way, the Children will never forget the apprehended teaching, they will increase the solid sensory foundations, which they would then use to create the ideas and the abstract elements.

Without a doubt, all this learning is planned by the emotional brain of the Children . Sure! For everything new, current, that goes beyond the limits of monotony, stimulates curiosity, one of the basic ingredients of emotion.

In other words, curiosity is the key that opens the door of attention, so they orchestrate with it, all the neural mechanisms with which Children learn and memorize.

Curiosity precedes attention. Children could not learn anything, unless what they learn really motivates them . Hence, the need to create in our Children the real motivation full of emotion.

In conclusion, attention is like a light reflector that illuminates and distinguishes what is in front of our Children. With this light, it is with which the Children set in motion the neural mechanisms of learning and memory, creating with this process, learning.

How is the education of your children ? Are your children captivated in a real and correct way to achieve learning ?

“Attention is like a light reflector that illuminates and distinguishes what is in front of our Children. With this light, it is with which the Children set in motion the neural mechanisms of learning and memory, creating with this process, learning ”

Author : William, Editor in the Great Family of

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